Tagged > Protests around the world |
Emotions & FeelingsMixed Emotions/Open Your Mind
16 Posts • 7780 Views Psychology Forum |
I've often asked myself the same questions since finishing school and at times in my life when I have been studying and unemployed. The social norms that exist in society have been manufactured over c... |
ChristianityChristian Q&A
0 Posts • 3762 Views Religion Forum |
That is an incorrect analogy and not an answer, because you are only assuming the first part of the statement- that the Father(F) is God, the Son(S) is God, and the Holy Ghost(H) is God, hence assumin... |
IslamDo YOU hate muslims?
11 Posts • 3831 Views Religion Forum |
I don't hate Muslims. I don't hate Christians. I hate religion, because that's what the problem is. I hate Islam and I hate Christianity. To hate Muslims is stupid. I've had a few... |
SocietyIdeas on education
9 Posts • 3645 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
In regards to your final paragraph:
I was the way you described but more so internally, in my own head, because I don't think I had many people to talk to when it came to my passions. I would... |
Stop Bagging The Whales
1 Posts • 2582 Views Talk Talk |
In 2002, off the coast of France, a beached whale was found to have 800 kilos of plastic bags in its stomach.
To keep things like this from happening, my wife takes her plastic bags to the library... |
Atheism & AgnosticismHands up if you are an atheist
57 Posts • 12462 Views Religion Forum |
DT: Anti-God is indeed not correct, and not what I said. However it is fully possible to be anti-religious. But it is definitely not a requirement of atheism. Like I said there are many aspects of wha... |
Obama a thread about Hope and Change.
9 Posts • 2702 Views Talk Talk |
I am canadian but i try to keep up on global politics. I think Oboma Is Simply a talking head He is likely to be just as corrupted as any one else involved in most political partys. We need to realise... |
Life & DeathTheories on Death
41 Posts • 51572 Views Philosophy Forum |
"...I think, without knowledge, and without other people to share your knowledge. Your life wouldn't have a meaning to it. ..."
If you strain your thoughts through some proofreading.... |
Economy'Bail out' or 'rescue'
7 Posts • 2558 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This bailout is ridiculous. It goes against the foundations of capitalism and free market economies. You want to socialize healthcare, education, utilities, transportation... fine. These are needs tha... |
SpiritualityBlind Faith
42 Posts • 11625 Views Religion Forum |
And will you acknowledge the countless other points you have ignored?
"This is what you said. "The truth is
from before the time of religion primitive man has looked into the sky and co... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40988 Views Religion Forum |
I have read all versions of the bible from cover to cover, and not a whole lot of people can say that.
I am still, however, agnostic. I don't disbelieve there is a chance of there being a god... |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58959 Views Religion Forum |
I know you are correct that if someone does not know, then they are not judged by it.
Idol worship was not something Mother Theresa did.
Idol worship is in fact, a completely different thing tha... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132009 Views Philosophy Forum |
TO: dragngrl28
'Quarrel not at all. No man resolved to make the most of himself, can spare time for personal contention. Still less can he afford to take all the consequences, including the vitia... |
Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views Psychology Forum |
Ok lena, much like dug said, please don't patronize me based on my age; I would consider that just as much a stereotype as anything SNL has ever done. I understand my previous comment may have co... |
Facing demons
7 Posts • 3169 Views Talk Talk |
hallo her...
councling hmmm. concling is an alternative when you have no way of supporting yourself and facing your inner speech. The psychologist is not only a good listener he is the person that o... |
Surgeon General's Warning
1 Posts • 3193 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
This is a song in a series of protest songs I will hopefully be getting off the ground very soon.
"The Surgeon General's Warning"
Now this is how we will be heard
Raise your fist... |
GovernmentGovernment Child Sex Trade
25 Posts • 10429 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Some Molech info.
http://www.prisonplan et.com/articles/january2005/02 0104grovebackground.htm
Wel l, apparently our world leaders "pretend" to do it every year. You should hear the testi... |
Relationships & Loveboyfriends that lie
17 Posts • 5962 Views Psychology Forum |
Unfortunately Jacker Jones' description of why people cheat is pretty accurate.
That doesn't make it ok though. Its just the way we are as humans. Back when we had high mortality rates an... |
SocietyRed Vs. Blue: Who Picks Who?
8 Posts • 2445 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Does Joe Shmo in the woods stand for corporate welfare?"
&qu ot;I have no idea what this means... it is literally illiterate I CAN NOT read it..."
"... |
SocietyI Think We Are Doomed
14 Posts • 3412 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Bill your history and your natural bias is skewing facts within your point.
The doom was already present, I laugh at comments like these because they always leave out Bush, the biggest American Pre... |
Completing the Picture and Virtual Similarity
1 Posts • 2014 Views Philosophy Forum |
A few ideas I've had on closely related topics...
First of the mind seeks to complete an abbreviated view of the world, for example looking at a dotted circle and joining the dots, or looking at so... |
57 Posts • 10409 Views Talk Talk |
somebody please explain this to me...
What happens to the text, when you hit the reply button and it comes up with 'this page cannot be found crap!"???
(it happens to me quite a lot when I... |
Human Nature & EmotionThat Logic is the path to Emotion
0 Posts • 905 Views Philosophy Forum |
Molecules of emotion is an interesting book, so is the documentary "Down the Rabbit hole, what the f*ck do we know."
Logic and empirical reasoning can certainly be a path toward joy and a... |
IslamThe Qur'an
110 Posts • 27632 Views Religion Forum |
'WHY? Because democracy is based on christianity. DO not believe me? read Thomas Jefferson.'
Democracy is of Greek origins, developed well before the advent of Christianity.
Thomas Jefferson, to... |
GovernmentPolitics of Love
5 Posts • 3839 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Politics of Love
Competition in government and the economics of wealth and prosperity
Notes on our Golden Era, Global Brotherhood-Unity-Peace-Unders tanding AND Absolute Individual Freedom!
Wor... |