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Tagged > Time
THREAD Habits & Behaviorcan't cry anymore
12 Posts • 32386 Views
Psychology Forum
I love how chained wings answered this one. I realized a few years ago that the only thing that crying does is help you feel better sometimes. I think most of the reason for that is that it exhausts y...
THREAD DreamsDreaming in Focus...
1 Posts • 2592 Views
Psychology Forum
When you sleep or when you imagine something, do you see it in focus? This question is particularly relevant to me as I am short-sighted... Although some dreams are based on experience and I tend to...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorMy thoughts on Hallmark...not really but they're involved
3 Posts • 2761 Views
Psychology Forum
All cards I get go to the recylce bin the next day. I personally tfeel that cards are a waiste of time and money. It has been along time since I have bought a card for someon. I also actaully pref...
THREAD Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Conscious and Unconscious Duality
13 Posts • 3616 Views
Psychology Forum
Not quite sure which of my experiences to share here. I have had some pretty scary dreams where in my dream I have woken up (thinking I am awakw) but actually still in my dream I have got up, gone to...
THREAD Society & SociologyThe world today.
15 Posts • 3501 Views
Psychology Forum
Here's an interesting little thought for you to play with... What if...instead of being on the inside of yourself looking outside at the world, you were actually on the outside looking in on y...
THREAD Society & SociologyAttorneys
6 Posts • 3663 Views
Psychology Forum
Middle of the month and No CHILD SUPPORT. Wow, did you know that in Texas they will take your Driver's License, and/ or give you jail time for not paying child support? I was informed by the p...
8 Posts • 3200 Views
Philosophy Forum
You'll live longer.. Too many people spend so much of their time and energy sweating over meaningless things that they completely lose touch with the magic and beauty of life. It's like eve...
THREAD GovernmentThe meaning of democracy
65 Posts • 34215 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Bad, bad words!!! for the second time I have lost over an hours work on a post, by being timed out. I am so pissed by loosing the work I put into post, that I seriously need to walk my dog, and to con...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionMedication for depression?
25 Posts • 13224 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
I can agree with some of that; the brain is a big mystery in my opinion. The fact is though, there are alot of cases of depression that require drugs. Bi-Polar disorder sufferers without the medicatio...
THREAD Hi my name is Line Morrissette (Line) is a french name)
2 Posts • 3225 Views
Talk Talk
i am a french woman , i'm 41 going on 42 in july, i am a single woman with a 17 year old boy ....i like to spend time outside, walking, i also enjoy watching a few movies three times a week other...
THREAD whats ur occupation?
2 Posts • 3055 Views
Talk Talk
i have been on undergrounds for quite some time, and i am curious to find out what everyone's career is or future plans are? I am student (senior) waiting for graduation so that i can go to u...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views
Talk Talk
We use to live in Medicine Bow, well the last time. But we have lived in Cheyenne, and Laramie as well. I really miss the snow!!!! We now reside in Red River, Texas it is a small town also and the kid...
THREAD grandfather theory
6 Posts • 4422 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Going back in time means that time doesn't pass but exists as a parallel. If you can move along the parallel, both forward and backwards it means that time is not a parallel line but a plane. On...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainHow is our focus
9 Posts • 3732 Views
Psychology Forum
hmm i'm not sure what exactly you're talking about if you're talking about how many things you can be aware of at the same time, then i don't think "focus" is the right...
THREAD Music VideosSongs That Make You Cry
5 Posts • 4798 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
The only song that gets me crying every single time is 'Daddy's Angel' by Anthony Carter. The story behind it is, I was planning to get married last year and my father got extremely ill...
THREAD Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 38020 Views
Psychology Forum
im saying that i dont care how people dress, its their choice, an their choice alone I dress like a goth, all black all the time, people come up to me and say offensive things to me all the time, j...
THREAD PoetryEchoes
258 Posts • 67439 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
there is a creature in this room a "thing" its not ticking its not poking its just fucking sitting there what is it even doing?..... i know what its doing. its always doing the same...
THREAD GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39619 Views
Philosophy Forum
I like your point that light cant experience time but time itself can only be perseived by a consious mind... If anything light is time, if you moved faster than the speed of light in a circle you wou...
THREAD Age and time
7 Posts • 2890 Views
Psychology Forum
If you could somehow fit a million experiences into the span of 5 minutes, I imagine it would feel like a much larger amount of time - maybe a month? a year? Here's what I think. Over time peo...
THREAD Alternate Universe Theory
22 Posts • 14757 Views
Philosophy Forum
i want to know how you guys know if it is possible to go back in time... 1. none of you guys as far as i know are not rocket scientists and 2. how can u know if it is possible if it has never been pro...
THREAD GovernmentJohn kerry out of touch with UN
59 Posts • 14071 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Sorry, but we are the greatest benevolent nation on earth and for that matter, of all time. It is "they" who are interpreting our actions as arrogant more than our acting arrogant. Ahh . . ....
THREAD Physics & CosmologyTime Travel possable?
9 Posts • 4351 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I tend to agree with Angel Of Death An infinte amount of alternate Realities, also if you could jump forward over then bend whats stopping you from jumping backward? my mode of thought tends to lea...
THREAD There will never be a timemachine.
32 Posts • 9075 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think this because, if it was to exist, it would already exist. I think that humans would be smart enough to travel back in time and teach early man the knowledge of today ( or the knowledge of the...
THREAD God in ReligionOkay...Why should I Fear God?
53 Posts • 11509 Views
Religion Forum
Christianity and Catholisism is probably the most laughable religions ever constructed. they're so dead set on their "10 comandments" yet every single one of them can't follow...
THREAD HinduismSexism within Hinduism
6 Posts • 16365 Views
Religion Forum
With respect to the manu smriti, let me first explain that this is a smriti , and not a Shruti. The Shruti are the eternal spiritual teachings in the Vedas, while the Smritis are social customs cre...
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