That's weird, because mine felt more like 5-10 minutes = 10 hours. I could not think enough because I felt like time was going by so slow physically, but my mind was going a thousand miles an hour, so to speak x_____x!!!!.. I was perceiving it in a third person perspective but at the same time It felt like first person too... a weird feeling.
It was kind of a bitter sweet thing in the end... I actually did just want to push myself further and end it because it was so agonizing lying there for 6 hours ( that felt like an ETERNITY ) But at the same time, I had all that time to think about my life, and I mean everythingggg about my life, and ever since I have had this feeling like I got to evaluate-change-and cherish every last thing about myself, and what I want to do or change in the future about myself.
I was once a very kind person who gave out as much love as I could to every one I could... Now, indescribably more-so.
It started off really bad, but as I started to come back, reflecting back on an eternity of thoughts- I felt as if I had the chance to think about everything I've always wanted to think about but never thought I had enough time to go through all those things.
Thankfully I only had 18 years of thoughts to go through, or that night would have seemed a hell of a lot longer, and honestly, I couldn't even fathum what it would be like if that happened again when I plan on passing away MUCH LATER on in life... that's a very scary and interesting thought....
and the more I think about that night... the more I think about my "god theory" and the whole "live your life the very best way you can"; day to day. Because when you go, you have alllllll those amazing thoughts to look back on for what seems like an