A lack of money is the root of all evil. - UnderDawg
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Tagged > The game that can give you 10 extra years of life
THREAD Random QuestionsWhats your favorite song
81 Posts • 18718 Views
Talk Talk
the lyrics are "oh yeah, life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone". It's Jack and Diane by John Cougar (or John Mellancamp).
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsIs Karma Real?
25 Posts • 24972 Views
Philosophy Forum
So what then of the people that do good their entire lives and get crapped on everytime they think that they are getting ahead? I know people like this. Are they paying their debt from a previous life...
THREAD the thread of LIES
79 Posts • 18437 Views
Talk Talk
No, honey, that dress doesn't make your butt look big at all. :D Of course I was listening to you, honey, I always want to hear about your past boyfriends and your past exploits and everythin...
THREAD Religion & HumanityYou cant handle the truth
51 Posts • 12098 Views
Religion Forum
Religions for the most part have a set of values to live by, whereas if you accept no religion then the only values you have are what you decide and that creates a life of selfish ambition. How is con...
THREAD God in Religionwas GOD bored?
14 Posts • 4838 Views
Religion Forum
I agree with Underdawg in my religion. It has something to do with what OKcitykid said too. God created us because he loves us. In a sense, we are his offspring and he wants us to be like him. He h...
THREAD Pessimist or Optimist?
12 Posts • 15729 Views
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I would consider myself a somewhat pessimistic person trying to incorporate more optimism in my life. I am working on not making snap pessimisms about things, and trying to annalyze things. The more I...
THREAD Where are you from?
52 Posts • 12761 Views
Talk Talk
United States, in the good ol' south.....Georgia to be precise. Believe me, i say "good ol' " in the utmost sarcastic way. Lived here my whole life......*shudder*
THREAD Why ask why?
11 Posts • 6572 Views
Philosophy Forum
WHY drives much more than science, it drives life. how do you think GOD came to be, or religion, or math, or science, or anything knowledgable we know today. if we didnt ask why we would not understan...
THREAD Sexual Psychologypremarital sex
6 Posts • 3721 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
I think that premarital sex is almost a necessity. Or at least a huge plus. If you are going to be in love with someone and be willing to spend the rest of your life with that person, you should know...
THREAD BooksHave you achieved a sense of fulfillment?
21 Posts • 12149 Views
Talk Talk
Plants and animals purposes are very different than humans. To them it is survival. For humans there is survival plus ????. I don't know i guess its to you to fill in the gap. My life ???? is wha...
67 Posts • 18834 Views
Philosophy Forum
THREAD PoetryEchoes
258 Posts • 67381 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Purpose I will reach for your hand. Always. Life's purpose is not great, or extravagant. Reach. Reacti on. Relief. Skin. Peace.
THREAD how do u stop hating someone you love?
9 Posts • 13552 Views
Talk Talk
:( Here's a good question. How do you stop someone (I.e Your ex.boyfriend) from hating you? And i still like him. But i have a new boyfriend who i'm happy with but it sucks, because my ex wa...
THREAD Life & DeathCircle of Life
34 Posts • 11594 Views
Philosophy Forum
Mystic, reproducing is not the only thing that you can do to help ensure the continuance of the species. Kraytilius, the only things I've been able to come up with for peoples feeling of a nee...
THREAD PoetryAnd All This Is Metaphore
40 Posts • 10677 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I may enjoy poetry but I have really only studied it formally for about 3 months, and even then, we did not cover it in depth. I do not take much note of structure and technique, so I cannot give a fo...
THREAD Society & SociologyThe Use of Insult
0 Posts • 915 Views
Psychology Forum
The problem with name calling though is that it is inherently dishonest. Saying "fuck" to express frustration is not dishonest because it is the manifestation of emotion. However cal...
THREAD Emotions & Feelingsare emotions what define human beings?
42 Posts • 26395 Views
Psychology Forum
This is the transistion that comes from the evolutionary step of adapting to environments to adapting environments to us. Its part of the evolution that comes with foresight through abstract thought,...
THREAD ArtworkThe Daydream Adventure Club
31 Posts • 12625 Views
Art Forum
All my elementary school teachers wanted to medicate me for not being able to pay attention. I just really enjoyed staring off into nothing and imagining all the things that I "could" be doi...
THREAD SpiritualityIn any Spiritual Text is there a way to give up Free Will?
5 Posts • 3141 Views
Religion Forum
To find a text which shows you how to give up free will is really finding a text to change your own nature. From an Islamic perspective having free will is the most valued thing about humans. In the...
THREAD Love, love,love
2 Posts • 2061 Views
Talk Talk
Why this blog, or thought? I think that this understanding of love is one of the largest parts of happiness once can strive to achieve. If we could adore our partners, with selfless love, giving of on...
THREAD Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25393 Views
Psychology Forum
a terminal disease will kill a person eventually anyway. what about a disease that isnt life threatening, but causes them chronic and severe pain? then can they kill themselves? wheres the line?
THREAD Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeNothing is fact?
20 Posts • 18326 Views
Philosophy Forum
:) I have been searching for truth in knowledge all my life. Facts are sometime extremely hard to find and believe. Common sense comes closes to truth in facts plus intuition. Thoughts please?
THREAD Gay Bishop??
57 Posts • 15672 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
"I like how if a kid has a disability then people say god made him that way. Or if couple break up someone would say, well god has a plan for you. Yet if someone is gay, then well, they are sinne...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsReality or Illusion ?
14 Posts • 4223 Views
Philosophy Forum
what if the life we have been living isnt real and its just a movie ? what if the world in which we live in had been created by some omnipotent being and we're all just a part of a movie set ? ho...
THREAD Don't let people tell you what to do
13 Posts • 4437 Views
Philosophy Forum
Ever wonder who made the rules you live your life in accord to, but then it doesn't really matter. They are the rulers that rule over us so just accept injustice because *clown*it is only inj...
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