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Tagged > Ricoeur society
THREAD Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20623 Views
Psychology Forum
i think instinct is self driven and morals are superimposed byt others. a child sees a candy in a store and reaches out for it instinctively. but the mother stops the child - its not yours and so u...
THREAD Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 38004 Views
Psychology Forum
Often the posts get taken to other levels of conversation in these forums and may shift from the point originally being made. Fair enough. I do think though that you and Decius were talking about 2...
THREAD Is there anything you shouldn't educate children?
28 Posts • 5993 Views
Philosophy Forum
Who's to decide whats enough. Well I'll tell you who, people who have dedicated their lifes to educating children and have spent more time on educating them selfs and spent more time then bo...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57879 Views
Religion Forum
I'm going to clear a little way here for what I see. In truth, I honestly believe that there is no right or wrong in terms of what is. To me, the essence of right or wrong action brings about it...
THREAD Religion & HumanityNotes on the Great Ones
0 Posts • 661 Views
Religion Forum
Fantastic post, in spite (or perhaps because) of the fact that it has a dubious whiff about it. (As Nietzsche might say, you ask many questionable questions).What you appear to have commissioned is a...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32919 Views
Philosophy Forum
"I said nothing of right and wrong, that concept is completely subjective. " Is that a subjective statement on your part or objective? "God told me to strike at al Qaida and I str...
THREAD Human Nature & Emotionemotional voids.
9 Posts • 5446 Views
Philosophy Forum
Little John your a shit person and I don't like you and from now on when your in a post I am going to say so every time you just attack people and tell them NOT TO THINK which is the ANTITHESIS O...
THREAD Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13841 Views
Talk Talk
Thanks Cynic-Al for taking up the challenge. "if you are a superior being to the humans you kill, then there is no law against it," Well, just to clarify, I am simply another human bei...
THREAD Materialism and Spirtualism?
2 Posts • 1991 Views
Philosophy Forum
Okay here's some questions. Lets start off with the ideal with materialism. Why do we need to feed off material things so much. Furthermore who said materialism feeds all of us? Well seems like i...
THREAD Art AppreciationSo called "art"
13 Posts • 6119 Views
Art Forum
After further reading your post, I find it extraordinarily scandalous. "For several days, the 'artist' and the visitors of the exhibition have watched emotionless the shameful '...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyRecapturing youth?
15 Posts • 4192 Views
Psychology Forum
I'm sorry if me resurrecting this thing to long after it dropped down bugs people. Quite frankly I'm having a really hard time of things at the moment. You see weather I had aspergers of not...
THREAD Society & Sociologywhy are people so difficult
10 Posts • 3432 Views
Psychology Forum
The news will make the world seem terrible. It's really not a bad place when you start meeting people. Play an MMORPG like World of Warcraft, you'll quickly meet the best and worst of people. But real...
THREAD The Gerson Therapy
6 Posts • 2786 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
There is really nothing supernatural about it. The concept is quite simple, based on two main principles. Deficiency and toxicity. Our processed food is toxic with its additives, preservative...
THREAD Cliqueless
0 Posts • 5643 Views
Philosophy Forum
Beuphemia just for you "a stupid people" i'm sure you'll say that it was some kind of way of drawing attention to your point not a mistake! oh no... of course you a...
THREAD Marijuana Legalized In Canada?
52 Posts • 20811 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
DumbTeen, as our age difference shows we were brought up with very different social peers and values. My generation looked at cigarettes and alcohol as signs of maturity, imitating the adults among yo...
THREAD Child Abuse
1 Posts • 3114 Views
Talk Talk
Feel free to copy and paste this somewhere's if you wish to have others see this one. It's a tear jerker. My name is Sarah I am but three, My eyes are swollen I cannot see,...
THREAD SocietyPositive Discrimination and the plight of the White Male Majority (Needlessly Long First Post)
1 Posts • 8894 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Ok, so, the British Parliament is currently voting on the new "Equality Bill". This bill concentrates the sweet juicy essence of all sorts of odd bits of anti-discrimination legislation, and...
62 Posts • 21999 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I would love to see a world where the US stops its two-faced policies regarding oppressive dictators, so that it actually starts one by one to topple them all. Actually I don't think we have th...
THREAD Gender PsychologyThe Nice Guy Syndrome
4 Posts • 5158 Views
Psychology Forum
It occurred to me recently that I believe it to be very likely that in the past, I have been placed in the position of The Nice Guy in regards to a relationship I have shared with another female. She...
THREAD LawHomosexual Marriage
100 Posts • 29311 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Why Gay Marraige Should Be Banned 1. Homosexuality is not natural, much like eyeglasses, organ transplants, and birth control are not natural. 2. Heterosexual marriages are valid because they p...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57879 Views
Religion Forum
Ok. Lets assume God is neither evil nor good. Let us assume 'He' is simply nature or the laws of nature. Thus we have a system where everyone is abiding to the laws of nature. Now our free w...
THREAD Conservative Today VS Liberal Today
31 Posts • 7817 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
If I may let me try to clarify. Conservative point of view is to keep the rich rich and the poor poor. Examples of a more extreme conservative is Monarchy, fascism, Theocracy and Anarchy. The stock...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsMixed Emotions/Open Your Mind
16 Posts • 7780 Views
Psychology Forum
I want to be able to step away from everything my parents, teachers, friends, and society has ever taught me and learn who I am. But I can't put everything away. A lot of what I have learned has becom...
THREAD Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40728 Views
Psychology Forum
every school does something along the lines of a lecture, or an assembly to show that homosexuality isn't bad, or evil, or pedophilic, or satannic. But every day in every class, everyone either h...
THREAD ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24722 Views
Religion Forum
Absolutely... The mirror. That's where we begin and end each day... That's where the majority of problems lie... lie That's where all solutions are best resolved... learned...
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