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Plain stuipid or worthwile?HELP!

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 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Angel Of Death is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Plain stuipid or worthwile?HELP!
Hi, I have this theory that I would like to show you. Please tell me if it is worth thinking or is it just my imajination running away.

Well, first of all here's my theory of how God see's the future:

It is common place that the longer a person lives, the shorter time seems to him.Like a hundred year old person would regard a year as quite small compared to a 2 year old. So to God, a year might be the same as one second. However, he hasn't lived for 10 thousand billion years or something, he has lived INFINITELY, so that means that a thousand years might be a really small period compared to a Him, something like 0.0001 seconds or something. However, as he has lived for eternity, an infinite amount of time will seem as 0 seconds to Him, i.e the present. So to God, the future IS the present. He does not 'predict' the future, he 'lives' it.Maybe that is why God has set a law of dying for human kind(in that case, for everything in the universe), for if a man keeps on living, the same thing will happen to him at some point!
Some people may argue that time only SEEMS shorter the longer a person lives, but the fact is that no matter HOW long a perrson lives, time will NEVER seem as 0 seconds to him, as it only applies to someone who has been present for infinite.

Well, thats one theory.

I have another one of what happened before the universe, which is naturally vague:

In a thread, I mentoined that asking what was before the Universe was like asking what happened in a computer before it was invented! I said that there is a 'real' world outside the universe. There are different types of time. The one that exists within our universe makes everything have a beggining and an end:

However, outside(or before) the universe, time may be nevr ending, no begging, no end: O, like a circle. This also applies to the concept of God.
However, if time keeps on going on like this, that must mean that there must be a infinite amount of time before any event! Which is absurd.

In the 'real' world, life(whatever that may be) will go on. There would not be the presence of any illusion like time. However, if time does not exist in the real world, that must mean that according to our own terminology, time must be still. If time is still then my previous example of time going in a circle is false, as that shows that time keeps on moving. Infact, in the 'real' world, there had been no past, as well as no future. The 'world' will stay as it is. There will only be the present, and so everything will go on, unchanged, unending, with no DEFINATE past.
A example of this is that even in 'our' world, universe whatever, many thousands of pasts may occur during a span of a few years, but very few during an hour. However, as time will be still, everything will infinitely go on, and the one hour is thus reduced to something like 0.00001 seconds, and as in my earlier theory, again to 0 seconds i.e the present.

Please tell me what you think of these two ideasor should they be cut from theory because we can't observe them?
Please let me know what you think, and you can ask me some questions if you have any to test them, or maybe this is all stuipid???????

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"I'll heal ur woundz I'll set u free, I m jesus christ on xtacy"
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that gothabomber is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
i think ur first theory is a gd concept becuase it suggests that god is " little hitler " in sense ie making sure humans die, a little totalitarian theme to it. I think people should explore more into the possibility that god isnt as gd as hes made out to be. A very worthy theory

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"everything but never anything"
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Angel Of Death is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
lol, I had forgotten bout his thread!

Ok, expanding the theory. Instead of limiting God's perception of time 0 seconds, i.e the present, why stop there. As He is infinitely old, so time will seem to Him as 'minus' 1 seconds, -2, -5000 etc. In other words, He will not view the universe(past present and future) as one 'present' moment, but rather as a past. Thus to God the universe will be a past. For Him, the universe wud have already ended.

Its like seeing a ruler(scale) Our perception will horizontal, viewing one number at a time, while God will view the whole ruler at once, from beggining to end.....
btw, gothabomber, thx, but u misinterpreted what i was saying

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"I'll heal ur woundz I'll set u free, I m jesus christ on xtacy"
 40yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that iSOUGHT|THOUGHT is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
i like your ideas... i have read about many of them so i will share what i've seen.

so that means that a thousand years might be a really small period compared to a Him, something like 0.0001 seconds or something

the bible said a thousand years is a day and a day is a thousand years... to god

Maybe that is why God has set a law of dying for human kind(in that case, for everything in the universe), for if a man keeps on living, the same thing will happen to him at some point!

again, to refrence the bible, man is said to be physical as well as spiritual- that all things physical decay but were made from the spiritual which is everlasting- that even the people that do not follow him endure eternity without being erased from existence. like you have said:
there is a 'real' world outside the universe. There are different types of time. The one that exists within our universe makes everything have a beggining and an end

i am sure eternity is different than the finite existence/time we experience in the physical universe that we know had a beginning and will most likely have an end.

In a thread, I mentoined that asking what was before the Universe was like asking what happened in a computer before it was invented!

i have read stephen hawking mention that the conditions leading to the "creation" of the conditions we experience now differed. so, the "universe" that lead to ours was nothing like it.
We only "know" what we can observe here so any ideas as to what existed beforehand would be untestable assumptions.

However, outside(or before) the universe, time may be nevr ending, no begging, no end: O, like a circle.

what if the closed loop that makes up that place is more like a swimming pool instead of a race track... that inside of that "pool" exists the linear, or i think i remember it being called something like geodesic?(based off of einstein's relativity theories) time as we perceive it. if this were the case, any being existing in that "realm" would be able to move back and forth through the finite strand of physical time existing therein? i know the bible also mentions god as the only one who know's the future so maybe multiple dimmensions of time experience exist in that manner as you have said... that possibly may be how god could allow a being to exist for infinity without worrying about any compromise of power, plus- it created us, working off of your theory of the longer you live, the shorter time seems and the more you "know"... he would always be one step ahead of us in that eternal existence.

In the 'real' world, life(whatever that may be) will go on. There would not be the presence of any illusion like time

1st part of 1st law of thermodynamics- Energy can neither be created nor destroyed only changed.

so, working off of this, maybe the conditions that lead up to the "creation" of our plane of existence was just part of the cycle of changing energy in the universe it "created" beforehand, and after this one is changed- another will be created... inside that energy might be where our consciousness lies and ,as a result, it's transfered to the various forms of existence- we may be eternal. if events are occuring, time is passing even if it is intangible... isn't time a representation of space or intervals existing between changes?

this is what i have wondered if i've got something worth wondering about/
sry for the long post

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"as i see it the only "variable" in the equation is THOUGHT. you are capable of changing this and this alone."
[  Edited by iSOUGHT|THOUGHT at   ]
Plain stuipid or worthwile?HELP!
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