Hey Vamp....
Well... as I have come to grasp... the Free Will of Humanity is the actual difference that God Makes between mankind and all other of the Creation... it is sooooooo important in fact it is the jist and purpose of religion and religiosity
In the
Quran... Man is called by the Revelator "Khalifa"... an Arabic term you'll find in America... as in California....
Khalifa is a second
a Vice-gerant or second in command
In the Creation story of the Quran, Adam and Eve are placed as "Khalifa" which by definition is:
"One who sits in the place of the Supreme when the Supreme is not present ..."
or generally a ruler...
In the Bible, Adamic Man is termed to be in the Image of God
Image is a likeness
a copy
or a doppelganger... a mirror reflection..
No where in the Gita will anybody find the limitations of the Supreme... The Supreme is Everpresent, all pervasive and dominant in every way.. that is to say
The Supreme being is always represented as a Presence that overwhelms all other Pressence... my pressence will not be superior...
by definition.... the supreme Pervades All... and is supreme in pressence... there fore must be the dominant pressence
whenever some one or thing is present, there should be the recognition of that which is the most present.... the Supreme...
So no where in the texts do we find Man to be represented as anything less than independent...
and at the Extreme examples, we find Humanity to be Submersed in a Supreme and overwhelming pressence
which rules
so that my own pressence is as nothing by comparisson
So my answer is
No... Giving up Free Will is not an Option.... whether you consider yourself the one who sits in the throne in the Absence of God,
as a Muslim should by definition
Or if you consider youself the doppelganger, copy, second self and in the IMAGE of the God... therefore as directly related a potential development like Jesus or any enlightend one
Or if you take the obvious and most constructive consideration....
where you are Completely Immersed and consumed and ruled by the Supreme One's Infinite Pressence... and must indeed be the same as Her...
The End Game seems like to be obvious, non mysterious
Given an infinite Universe, every point within that Universe is the Center of the Universe...
I speak the truth to God... because no falsehood can exist in Her Pressence....
I Humbly approach you, because none can come to God except as a servant..
Now if we each did that for Each Other God .... human .... any of the ones we met.... well, can't act like God when I'm
serving God can I?
there's a society
and the basis of it doesn't correlate to anything going on currently...
doesn't mean I began anything new.... I'm just keying off your impetus
your intelligencia... which to me is God Manifest... then again I come from a Matriarchal society...
and I've been trained to bring in a new system of Self Correction, leading towards stage after stage, of eventual perfection...
to be sure
I of a Necessity, cannot envision a human limitation without resolution...
difficulty factors prevail against our own weakness, and inabilities...
unlike some...
I don't go around pretending that I cannot...
like some dangling participle... or like an open ended query... which has the main point of drawing another out towards me in dialogue...
with the only purpose being to deject them, and tell them they are inherently
What a crock... to pretend to know anything beyond the basics... yet always vasilate, or hem and haw... ride the fence with indecisions... weak logic that has no line to it
non linear... un directed... I would never even begin to answer you
unless I had one..
let it marinate... whatever is not obvious will definately MAKE itself apparent...
as I said ... only TRUTH can exist in the pressence of God
Most have no control of their Self Accusing Spirit... so they go ahead and fall to DECEPTIVE INTELLIGENCE
beware false appearences
but hey...
Just start where you are