Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46377 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
It would be interesting to conduct large-scale experiments that measure people's sexual preferences over time and see how they change.
Also I know that there are different percentages of the p... |
Riddles & Puzzlesoh zeno and you paradoxs
11 Posts • 4579 Views Philosophy Forum |
well when you get down to it, basically everything is infinite. there are an infinite amount of infinitismal points of matter on every piece of matter. yet we cross infinity every time we move. even w... |
GovernmentBush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned paper'
8 Posts • 4562 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
malluable - I had to look that up : )
It has to be a little malluable, but it aint no Just Go**amned piece of paper.
I feel like giving up all the time and for a little while I do, then come rig... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55477 Views Philosophy Forum |
There comes a point in all philosophers life's when they grow tired of questioning "time", and "reality". In fact there comes a time when qustioning anything get's boring... |
Physics & CosmologyTime Travel possable?
9 Posts • 4351 Views Science & Technology Forum |
they say that everything in the universe bends things to a certain extent even u so they think that if u can get something that has enough mass or something that bends the universe enough that maby we... |
JokesDad's Rules For Dating His Daughter
5 Posts • 9670 Views Jokes & Games |
This is hilarious. I would add that your daughter should home at a reasonable time. Compare to a ticking time bomb and if they don't return her by the time the bomb, a.k.a you,goes off, all hell... |
About You / IntroductionsWhat's In Your Name?
92 Posts • 27098 Views Talk Talk |
Oblivion it probably my favorite word.one,because it is so rarely used.the adjective oblivious is used often,but never the noun oblivion.two,because of the definition.total nothingness.i have always b... |
So incredibly confused...
6 Posts • 2377 Views Talk Talk |
absolutely. Think about it, If you spend most of your time with one person, eventually things are going to become routine. My advice is to either go out and do something you havent done together, or t... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30360 Views Religion Forum |
^^but you do consider yourself a christian right?...why are you seperating yourself from the world? you are the world, nothing would exist to you if you weren't in it!.... And the universe is not... |
GovernmentJohn kerry out of touch with UN
59 Posts • 14071 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Everyone agrees, War is bad - People die, combatants, non- combatants, kids, animals, men, women, children, war kills. You can find the same issues from France, Germany, Poland, Hawaii, Iwo Jima, Japa... |
Age/sex make us feel different about posts?
14 Posts • 3630 Views Talk Talk |
From what I have seen on here, To me age doesn't really matter... I think I've seen ages 16-30+ posting in here and everyone from time to time seems to be well educated and "think befor... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55477 Views Philosophy Forum |
Analytical: ---"How can we waste our time speaking of such things unless our goal is to do something else. Define wasting time.."
-------------- ------------------------------ -------------... |
Relationships & LoveGetting Ditched
11 Posts • 12823 Views Psychology Forum |
jezzer_meyou should get some new friends but dont just go for one main one make friends with a group of people remember they like you and you dont have to be with them all the time
they wont forget a... |
Time and Absolute Zero
52 Posts • 13613 Views Philosophy Forum |
lastresort, ice has less density than water because of the shape of the molecule and the way each water molecule interacts with other water molecules. The same reason why water at room temperature sho... |
how do u stop hating someone you love?
9 Posts • 13555 Views Talk Talk |
They gave you herpes by cheating on you, yes no? Ah love.
If you are only 19, the easiest answer is to dump the dick. But, since you obviously didn't make that decision you apparently have som... |
Reality & MetaphysicsTime, existence, and reality
25 Posts • 9500 Views Philosophy Forum |
I will attempt to answer your question as concisely and accurately as I am able. First, though, I want to thank you for your lucid replies. Exchanges such as this are not only someth... |
Life & DeathBefore, During, After life...Time Theory
7 Posts • 4885 Views Philosophy Forum |
I've been racking my brain trying to remember where I heard this, but supposedly during one of the early orbital experiments, the astronauts took a small atomic clock with them, matched perfectly to a... |
GovernmentKatrina and Bush
0 Posts • 3964 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
the people with cars were out of danger in plenty of time. a bus is esentially a huge car. there was no reason why they couldn't have gotten those people out of there in time. and even if the cit... |
Relationships & Lovedealing?
3 Posts • 2229 Views Psychology Forum |
What you need to do is become more effective at discovering the real and absolute truth behind the issue at hand. It's easy to waste a lot of time hypothesizing what could be or what might have b... |
Does time really heal?
21 Posts • 8051 Views Philosophy Forum |
i dont think time actually heals, our brains understand that traumatic experiences are just that, traumatic, and forces us to have a distorted view or memory of the event (such as woman giving birth,... |
Need to cheer her up and get posotive?
5 Posts • 5927 Views Talk Talk |
Best thing to do is remember why you got together with her in the first place. Find those things about her that make her more special than any other girl you've had or could have. Try something n... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousBecoming Me
3 Posts • 2607 Views Psychology Forum |
Yeah, if you click on my avatar it should take you to my profile page. On that page under my recent posts on the left side you should see a small button that says all my posts.
I have been a member h... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
If we wanted to be God's Country or People, you think maybe we can take care of God's earth? God might just look down and say, "well what do you know, they're finally doing what I... |
Emotions & Feelingsanger
10 Posts • 3332 Views Psychology Forum |
Last year I was a senior in high school, and i would get mad entirely too easily. At one point i was so mad i needed to let it out and i almost broke my hand punching a metal pole. I wouldn't sug... |
DepressionLoss of Passion
9 Posts • 7193 Views Psychology Forum |
i know where u are coming from, i've had the same gf for 2 1/2 years so as expected there isnt the same mad excitement at seeing each other every time we do, its gotten to the point where we expe... |