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Tagged > The game that can give you 10 extra years of life
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsYour Own Insecurities
22 Posts • 8539 Views
Psychology Forum
yes, a basic problem with all of us is that we think external influnecs are responsible for our internal life. It's upto you ultimately how to feel, not on the situations ur in. Its favourable th...
THREAD Christianitychristians?
110 Posts • 24262 Views
Religion Forum
no i am not your friend. obviously enough. but you understand that Decius wasnt concerned with the actual event of who is right / who is wrong but was just generally being a kind person. ( ? ) yes...
THREAD Kids these days!
29 Posts • 6752 Views
Talk Talk
You can't change bad circumstances Zyphon. If you are born into poverty and unhappiness its hard to break out of what can only become a bad chain of events - negativity can't just become pos...
THREAD For a Million $, Would You...
48 Posts • 11700 Views
Psychology Forum
ok.....heres the thing...this is an imagined scenario...the whole killing some one for millions right....well,i can see myself doing it in my head, but, if it were real i don't really know that i...
THREAD Society & SociologyPeople
46 Posts • 15151 Views
Psychology Forum
Indeed Evilia you seem to be a foil to me, but hey there is room for divergent views and personalities. You don't seem to be an introverted person at all and as far as I can surmise most folks he...
THREAD A realization
3 Posts • 2709 Views
Philosophy Forum
Very true. Just like how a baby born into this world isn't instinctively able to rationalize morality and the concept of good and bad. Society and life shape your morals through the lessons learn...
THREAD My own poetry
5 Posts • 4454 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
My life: (Summerized) When you're lost in the wild and scared as a child and death looks you bang in the eye; when you're sore as a boil and according to hoyle to cock your revolver......
THREAD Do we really exist?
31 Posts • 19122 Views
Philosophy Forum
well I think I llhave to try to find an article like dat one, cuz a documentary on discovery channel showed that when this happned to a women, she became completely different from what she had been. B...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsTruth, reality and the meling pot
13 Posts • 2982 Views
Philosophy Forum
good reply. 1st my assumptions: 1. Reality is all that is. 2. Absolute determinism does not exist; i.e. one does have the ability to change things. If evil forces create truth and truth has...
THREAD ChristianityThe time is NOW! IT is your choice.
50 Posts • 12465 Views
Religion Forum
Is this of any relevance in the light of what happened in Asia on the >26th of December? Independent of any creed or Religion, it is better to >be prepared and be in good terms with GOD, tho...
THREAD Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49728 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I tried to kill the shadow within me. Years of analytical genocide has tempered my pen in the fire of calculation. Yet throughout all of it the nib has never burned though it has grown red-hot;...
THREAD How do we know?
60 Posts • 16500 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well, see theres also another thing. Since all our senses like seeing, hearing etc, infact, the whole observable universe including see and feeling our bodies, is just a bunch of electrical signals in...
THREAD DreamsDreams... useless or amazing
50 Posts • 14230 Views
Psychology Forum
I believe that some dreams have the purpose of preparing you for what's to come, and some are to make sense of what's already happened. The one's that prepare you for the future, I thin...
THREAD ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58947 Views
Religion Forum read.php3/thrdid=19358-u-frmid =12-u-page=2 Yes times have changed but have the people? As Rome persecuted the Catholic Church so did the Church persecuted science. So in...
THREAD What does God have to say about it?
10 Posts • 3808 Views
Talk Talk
Hey Real!!! May I call you Real, for short? Wow, de ja vu!!! I sent you a message a while back. I assume you received it. You didn't respond back. Thank you so much! I've bin waiting t...
THREAD Creative MusingsIt made a beautiful mess of our customary ways
4 Posts • 2374 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
The Day The Wind Moved In We were so moored it was stagnant, or so we thought...but life like a hurricane swept such antiquated notions from our brains and the lives misspelled within their conf...
THREAD HomosexualityGay Marraige, For or Against?
32 Posts • 16750 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Love knows no Legalese or religious Reich right or wrong Love's only desire is to fulfill itself. Be that Straight Couple or Gay couplesit matters notonly that love has been found and is wished t...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsGags with every breath / This world brings me down / I'm looking forward to death
8 Posts • 3401 Views
Psychology Forum
In my brief thread on my depression here on CC ( hread/89022/depression.htm) I mentioned that "when I get upset about something... I get upset about everything"....
THREAD JokesCause and Effect
1 Posts • 3623 Views
Jokes & Games
An old sailor was out walking on the dock one day when he met a former ship mate of his. They had not seen each other for many years so they had much to talk about and many old memories to renew. Afte...
THREAD IslamThe Qur'an
110 Posts • 27622 Views
Religion Forum
Jesus said Moses gave the laws because he knew the hardness of men's hearts. He came to fulfill the law, and in doing so He also changed it. For whoever believed Him would follow Him. An...
THREAD PoetryUntitled Poem
3 Posts • 2831 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Wrote this after watching Seisouhen (an angst/drama-filled Japanese OVA) One hundred times I've almost drown Lost my breath, lost a pound One hundred times I've cried to sleep Lied aw...
THREAD Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90679 Views
Psychology Forum
137. SARS, who opened the Pandora Box? Who has the ability to activate a bio-attack? Russia, China, US..... But who has the motive this time on SARS crises? 1. Bush started an era of war and bio...
THREAD SocietyBest War Debate Ever
2 Posts • 2272 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Wow, that was something special, Ron Paul came in asleep then Dinesh D'Souza woke his ass up real quick, at first I thought D'Souza was a shoe in for most reasonable intelligent and articula...
THREAD PoetryEchoes
258 Posts • 67381 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
My Mother's Screams I saw my shame inside My father's eyes But didn't know it Maybe the thing That we're afraid of Is we're in control I've broken many thin...
THREAD SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29192 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Exactly, Vietnam and Korea were more or less the same. In both cases America supported undemocratic regimes to contain communism. The difference between them is that in Korea the US won the war, and a...
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