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Fatty - Page 3

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 69yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Chiron is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

definitely not getting this right! Sheez!

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[  Edited by Chiron at   ]
 33yrs • F
A CTL of 1 means that xloobyloox is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
write something like


highlight it

and click quote

lol idk what else to say lol

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"Why kill the bumblebee when your the pain in the ass?"
 42yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that CodeWarrior is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I'm sorry Chiron. I agree that culture has a massive effect on our perception of beauty, even more to in small cultures such as tribes where people may make radical alterations to their anatomy to be beautiful but measures of beauty are not entirely subjective. Many of them are biological. For instance genetic flaws may be displayed in asymmetry in the body. So asymmetry in the breasts is quite unattractive and more visible and pronounced the larger the breasts. A women with large firm symmetrical breasts is indicating her genetic heath. Also the size of the breasts is very dependent on having had good nutrition through puberty and plenty of oestrogen in ones system. These indicate good heath and fertility. Like wise the ratio of the hips to waist is a key indication of fertility. Fat on the other had is quite a culturally dependent thing. Some cultures that frequently experience periods of famine consider fat beautiful. It makes you more likely to survive.

The problem is we live in a culture that has put those very few individuals who poses exceptional beauty in our face all the time. So the expectations of men and women can be raised. Of course the flip side of this is we are quickly developing a society that will allow us to control how we look but this is lagging behind some what. We can all see what it would be like to be that beautiful or have that beautiful a partner but we can't have it for the most part. This is an intrinsic problem with a shrinking world where we are more able to be aware of the exceptional people in it who out shine us.

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 33yrs • F
A CTL of 1 means that xloobyloox is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
i have many reasons for not thinking im pretty... none needing to been known lol i like my eyes and my lips and....thats about it.... lol


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"Why kill the bumblebee when your the pain in the ass?"
 69yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Chiron is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
ooh CodeWarrior, you do make me laugh
most especially because your anatomical appraisals are listed with such seriousness!
(and you also make me need to learn to do this quote thingy, so let me try what noodles suggests)

i have many reasons for not thinking im pretty


But seriously now, mass media Icons have little to do with our cultural fertility rites. Rather they are about mass marketing manipulations, which are 'farming' all you young buds out there into towing the line, so that you will want to eat, drink, think, and look like what they are saying you should.

The problem is we live in a culture that has put those very few individuals who poses exceptional beauty in our face all the time.

But CW, anyone who has worked on a commercial or movie set will testify to a megabucks production of grand illusion.
And its not to say that beauty doesn't, or shouldn't be celebrated. I believe it should be celebrated (and all cultures do this).

But mass marketing techniques search for and then exploit (and even engender) the insecurities of a culture, and then turn these into profit, and so on, without any regard for the individual whose support they solicit.

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 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Cynic-Al is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
i think chiron makes quite a good point, it is only generally women who gain their opinion of beauty from the supermodels they see. Often their boyfriend or partner would prefer them to be more healthy and natural looking. Mass media fuels the women's insecurity, and while the guys find a lot of the icons attractive they don't expect to have a girlfriend who is 24 and a size 4-6 (british). Realistically anyone below a size 12 (once again british sizes) is attractively sized (to the average guy) (relatively dependent on height, if under about 5'6" then thinner is necessary to look proportionate) and even the 12 is the border line between being a healthy weight and being slightly overweight. though it is also highly dependent on musculature you can be the right weight for your height but a size bigger than a friend th same weight because they are just more muscular. and anyway, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

now nobody jump down my throat if i have accidentaly called them fat please .

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"So Schrodinger's Cat is not only neither dead nor alive, but might also be sexually aroused by elbows and peanut butter?"
 33yrs • F
A CTL of 1 means that xloobyloox is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
lol well im "overweight for my height" which i think is really unfair

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"Why kill the bumblebee when your the pain in the ass?"
 42yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that CodeWarrior is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Didn't mean to make you laugh Chiron. Actually I was paraphrasing some quite serious scientific research. I have an entire issue of a popular science journal on the topic sitting on a shelf at home. People have quite seriously looked in to what are the optimum features for attractiveness for the opposite sex and spent time tying to link them to social and biological factors. Many times the conclusion is that attractively is largely about reading cues in appearance related to reproduction. It was noticed for instance that in times of war more robust women are deemed more attractive than normal. Clearly stronger women are more able to protect their children in violent times where the father may be killed in fighting.

I'm also aware how much of an illusion this is. Scientists in laboratories have used genetic algorithms to make idea CG faces that no one could really hope to have. Yet with equally good CG companies are able to modify pictures to achieve a similar effect. Still because the idea is practically unattainable for most it doesn't mean the idea is just a social construct.

