Physics & CosmologyCAN WE SEE INTO THE PAST?
31 Posts • 9960 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Time will tell!
We could be living on Mars and then this earth relative to its own time reference frame will always be about 8mins (?) in the past relative to Mars. But we could go into the past b... |
28 Posts • 13992 Views Philosophy Forum |
I posted this remark about my thoughts on death in a previous thread:
"Life and death are so much more complex than we ordinarily think...and the concept of linear time with respect to life af... |
Physics & CosmologyWhat does it mean there are Four Dimensions?
57 Posts • 27194 Views Science & Technology Forum |
If you want to really understand what the "fourth dimension" is, simply study the properties of lower dimensions in relation to higher, and then take it one step further to determine the pro... |
ChristianityMITHRA! (pt. 2)
31 Posts • 9040 Views Religion Forum |
i agree with you. you shouldnt believe because i told you so. in fact, i dont think you could believe on that presidence. listen scott, i know everyone thinks i'm an idiot, and who knows, maybe t... |
Alternate Universe Theory
22 Posts • 14757 Views Philosophy Forum |
Many of the theories put forward regarding time travel such as relativity (Einstein) have been proven, for instance scientist have been able to calculate that a person gains approximetly one second of... |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
Hello Everyone!
After viewing this board all morning, I decided to join to correspond with you interesting posters.
I'm a working mother of two beautiful daughters. The oldest is 15 and wants to... |
Addicted to you
1 Posts • 1988 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Get off of my mind, get out of my head.
Im just wasting my time, God I wish I was dead.
Why can't I leave you alone, why am I so addicted to you?
How do I stop feeling this way, what do I need... |
Mind in overdrive
3 Posts • 2383 Views Talk Talk |
Recently ive been very stressed out, mentally dealing with cancer and having the fact that im not immortal thrown in my face, my minds been in over drive. Ive realised im a very anxious person, the ti... |
Reality & MetaphysicsDoes Time Even Exist?
85 Posts • 29896 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think we only percieve time because events that happen are recorded in our memory and therefore we get a notion that something has taken place in the past and something is happening now. Events are... |
DrugsTry Marijuana - you shouldn't like it.
0 Posts • 2571 Views Psychology Forum |
I think weather you like the effects on any substance depends on your personal health beforehand. If you say have a stomach disorder where you're in agonizing pain every time you try to eat, or y... |
guy trouble....
14 Posts • 6036 Views Talk Talk |
alright so i've been having trouble with this guy. i know he likes me and i definately like him. and i mean i like him ALOT. he's like the kind of guy that never gets mad at ANYTHING. the on... |
Chocie Chocie!
5 Posts • 3987 Views Talk Talk |
I am quite aware that the normal stat holiday pay is 1.5x your normal pay AND a regular day's pay, resulting in an average of 2.5 times pay that day. I have to explain this to my employees all th... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceDeja Vu-Theories
74 Posts • 39740 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Its just I don't know.. an expression I heard. It just means that if you have enough of something random (monkeys typing) and enough time (infinity) you will eventually get every possible outcome... |
Religion & HumanityAll Religions are paths to god
99 Posts • 21567 Views Religion Forum |
All religions are NOT created equally.
Look and see who founded them. If men were the founders, then they are fallible and erred.
IF all religions were equal then what would the purpose be to ha... |
Pop-Ups on this site
5 Posts • 2930 Views Talk Talk |
*angry* Is it just me or is everyone deluged with pop-ups on this site. After about 10-15 minutes the sheer quantity of business related pop-ups behind this screen drag my computer to a dead halt. I f... |
Movie ReviewThe Butterfly Effect
19 Posts • 31775 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
i have a question about this movie. i only saw it in theatres, so i saw the ending where he goes back and tells the girl he hates her. then years later he passes her on the street.
someone said the a... |
Is attachment weakness?
0 Posts • 6864 Views Philosophy Forum |
Its an ironythat time does not exist but if you will it to exist it will exist and it will exist because you are being human. You have to understand the separatness of, but at the same time the link b... |
DreamsRecurring dreams
7 Posts • 10290 Views Psychology Forum |
Hi there I'm new to this site.
I was just wondering if anyone knows what a recurring dream of being chased around an unfamiliar hospital means?
I've had the same dream 3 times within the... |
ChristianityHow the Catholic Church evolved.
40 Posts • 18265 Views Religion Forum |
OK, you might be on to something. I don't know what it is, but thats just me.
Were you aware that in the time of Constantine the Great (the Ceaser you spoke of) (who by the way did not massac... |
ChristianityWhy I Am Not A Christian
5 Posts • 3517 Views Religion Forum |
To set it in philosophical context, Russell wrote these after his magnum opus Prinipa Mathematica had won him universal fame, at at time when he had decalred that he was no longer able to deal with &q... |
Life & DeathTheories on Death
41 Posts • 51575 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hi all,
here i am gonna post my views.you agree or not can e mail me on pereen4u@hotmail.com. so what is life and wha is death?first is life. i believe that this is not first time i am some where. i... |
Physics & CosmologyIs the atom filled with matter?
26 Posts • 9094 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Interesting theory, as it would also explain the antimatter deficiency in this part of the universe, however, surely if there were areas of higher space-time density, then the background microwave rad... |
Religion & HumanityImpossible you say? It's someone's psych
8 Posts • 3811 Views Religion Forum |
The world is going to end in the 25th century. In the 2300s part of the world's population will die off from nuclear war. So we have nothing to worry about. So many people are afraid the world... |
About You / Introductionsnear death experiences.
6 Posts • 2575 Views Talk Talk |
That's weird, because mine felt more like 5-10 minutes = 10 hours. I could not think enough because I felt like time was going by so slow physically, but my mind was going a thousand miles an hou... |
God in ReligionGOD
23 Posts • 8894 Views Religion Forum |
In order to say that god sucks, you have to first beileve there is a god, and there is no such being. God did not give me life, my mother did, god did not give me a home, hard work did. God does not p... |