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Tagged > Protests around the world
THREAD SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29197 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
" The history of the region shows that they had been at war with others under the French (etc) long before we became involved; " And the Koreans had been oppressed by the Chinese, then the...
THREAD Corruption of Power
6 Posts • 4166 Views
Talk Talk
Truth of War http://www.captaincynic.c om/thread.php3/thrdid=34277-u- frmid=1 Confessions of an Economic Hitman http://www.captaincyni -u-frmid=23 Is this Freedom?...
THREAD Song Lyricsnew: e M O T I V e
5 Posts • 3935 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
A Perfect Circle Lyrics: Fiddle And The Drum And so once again, My dear Johnny, my dear friend, And so once again you are fighting us all, And when I ask you why, You raise your sticks and cry...
THREAD Why are aesthetics such a muddle?
2 Posts • 3917 Views
Philosophy Forum
Why are aesthetics such a muddle? Aesthetics are such a muddle because this domain of knowledge, which we call aesthetics, contains a vast kinship of human meanings, attractions, appreciations, nee...
THREAD Love, love,love
2 Posts • 2062 Views
Talk Talk
I've debated sharing this but..enjoy 4/24/08 On love. All the challenges I'm facing, all the pain I've felt, all the sadness that has consumed my heart, shall be wiped away by you, my...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismAgnosticism
23 Posts • 7694 Views
Religion Forum
A belief is something accepted as truth. And like you said, that can be done without reason or evidence, Agnostics seem to avoid "believing" in things without good reason or evidence, while...
THREAD Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40733 Views
Psychology Forum
Homosexual activity destroys the concept of marriage which is the building block of society. Without it children become neglected or abused because they lack a stable enviroment in which to grow. Si...
THREAD ChristianityWas Jesus Black
31 Posts • 14532 Views
Religion Forum
Alright then here's the answer.....Jesus is what we know today as Black!!!.....In order to create a religion a fallacy has to be created...and the creation of christianity surrounds a whole bunch...
THREAD War & Terrorism"Terrorism": Does Anyone Really Understa
22 Posts • 7557 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Terrorism –The Unexamined Moral Issue by Bradley Smith Let's define what we're talking about. "Terrorism" is the intentional killing of innocent, unarmed civilians to gain a politica...
THREAD Relationships & Lovejust thoughts. don't reply.
1 Posts • 2134 Views
Psychology Forum
This isn't going to work, you and I. At least not here, and at least not now. Maybe that will change; we'll just wait and see where gravity takes us. See, I tried. I really did. But something was miss...
THREAD ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58958 Views
Religion Forum
"Leftwood...muderers are murderers....whether it be Manson or Saddam...a killer should be stopped and punished. " You don't even get what I'm saying. "IS that f...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionPartners In Life
27 Posts • 7977 Views
Philosophy Forum
Kratos' offering of the Tao quote "Alone, yet not alone" , is the best reply to the struggle for balance in a relation. All social animals struggle with this balance between self intere...
THREAD DepressionI don't think I will ever be happy
5 Posts • 18555 Views
Psychology Forum
It all started with an incident with my elder brother (he is 4 or 5 years older tha me, and we are the only two kids in the family). My memory started fairly early. I can clearly remember that day...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligious beliefs
48 Posts • 15610 Views
Religion Forum
I am reading I believe this and I believe that. But really all that is being stated is opinion, and unqualified at that. How can an opinion on such an esoteric topic be qualified anyway? Who could pos...
THREAD Famous PsychologistsFreudian psychology... Ha!
9 Posts • 3721 Views
Psychology Forum
I may have gotten a little carried away with my opening post but let me try to get to the essence of the idea. We don't experience the future or the past, but such categories (which comprise w...
THREAD Starcraft 2 (no, NOT Starcraft Ghost)
12 Posts • 3355 Views
Talk Talk
The Rise and Fall of a Blizzard Fanboi I know because Blizzard is so hugely succseful and loved these days, Im probably not going to be very popular for this post. But I have had this inside me for...
THREAD The Elixir
4 Posts • 3496 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Yeah! The Elixer very much reminds me of a poem I just wrote. A Peace of Mind (?) A mind is a piece of work (A work in piece unfinished) In youth it borne a peace drawn blank (But minds are...
THREAD Gender PsychologyChicks and Fake Phone numbers
64 Posts • 45427 Views
Psychology Forum
There are cruel people on both sides of the fence, but I do feel that guys already have a bad reputation for it, whereas girls don't. Can't men figure out if a girl is interested in them...
THREAD LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51784 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"if a person wants to have sex it's okey as long as the feeling's mutual." What if they want to exchange money for the event, as long as the money exchange feeling is mutual, an...
THREAD GovernmentIraqi Statue honoring President Bush
63 Posts • 14839 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"That is not my personpal opinion but rather an extremely common and universal judgment. Maybe you simply weren't aware that you were being constantly referred to as inferior?" Wow,...
THREAD Society & SociologyNot all Muslims are terrorists,so end your hatred!
68 Posts • 35946 Views
Psychology Forum
But we cannot overlook the fact that many of the reasons that these people have for hating us are based on biased opinions from radical muslim clerics who use relegion as an excuse to attack innocent...
THREAD Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20624 Views
Psychology Forum
so then, as per your model what happens when the hunter meets the mother and vice versa. do all the allurements of society become invisible ? does the beast die altogether ? are these mutually exclusi...
THREAD War & TerrorismIraq buildings NOT burning.
42 Posts • 12127 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Patrish, I was going to say something about how little you've learned in the extra 23 years longer you've lived than Danipog but he kicked your butt without any help. Right on! You keep s...
THREAD Joke of the Day....version 2
14 Posts • 4780 Views
Jokes & Games
"Why'd the chicken cross the road?" MOSES: And God came down from the Heavens, and He said unto the Chicken, "Thou shalt cross the road!" And the chicken crossed the roa...
THREAD Concerning African-American Decendants of Slaves
4 Posts • 4288 Views
Philosophy Forum
I truly welcome all views and hope to add the uniqueness in each point to my repetoir yet remaining detached and objective. Physical bondage was not the only handicap imposed on the African in Amer...
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