Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Art of Self-Discovery
0 Posts • 3056 Views Psychology Forum |
the gnome on this guys shoulder can tell you that this one is posting in this thread because he is feeling a void in him. the void which is left every time SHE pushes him away. he needs to do somethin... |
Does Time Exist?
30 Posts • 7079 Views Philosophy Forum |
i dont get this number theory and what it has to do with time. But more to the subject time exists of its own its like tis old philisophical question if a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to... |
Physics & CosmologyIs time infinate
5 Posts • 2523 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Decius- lisi basically has proposed that the universe is the shape of the E8 check pictures on google images (but they are only a 2d version of a 8d object)
iron- I'm goin to look more into yo... |
3 Posts • 3094 Views Talk Talk |
Just a question I am posing here:
How is that marrying the same person a second or third time is going to be any different than the first time?
That just confuses me. And I hate the " They... |
About You / IntroductionsProblem with knowledge.
3 Posts • 7266 Views Talk Talk |
It is not a simple matter. I can explain to you, but never since I have been part of this forum, and with every person for the last 3 years, up to a year ago, that I have tried to explain it to, have... |
Thoughts and Antennae...
3 Posts • 2207 Views Philosophy Forum |
When one is thinking, one puts in information, while at the same time retrieving information.
Antennae and aerials both transmit and receive information, at the same time.
Thus, perhaps one shou... |
Stoned in love, but not with you.
10 Posts • 3072 Views Talk Talk |
It sounds to me that you already have made up your mind in this regard and are just having a hard time facing it.
But, whatever you choose - do realize that what you're describing with Lisa m... |
Reality & MetaphysicsDoes Time Even Exist?
85 Posts • 29896 Views Philosophy Forum |
as you say.. time is a human consruct
time is the passing of an event from when it began to a point where it continues or stops
our own method of percieving time is a means which measures how many t... |
AliensMaybe aliens are from the future?
7 Posts • 3689 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Einstein didn't say you could go back in time. The theory of relativity says that at high speeds time slows down. So instead of having the effects of twenty years passed it'll be like 10 or... |
Time and Absolute Zero
52 Posts • 13613 Views Philosophy Forum |
No, animals have no awareness of time, as you need memory for that, the ability to compare two different events and establish this happened then and this happened then.
Animals only have awareness of... |
Perfect Mate
17 Posts • 9140 Views Talk Talk |
I already have the perfect mate~~I could monopolize the computer all day and she would never complain ( except for the amount of time I would spend at the computer!) Her solution??? She bought me my o... |
PoetrySecurity in lies
33 Posts • 9137 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
This thing called breathing is getting alot harder
Truth be told you are the cause of our downfall
Its like a jigsaw but our pieces don't seem to fit
In a different time or a different tense t... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceTime Paradoxes disproved
13 Posts • 4471 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Well ive managed to finish debunking time theroys. My friend still belives that they are true and that they can't be debunked. we were arguing about this for about a few minutes, using WW2 as an... |
I like her, but how do i ask her out
8 Posts • 2564 Views Talk Talk |
I was at an acreage party with the girl I was into... dead of winter. I was 16, she was 15. It was too hot inside, so I announced that I was going for a walk. She agreed and came with me. We were talk... |
Opposite of time...
3 Posts • 7089 Views Philosophy Forum |
I salute you all... i am new on this site... i had no time to read all of ur posts, but i will soon, they are very interesting, and i love interesting things, i also like to philosophize and for the f... |
The time traveller's wife
1 Posts • 1932 Views Talk Talk |
watching ironwood's documentary about time travel got me thinking about a book I read a few years ago called the time traveller's wife, anybody read it? I thought it was brilliant and it ins... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55476 Views Philosophy Forum |
^^it's not mindless...*cool* ..Conway is truly right....when all your time is spent wondering you spend no time (considering there is something called time) noticing. you spend no time knowing, b... |
Time Gravity
8 Posts • 3110 Views Philosophy Forum |
Considering gravity can work in any of the first three spatial dimensions, would you think it possible for gravity to work in the fourth dimension (of time)?
One event of time gravity might be the... |
God in Religionproof of the existence of God, maybe...
14 Posts • 3754 Views Religion Forum |
You aren't thinking about time in your equation. If there is an infinite number of midpoints and each take an amount of time to reach, then that should equal infinity. If it takes an infinite amo... |
Does time really heal?
21 Posts • 8051 Views Philosophy Forum |
time heals all wounds. this is true, in a sense. Time itself does not heal the wound, but rather the one who is wounded [as previously stated]. Only he or she has the power to tell one's self tha... |
War & TerrorismTo The SwiftBoat Vets For Truth
97 Posts • 22667 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Like I said - I gave you all the facts - if you doubt them then research them yourself. Im not your research assistant. Furthermore - I dont care if you believe me so I have no incentive to take the t... |
Do we really exist?
31 Posts • 19129 Views Philosophy Forum |
In a quantum sense, you're as eternal as the universe itself.
Your thought parterns, and their subsequent accumulation of quantum/electric ghosts(Your Mind), have existed throughout all time,... |
Speed Of Time
64 Posts • 16980 Views Philosophy Forum |
i think everyone is mixing psychological time with physical time. What rschulz is talking about is psychological time, which just exists in out minds withought any consequence physicaly, and he is rig... |
Does time really heal?
21 Posts • 8051 Views Philosophy Forum |
time is away to get away from the problem not deal with it. if you ask me, time doesn't heal, time kills. if you think you can resolve something or get over something tomorrow, you might as well... |
258 Posts • 67439 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
It grabbed me before it grew a hand
dropped me before gravitiy existed
found a man not quite strong enough to stand
showed me eternal stability only for me to find it had already shifted
cut me wi... |