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Tagged > The game that can give you 10 extra years of life
THREAD There will never be a timemachine.
32 Posts • 9067 Views
Philosophy Forum
that painted a pretty cool picture in my head. I visioned the rest of my life, from that moment on, as frame by frame pictures begining left ending right. My conscous mind holding the remote.
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsDoes Time Even Exist?
85 Posts • 29881 Views
Philosophy Forum
Time as we know it is a function of consciousness, not a property of the external world. Mopreover, it is not constant in its flow and can "beat" very differently for different people and un...
THREAD Life & DeathThe reason of life.
30 Posts • 7318 Views
Philosophy Forum
My perception on the reason of life is GOD split herself into billions of souls to have a reflection of who he really is. We are all lights to each other and we reflect to one another love, anger, pai...
112 Posts • 27028 Views
Talk Talk
I had a Mountain Dew the other day..... Could not help but to think of Wyote's obsesion with the beverage in question. I to am still hooked on Pepsi- I had jumped ship for a while .... making a d...
THREAD War & TerrorismA War Against Iran - Not Happening
0 Posts • 850 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
But Iran believes in the fulfilled cycle of war and peace as of the fifth pillar of Islam. Truly peace will come with the pilgrimage to Mecca. All of life is a temporary experience. Duty is less f...
THREAD Religion & HumanityAll Religions are paths to god
99 Posts • 21535 Views
Religion Forum
u say not all religions are equall, but the problem is very one finds thirs better. Even i find my pagan life and works better then... say christianity i belive in god but not the one u believ in, i f...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionDrugs
23 Posts • 14378 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
90% of my year group do drugs and get pissed vertually every weekend (they are only 15) i have the same problem. I drink socialy not to get pissed and have only been drunk twise i dont smoke and i am...
THREAD Regrets
30 Posts • 10005 Views
Philosophy Forum
I can't say I regret anything really.When you think about it every action taken in life moves you towawrd some goal or another.Although they don't seem fair or right at the time they get you...
THREAD Things That Bother Me
27 Posts • 7724 Views
Talk Talk
awakendwraith Through my life I have felt pretty much the same about girls. Expecially if I was attracted to them. But after time I have learned that all grils and boys are pretty much the same. An...
THREAD Genetic engineering
40 Posts • 18540 Views
Science & Technology Forum
There is no doubt intelligence is related in a large part to genetics. Otherwise we wouldn't be smarter then chimps. Of course its possible to not perceive someone's intelligence because of...
THREAD Life & DeathThe Meaning of Life
21 Posts • 8051 Views
Philosophy Forum
I'm glad you said that ekimup. Because I really do feel that we all want to be with everyone. I think we are all born the same person, the only thing that changes us is our environment. To take i...
THREAD Perceptions Change In Wanting Eyes
1 Posts • 2487 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
This is the life Deemed not worth living Lived by one Who thought it worthy and filling What perceived by one, Hopeless and futile Lived by another And died with a smile - Xaej
THREAD Life & DeathThe Meaning of Life
21 Posts • 8051 Views
Philosophy Forum
The meaning in life is pleasure. You speak of this ulterior motive of the human race to gain ultimate wisdom, but why? People enjoy gaining knowledge because the thought that they are improving themse...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36742 Views
Philosophy Forum
Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man, but in the end the man who wins is the man who thinks he can." But when the man who thinks he can looks at me, his thinking...
THREAD Vipassana Meditation
1 Posts • 3177 Views
Talk Talk I want to share this link with you because it has changed my life. I've always felt that something was wrong in me. I've tried everything. But now, what was wrong has finally...
THREAD ANY DVD.....$10 shipped
8 Posts • 3547 Views
Jokes & Games
Here is a few that i have taken the time to list. Mystic River Collateral Bourne Supremacy Day After Tomorrow, The Man on Fire I, Robot 50 First Dates Last Samurai Kill Bill Vol....
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40966 Views
Religion Forum
My experiences with euporia far underweigh my experiences with pain and suffering, so it isn't the best to judge my perspective, I'll just say that in general I am fairly tortured internally...
THREAD GovernmentTop Eight Reasons To Impeach Bush
15 Posts • 4884 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Yes it is, without the military there would be a whole lot more of it. Just Imagine Iraq today if we hadn't dismanteled their army. Everything has a purpose and their is a reason for ever...
THREAD conversation I had with a myspace female
24 Posts • 7051 Views
Talk Talk
im a guy, and even i can see that any female on the recieveing end of an apporach like that would be likely to completely switch of to the idea of going out with the person who made it. i have no clai...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismWhat is the root cause of atheist's disbelief and are they qualified to debate theism?
54 Posts • 15257 Views
Religion Forum
Yeah I get Goosebumps watching it. I find it very inspiring. You are right though that it is a bit unjust to say one religion is the sole reason for tragedies, but you have to admit sometimes they ki...
THREAD SocietyIdeas on education
9 Posts • 3643 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
In regards to your final paragraph: I was the way you described but more so internally, in my own head, because I don't think I had many people to talk to when it came to my passions. I would...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityThe Morality of Action
24 Posts • 8930 Views
Philosophy Forum
Gotta give it to ya, that was a great response. Exactly the kind of thing that's good for this type of discussion. So people who haven't replied to this course we're currently on......
THREAD What does God have to say about it?
10 Posts • 3808 Views
Talk Talk
TO: The teacher NOTE: Due to your simplistic theorizing and subjective conjecturing, the majority of your statements will not be evaluated The following is my evaluation of your two (2...
THREAD social mobility in the class system
15 Posts • 5420 Views
Philosophy Forum
While there is a problem, I find the problem to be slight. If a person really wants to be wealthy in this (mostly capitalistic country), they can be. Why would a rich man or wonan want to be poor, but...
THREAD What should i do?
4 Posts • 3119 Views
Talk Talk
please help me i know this is kinda long but im DESPERATE! im in along distance relationship with my bf - he's at uni and i havnt seen him in six weeks - i won't see him for another three....
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