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GOD - Page 2

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 35yrs • M •
phacops rana is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
it looks as if you are confusing people with God. we love to abdicate the responsibility of our actions and blame it all on God. God can do anything, so why not solve every problem of the world. make a heaven right here on earth. relieve us of our moral dilemmas. for what purpose do we need the right to choose? why should we care what we think, say, or do? why should we be concerned with doing the right thing? might as well turn us into mindless idiots incapable of choosing right from wrong and just let God take care of it all.
using God as the reason why we screw up is the ultimate rationalization of our own moral bankruptcy.

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 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that wholly is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
say man, you cant prove the existance of free will. for all we know god could be up there right now fucking shit up. if god is omnipotent then it has the ability to help everyone out, but it doesnt. what kind of precedent does that set? or is god one of thoes do as i say not as i do cats?

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"dont got one"
 46yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that MJClone is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
[quote]say man, you cant prove the existance of free will.

Don't be an idiot and post something that has no back bone. I would like to school you on the fact that you just operated on freewill by posting what you thought on this website. You are able to get up in the morning choose to eat or not to eat. You have the choice to serve GOD or not to serve. No Freewill is when I drug you kidnap you subconsiously suggest you to cut yourself and eat your own fieces. That is no free will.

Back to the subject at hand. The reason you don't understand GOD is because he is in your imagination. He visits everyone on a level they can understand him. The bible says that God told Abraham were ever you build me an altar I will be there. Abraham was a man who worshipped the stars before he had his encounter with the Jewish God Yahweeh. Abraham is the original Hebrew. Thus passing on his faith to his seed. Creating a world wide religon that is accepeted by those who make the choice again free will to serve him. GOD doesn't suck Peoples imagination does.

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"what if I'm a clone?"
 35yrs • M •
phacops rana is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
although this departs from the discussion thread, i did not use the term 'free will', i typed 'choice'. at the risk of initiating a semantical argument, i think free will refers to choices that are unconstrained by external forces or none of us have 'free will'; but we do have freedom of choices which are influenced by the circumstances associated with each choice. however this argument becomes circular when someone says that we control nothing and everything is the result of God manipulating our existence down to the minutest detail. if so then nothing we do, think, or say is of our own choosing. we are responsible for nothing. we can take no credit for anything. in fact these sentences are being typed by God...and so are yours for that matter. Beethoven? no that was God. Michelangelo? Shakespeare? Dylan? Einstein? nope all God.
of course, i think such a scenario is preposterous. yes, there are bad things that happen in this world and people perpetrate them and people can stop them. yet people invoke God's omnipotence as an excuse for their bad behavior and by doing so, wash their hands of any culpability for what happens on this planet.

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 39yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that danman2_2999 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
what i figure is that everything everywhere is so damn CHAOTIC....such as space and stars and what makes sense that it can get pretty chaotic here. just being able to LIVE in itself is fuckin amazing. there is nothing here on earth in nature that would suggest that there would HAVE to be a creator. and the fact that some parts in the bible, such as the creation in 6 days, is obviously not accurate. and when you ask religous leaders about the topic, they say not to take it literal, but then who decides on everything else to be taken literally or not.

another point, the term "day" from 6 days of creation can also be used for other periods of times, even eons.

and an even bigger point tha tsomeone else brought up in a pervious post is that the bible has been in control by the same people that were selling indulgences to people hundreds of years ago. these same people that now rape young boys and what not. with so much access to change what the bible really originally has to say is what makes me doubt. people are infact STUPID and dumb, why wouldnt they have fucked up the original word of whoever, fixing and adding what they please.

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"down to smoke a bowl?"
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that wholly is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
dont be an idiot and post something that has no backbone? do you really want to go with that? because the logic is blinding me. as for your "proof" of the existance of freewill, how do you know that you choose ot get up, eat, sleep, fuck and do anything else that you do? how do you know that every action you take is not determined by a vast and intricate series of preceding events? these are not questiones that can be answered any further than the level of an opinion. i dont know if everything is chosen just as i dont know if everything is determined, or any synthesis of the two polar philosophies.and none of them are 'preposperous' senarios. its just part of the human condition; the mystery of sentience.

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"dont got one"
 46yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that MJClone is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Yeah I do want to go with that. The logic is blinding to your abstract and vauge view of how you make your choices everyday.

i'll take your rose colored glasses and put them on. God or the Architech set into motion a series of events that you are predisposed to react to and live incognitive to the fact that you are subject to a overgrown child that can't make up his mind as to how he wants you to live your life. Is that what your saying. It sounds like a clip out of the matrix. That's my opinion on your opinion. I would go as far to say I accept your theory. That in fact we are just debating over what the creator has put in our minds to debate on and we react to it like computers downloading everything the maker tells us to download and writing it out for all the other robots to see and then he'll tell them to write something. Then what we feel and think about has no validity and who cares if i write posts that make no sense. God told me to write it. So I don't have anything to do with what I'm writting now. If you want to live your life that way with no FreeWill then don't come around me I just might have the urge to shoot you right where you stand and not think twice. that's why i say keep that idiotic post off the thread.

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"what if I'm a clone?"
 39yrs • F •
dodgegurl1500 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
In order to say that god sucks, you have to first beileve there is a god, and there is no such being. God did not give me life, my mother did, god did not give me a home, hard work did. God does not pay my bills, god does not give me anything, everything i have i have given myself. If i stop working will god do all that for me, No, if my mother never had me, would he have created me, no. And half the people i have taken time to talk to dont beileve in UFO's, ghost, or anything else, please make some sence of this. You are going to beilve that one " man" has created our world, and everything on it, but nothing else. Two days ago "God" took my child, i ask you why would god have a master plan, give me a child and take her away four years later. Is that his plan to waste time creating new beings only to take them away a few years later, well someone has to much time on their hands. But yes im sure there was a reason she was taken from me right, it was her time. But just for fun lets say god is real, i suppose i should give him thanks for all the hard work i have done to get where i am, becuase he gave it all to me. People need to understand god gives you nothing, stop working and paying bills, stop feeding your children, pray to your god and let me know when he helps you, i wont hold my breath

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GOD - Page 2
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