Tagged > Protests around the world |
Alternative BeliefsWhat do you believe?
67 Posts • 16813 Views Religion Forum |
responses to ethereals comments:
Again, I mess up on semantics! grr! Sorry, I guess I should have put "fornication" instead of "sex". I was typing quickly.
I don't look d... |
Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13841 Views Talk Talk |
Gentlemen, please!
Decius, I like the way that Cynic-Al questions everything put before him. Obviously I side with you with regard to the points you made (they were all new to me!), but his perspec... |
Physics & CosmologyTheory of Relativiy
16 Posts • 7324 Views Science & Technology Forum |
First of all, water is not plasma. No insipid interpretation of the bible is going to help you.
Genesis is the most absurd part of the bible, some of it may contain truth or wisdom but, damnit (dim w... |
DepressionDepression and Suicide
6 Posts • 4317 Views Psychology Forum |
Depending on your circumstances, you may just be thinking too much and not actually doing enough. Its another form of imbalance, your brain can only conceptualize so much, making use of the thoughts o... |
Religion & HumanityReligion fear tactics
30 Posts • 7308 Views Religion Forum |
Any system is sustainable to abuse.
...some less so than others. There were necessary precautions that even the founding fathers felt the free-market needed when they drew up the Constitution. Spe... |
28 Posts • 7155 Views Philosophy Forum |
Jesus didnt alleviate the world of pain, he didnt free us from sin let alone ALL sin. He died for our sins so that we may be forgiven for them. Pain still exists. He died so we could make mistakes and... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122944 Views Religion Forum |
i wanted to respond on an old post here by angel of death, when they said god is most logical and that "it is more logical than the infinite universes etc."
What is more logical, saying g... |
Life & DeathIs Life Worth the Strife?
23 Posts • 7573 Views Philosophy Forum |
No need to post such a splenetic reponse Chris, but you're right. Laplacean probability dictates that we should apply the principle of insufficient reason in a situation like this, assuming that... |
What a Difference 4yrs Makes
2 Posts • 2565 Views Talk Talk |
Mainstream Media sources have repeatedly asserted that UN Weapons inspectors were kicked out of Iraq. EXTRA the magazine published by FAIR every month has provided an excellent comparison of coverage... |
ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21772 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I do not think your code of conduct can ever lead to peace.
Only to retaliation after counter-retaliation. People have rights, even if they lose a war. Arrogant Frenchmen thought that winning WW1 g... |
27 Posts • 9959 Views Religion Forum |
Ok animated, since your second post adressed Patrish I'm going to assume your first one addressed me. First of all, I agree with you, Patrish should'nt attack you as a person, she has no rig... |
ChristianityWhat is faith: Why Christianity?
23 Posts • 7993 Views Religion Forum |
I don't know if you are in a position to answer this question because it is sort of posed as a rebuttal to PeterSmith's assertion that Christianity is the only religion that provides "g... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49736 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
This is a thing I put together for the WAM group at my school (Writers, Artists, Musicians.) I've had issues recording it due to the wonders of technology, but the rap is written down. I though I... |
SocietyIsn't our financial crisis fair warning?
1 Posts • 2349 Views Philosophy Forum |
Isn't our financial crisis fair warning?
To the self-actualizing self-learner who has studied briefly the high points in human history the prospect of ever comprehending the human condition seems o... |
ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24423 Views Religion Forum |
Now your contradicting yourself. Jesus's body apparently physically disappeared. In the bible, it says that Jesus was resurrected.
When did it disappear? It was no longer in the tomb but then... |
189 Posts • 73076 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
it is wrong, you made a wrong decision
The single most important principal of investigation, whether I am a philosopher, a detective, or a scientist, is: not to show bias. This is why I reserve my op... |
Iain King's 'How to Make Good Decisions"
1 Posts • 3014 Views Philosophy Forum |
Continuum is pleased to announce that Iain King's 'How to Make Good Decisions and Be Right All the Time: Solving the Riddle of Right and Wrong' is now available!
'Iain King's ambitious bo... |
Physics & CosmologyWhat does it mean there are Four Dimensions?
57 Posts • 27186 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Webster's New World Science Dictionary
quantum number: In Physics, one of a set of four numbers [values] that uniquely characterize an =>electron & its state in the =>atom.
The prin... |
ScriptsMultimedia - delicious oozing words!
1 Posts • 2512 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
An excerpt from Conversations with My New Friends at the Graveyard
Multimedia/Collage by Wolf Larsen
A Play/Novel/Poem/Musical/Sculpt ure/Monlogue/
Symphony/Mural/ Opera/Movie/Postmodern Dance/... |
War & TerrorismAnonVsScientology
13 Posts • 3546 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Jump on the bandwagon and fuck shit up on Feb. 10
In case you aren't aware, a war of sorts has been declared against Scientology. I support this as long as it remains physically non-violent... |
Child & Family PsychologySharing Knowledge
1 Posts • 5685 Views Psychology Forum |
I don't come from a wealthy family. Neither of my parents went through university and during most of my youth, the clothes my siblings and I wore were usually hand me downs.
I always did prett... |
War & TerrorismA Unique Perspective
3 Posts • 2719 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Yiftach, Yotam, Yuval and Assam are all eighteen. They are all secular Jews who go to the same school in Jerusalem. Next year they will all begin their national service... |
1 Posts • 2614 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Andrew Johnson
To What Extent Does the Concept of Umma Tally with that of Globalization?
This question calls forth a whole cluster of assumptions which, I think it is fair to say, cannot be justi... |
GodHave you ever doubted anthropomorphic polytheism?
1 Posts • 2737 Views Philosophy Forum |
Have you ever doubted anthropomorphic polytheism?
Those individuals who comprehend such things, in this case I am speaking of art historians in general and Alois Riegl in particular, inform me that... |
War & TerrorismRussian invasion of Georgia
5 Posts • 2765 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Jake, who invaded whom?
The Georgians' after a decade of training and armorment by the US, who is still there (doing what?), thats who.
After over a decade of peace and no fighting, they la... |