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 69yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Chiron is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
somebody please explain this to me...
What happens to the text, when you hit the reply button and it comes up with 'this page cannot be found crap!"???
(it happens to me quite a lot when I am posting a reply, and then when I go back, my text has f*^#!*d off into cyberspace!!!!)

but what I wanted to say was...

it is only generally women who gain their opinion of beauty from the supermodels they see.

Yes I would agree with you Al, but I assure you men are targeted too. Image building hype is the shackle of choice for you lot. So that from an early age, you are taught that you should want to drive a certain car, that you should crave to have a certain job, so that you can garner a certain amount of material possessions, so that you can display them in a certain kind of house.

And the list goes on, until one morning you sit up in your bed with a jolt, and realise that you're hocked to the hilt in mortgage bond repayments. And HELLOOOO, now guess what?
Join the Que with all the other little worker ants (and mind you don't complain now, because look at all the stuff you get to go home and play with when you trudge back afterwards). Also, just forget about your dreams, there's lots of time for that nonsense in the 2/3 weeks off you'll have a year.

And as for this epidemic of men who (in their free time) push, push, push themselves to the limit cycling, running, kite-surfing...
Now I can just hear my son-in-law's protest 'but I LOVE my sport!'
And I say 'there is nothing wrong with that.'; excepting that I can also recognize a deeply ingrained 'sell-out-to-the-system' mechanism, which has been 'installled', and of which he is unawares.
And that while he thinks he is out there just having fun, he is also behaving like an athletic hamster on a wheel, who imagines that someone important might notice his value and invite him down for a cigar and a life of bliss.

Now, I'm not saying we should all live in a world sans advertising, movies, sport, and Glamour. But I would prefer that people had more awareness, rather than just unconsciously acquiescing to solicitations.
And so I have this reaction when hearing from the minds of young women:

i have many reasons for not thinking im pretty

because there hasn't been a young woman yet born who would knowingly trade her feelings of personal physical self esteem for a bunch of crap in return.

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 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that heyjme1 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
lol. lol. Codewarrior; there's no point putting up facts here.

See you may be able to know all the facts of a building. you may even build the empire state building. But chicks will go around making it look pretty.

lol...and in the same way if a chick is fat and feeling down her female friends wont adress the fatness; they'll seek to dress her so she looks nice

If you can prove your fat by BMI index and can hold a wad in your hand; then face it, think of the reward in solving the problem and you'll be much happier for it.

You know the answers; its just having the courage to face them. That's my best advice.

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""No words""
 69yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Chiron is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Actually I was paraphrasing some quite serious scientific research.

Dear oh dear Code Warrior, now you've made me shriek with laughter!, and my Jack Russel is eyeing me suspiciously from the corner of her eye, so I need to behave...

But seriously CD, I don't mean to demean your collection of scientific journals, but just to say that a similar kind of science was used to argue genetic purity/superiority in WW2.

I think one needs to be very careful just in case political ideology gets dressed up as scientific. Because this is a favorite ruse, and an all time favorite is also to dress political ideology up as religion.

In my Country (when I was a young-un) our President managed to ban the mini-skirt by using Religion. He dug something out of the Bible which supported his argument, hahaha, and lots of other things which weren't so haha, just so as to keep hold of power.

Please always be very, very careful of anything which poses as Science or Religion. Just watch out for it, is all I'm saying Pet.

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 34yrs • M •
illwill is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
call me a stupid teen or what but i personly know the
f*** media down grades us i suffer from acne problems
and i just can not achive the clear i whant if u know any good
ways to do so let me know i do suffer from self confeince problems

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"death is only a gift given from god"
 42yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that CodeWarrior is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I don't debate a lot of what we call attractive is cultural too. Ear rings is a good example of this. They are obviously not a symbol of reproductive health. They aren't even a symbol of wealth these days. The same is true of shoes. When you go out weather your shoes match your dress really isn't a factor in weather men find you attractive or not. But like it or not some aspect of physical appearance are subject to a universal aesthetic.

Some how I don't think heuristic feedback methods and statistical analysis of the correlation between various physical attributes is well compared to a bunch of wana be scientists playing with eugenics. I'm saying I've not just read the research, I understand it.

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 33yrs • F
A CTL of 1 means that xloobyloox is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
ok ..ill will....dont use clearacel or whatever its called...its shit... my advice is get a presciption from the doctors or go to your local pharmacy ...they'll give you a good anti acne cream

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"Why kill the bumblebee when your the pain in the ass?"
 80yrs • F •
Curiosity is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Illwill i am sorry you suffer from self conciousness, but I can only tell you that you are one of thousands with the same problem. Mainly though , I know the truth hurts , but it's probibly the food you eat. Thats O.K. so long as you have plenty of fruit along with it and make sure you have fresh air and plenty of sleep. My Grandson is exactly like you at 16, but he won't leave his xbox so there is no hope for him until he does.
Get out there and meet people and chat.

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"Quantum Sufficit"
Fatty - Page 3
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