If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace - Thomas Paine
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Tagged > The game that can give you 10 extra years of life
THREAD The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11353 Views
Talk Talk
The impression I get from MJClone is that he really likes the way he looks, and takes time every day to mold his image into what he would like to see in the mirror. He enjoys beauty of all kinds, and...
THREAD Would You Tell?
21 Posts • 6556 Views
Philosophy Forum
if you knew the meaning of life, you wouldnt need anything period. your exsistence would become so vastly superior(for lack of a better word) to humans that describing it to them would be an impossabi...
THREAD ChristianityDo You Want to be a Christian?
14 Posts • 3393 Views
Religion Forum
--God is a distinct separate being from us... whom I must offer worship, whom I must cultivate, humor, please, and hope to obtain a reward from at the very end of my life. does this sound familiar?...
THREAD God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122935 Views
Religion Forum
the resurection is faith for the christian But thats not why I believe in jesus christ i belive in jesus christ because i have done a lot of reading into the jewish prophets i dont subscribe to this...
THREAD War & TerrorismAbout the war......
56 Posts • 18052 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
One last thing...then I'm out for the day... Wars are fought, all of them, for individual reasons that were predetermined at that time in history. BUT... Every war fought by the Americans i...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorMultiple Messages...
2 Posts • 2641 Views
Psychology Forum
I was thinking about this a little more... I think it comes down to being perceptive to as many sensations as possible, rather than over-focussing on one or few, so as to get an idea of how things...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsWhat do you believe?
67 Posts • 16812 Views
Religion Forum
But you live for nothing because that is the end result. I do not live for an afterlife I live for the continuation of this life which is eternal.
THREAD casual, non sexual touching?
14 Posts • 25107 Views
Talk Talk
First of all you need to decide if you want this relationship to go somewhere serious. If you don't then you have no obligation to make any physical contact whatsoever. However that doesnt seem t...
THREAD Let it go anywhere
38 Posts • 8414 Views
Philosophy Forum
doesnt sound like a very appealing idea thanx. there should be some judgement after this life if there is going to be any afterlife. ive oftne wondered about an afterlife and occasionaly thought that...
THREAD Why live if you're just going to die?
74 Posts • 59336 Views
Philosophy Forum
im not going to lie to myself, im just out to kill time before i die. but it's not as bad as it sounds. i kind of get frustrated with people who take things way to seriously though--like grades a...
THREAD Why do we search when no answers are given?
16 Posts • 5402 Views
Philosophy Forum
We will never find the answer here...so why I am so pissed that i can not stop checking this site to see if someone has posted something that may change my life. Why do we continue to search...anyway...
THREAD Science vs ReligionScience: The One True Religion
27 Posts • 7258 Views
Religion Forum
ChrisD - as to your closing statement, that if we had answers to finding out the meaning of life, etc would end all wars, and solve all of human life problems... I don't think I personally would...
62 Posts • 21996 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Oh, my God I am having a dejavu, having had this conversation before . . Democracy worked in Germany (a country used to Monarchs) and Japan (which had a monarchy for 1000 years) . . Didn't I alre...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismA case for atheism
34 Posts • 10675 Views
Religion Forum
Frankly, "friend", I don't need to prove myself to you. I've given my contribution to the ARGUMENT above. You, however, have given biblical quotes. They are not evidence. For so...
THREAD God in ReligionIf God exisit...why there is so much evil in the world?
24 Posts • 7552 Views
Religion Forum
without lies how would you know truth That does not make sense. The fact that without an opposite you would not have the capability of perceiving the current is not a universal concept. In other wo...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57864 Views
Religion Forum
tanker: I can believe that God has been and will always be. That's not hard for me to believe. Because to me that makes sense even though its not possible and that doesn't make sense. In the...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsFeelings
2 Posts • 2206 Views
Psychology Forum
Good question Desmo. Y'know, I'd like to say that I am very proud of you, as a stranger. You are asking very good questions for your age, and I'd lke to tell you that as long as you...
THREAD War & TerrorismDecius B against the War?
55 Posts • 15026 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Then we'll be told Koreans are torturing their people. So we'll kill them because now we don't give a flying fuck about the UN nor our OWN laws against being the aggressors. Then...
THREAD Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55415 Views
Philosophy Forum
Ha. 730...your interpretation of my perception is extraordinarily scewed. This was not "evil"..this emptiness was associated in no way with my acceptance of evil. and everything wasn...
THREAD Aesthetics & BeautyThe Art of Zen
18 Posts • 7849 Views
Philosophy Forum
In my japanese class we've been discussing the art of zen and its origins in japan. This way of thinking got me very intrested and made me realize several things about myself and what Zen is all...
THREAD Dawn's Greeting
9 Posts • 3724 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
CHAPTER FOUR Kelly awoke to a darkened room. It was warm and cheerfully decorated with printed curtains and matching wallpaper and bedcovers. There was a television and a bookshelf and by her bed a...
THREAD InventionFree Energy Devices
5 Posts • 2791 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Okay for god sakes!!! i was wrong by stating that it must be a device that puts more power out then it receives, what i actually meant is that the device uses a energy source that you provide and at t...
THREAD I am looking for help with a survey for my philoso
7 Posts • 3457 Views
Philosophy Forum
Age - 18 Religion - Atheist Do you believe in a soul? - Yes, after a fashion. In the sense that we each have a soul, but in effect no one else does. The soul is a piece of information which says...
THREAD Religion & HumanityImagine a world without religion.
25 Posts • 9329 Views
Religion Forum
You see, when a man sees a good-looking woman walking down the street, he would definitely want to rape her, but then he remembers that Allah has forbade such an act, so the man restrains himself....
THREAD StoriesChronicles from the Gutter.
22 Posts • 8619 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Does my story matter? why do i want to become a bedtime story anyway? I want to live in a world of images and impressions where woods are litten at night by insects of the afterworld, out of this rea...
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