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Tagged > Time
THREAD PerceptionDoes the brain perceive the mind and vice versa?
5 Posts • 2653 Views
Psychology Forum
I dont know if this is semantical difference or ... I usually think of it as, the brain is doing the work in real time, the mind is observing and possibly adjusting the algorithms, not in real time, b...
THREAD I'm new here.
9 Posts • 3187 Views
Talk Talk
Hey Em. I'm glad to see that people like this place. I have been to a lot of other sites that weren't very good or interesting. I am hoping to make some new friends in here and just have a g...
THREAD Movie ReviewThe Butterfly Effect
19 Posts • 31774 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
i know this movie was out a long time ago, but it just came out on DVD and has an alternate ending to it. when i saw it in the theatre the first time around i thought to myself "hmm thats a messe...
THREAD FuturologyThe end of the universe
40 Posts • 18449 Views
Philosophy Forum
avnindra, I cannot endorse your proposition. Firstly, you have made the assumption that time is not finite. No such assumption can be made. Time had a beginning. It is an intrinsic component of...
THREAD Alternate Universe Theory
22 Posts • 14757 Views
Philosophy Forum
Actually, time travel still isnt possible even if you exceed the speed of light. If it takes a certain amount of time for light to travel to poiint A from point B, then if you go faster its more of a...
4 Posts • 3233 Views
Talk Talk
i dont know exactly what you can define as a "near death" experience. does certain death have to be immenent? or can you simply believe that certain death is immenent? i think the terror is...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsDoes Time Even Exist?
85 Posts • 29896 Views
Philosophy Forum
Ah god, I don't have time, but I guess if we never take time we can never actually have time.
THREAD Who pays for this forum ?
6 Posts • 6041 Views
Administrative Contact
haha I like a cup of chamomile myself :), I am not a big coffee drinker but there was this sort of indie movement that compared donating to their art by buying them a starbucks coffee for something th...
THREAD Does Time Exist?
30 Posts • 7079 Views
Philosophy Forum
if eveything stopped its motion so there are no changes (including old aging etc etc) would time no longer exist? remember motion can incude your own brain/mind occurance feeling things such as time..
THREAD giving up
4 Posts • 2443 Views
Talk Talk
i've decided to give up on relationships for now. i'm just going to be a single mother, spending all of my free time with my daughter. anyone here ever stay single for a long time? how did t...
THREAD God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33990 Views
Religion Forum
Time can also be told by day/night, and the sun. And time is absolute, as I mentioned before. I don't understand the lines dots thing. And unnatural is not natural of course, just like inhuman an...
THREAD God in ReligionWake up and discover that God never existed
48 Posts • 13387 Views
Religion Forum
There are times when im so sure God exists, its like i can feel his presence, and then theres time when ive had enough, and then its like hes not even there any more. so basically i am one messed up t...
THREAD JokesKookie's Trivia
34 Posts • 13858 Views
Jokes & Games
Now Kookie, do you know the significance of the time being 4:10 on the $100 bill? Supposedly, there is a reason, just like all clocks used to have their hands set at a certain time for a reason...
THREAD Mario Kart Tournament
3 Posts • 2363 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
This was irritating. Could not bring my time down more. The top ten started around 13 seconds but once they were all 12 seconds I gave up. My time - 15.2sec WR - 12.4sec
THREAD Chat Rooms.
16 Posts • 6243 Views
Talk Talk
we should have a "regular time" of some sort, like thursday night, 10pm mountain time... yep. :D
THREAD Does Time Exist?
30 Posts • 7079 Views
Philosophy Forum
basically yes. a bit more complex then that but the time you an i are familiar with is a social construction.... even "external time"
THREAD Christianitychristians?
110 Posts • 24289 Views
Religion Forum
what do you pray for? why does god let babies die? are for abortion or against? would you die on the cross like jesus? have you ever sacrificed something of yours for someone else? are...
THREAD PoetryOnce gone Two return
13 Posts • 6938 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Go sunshine, smile at the world Take what you wish as I become unfurled Just leave me alone and let me be I am the monster you left, the beast you'd seek We have been separate for quite somet...
THREAD PoetryEchoes
258 Posts • 67439 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
This social desent and loneliness. This tired eye and open head. Unwilling to fall asleep. Unable to look forward to dreams. Like a child. Hoping the fun's not over. To say good bye to the...
THREAD War & TerrorismFear of deployment
12 Posts • 3898 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I don't want u to go back there either but I understand u might have to. I keep hearing that Jordan is going to war on al Qaeda and I'm wondering why we aren't working together on th...
THREAD Friends, or so you thought
8 Posts • 3635 Views
Talk Talk
I guess we do become a bit jaded over time but also I must confess to becoming a better judge of character as well over time. Like Firebird's point I agree that if someone betrays you it is best...
THREAD Patience in school/college
6 Posts • 2725 Views
Talk Talk
the best way to be patient is to relax, if you are really worked up about a thing, you stop thinking clearly about it and worry, and dont do it the way you want to. if you make time for yourself even...
THREAD GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39618 Views
Philosophy Forum
I know this is a fairly old thread but this last question (by Sorceress) fascinated me so much, I had to pick it up again. I used to believe that the entire universe was a mental realm within the mind...
THREAD Fitness
20 Posts • 7036 Views
Talk Talk
Lynnz, your lucky. I just want to lose an inch before the summer. I know it's not the best time in the day to exercise, but if I don't get it during the day, I do it at night before I go to...
THREAD Plain stuipid or worthwile?HELP!
4 Posts • 3618 Views
Philosophy Forum
Hi, I have this theory that I would like to show you. Please tell me if it is worth thinking or is it just my imajination running away. Well, first of all here's my theory of how God see'...
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