 57yrs • M
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Multimedia - delicious oozing words! |
An excerpt from Conversations with My New Friends at the Graveyard Multimedia/Collage by Wolf Larsen A Play/Novel/Poem/Musical/Sculpture/Monlogue/ Symphony/Mural/Opera/Movie/Postmodern Dance/ Gallery of Paintings, Drawings, Photography, Architecture & P---------- Each audience member is led to a cell at Cook County Jail. Each audience member recites his or her own monologue as the sea of prison walls flOat and chaRge and dizZy around them. The death squads of Latin America sing, 'Democracy or dictatorship we're always there for the rich' as the victims they are shooting sing 'Yes, democracy or dictatorship we will die for the rich' and now your dinner tastes like Human corpses that were shot to death by right-wing death squads. And then a butterfly begins singing to you 'She flies across the world and into a piano concerto – the piano concerto is about the reader's backyard where Penises are growing out of all the Vaginas and holy prophets are sitting on all the giant Penises and reciting poetry.' And all the patients at Cook County Hospital sing 'Let's kill and eat Shostakovich! Shostakovich will be as delicious as a squealing novel with Human Sexual Organs in pepper & mustard sauce!' And millions of white hurricanes are kissing your black skin and the Sears Tower grows out of your corpse. And then everyone on earth goes blind and SCREAMS 'SHE IS THAT MOMENT OF YOUTH WHERE HER BREASTS HAVE JUST BEGUN TO RAVAGE THE AIR AND HER MONTHLY BLOOD IS RUSHING ALL OVER THE PAGES OF POETRY!' And Warsaw jumps over the sky and falls all over Chicago... And words in books everywhere begin dripping all over each other and then meLtinG-fiRe-pEoplE begin crawling out of a drawing and all the meLtinG-fiRe-pEoplE are luuunging at you and SCREAMING 'A SPLINTERING-CRASHING-APART-WOMAN JUMPED ON YOUR PENIS AND NOW YOU'RE WALKING DOWN A STREET WHERE THOUSANDS OF GIANT HUMONGOUS TONGUES ARE STREEETCHING OUT OF THE ARCHITECTURE AND MOUNTAINS OF DRUG ADDICTS ARE CRAWLING ALL OVER EACH OTHER AND ALL THE BOTTLES ON THE TAVERN WALL ARE SCREAMING THIER MONOLOGUES AT YOU AND YOUR BODY IS BEING CUT UP INTO THE WORDS OF THE MOVIE'S DIALOGUE!' And the Afro-Brazilian DRU!MS turn all the boring buildings into a rebellious architecture the DRU!MS take all the boring conventional novels and turn them into SCRE!AMING revolutions of literature! Then all the AIDS patients at the hospital begin having sex with each other as the walls SCREAM 'EVERYONE ON THE STREET BEGINS SCREAMING THOUSAND STORY MONOLOGUES AT YOU AND ALL THE DOGS & CATS & RATS & MICE & BIRDS & COCKROACHES ARE ALL SCREAMING THEIR MONOLOGUES AT YOU AND MONOLOGUES ARE DRUMMING OUT OF THE RADIO AND MONOLOGUES ARE FLOODING OUT OF THE SUN AND YOU'RE WRITING DOWN ALL THE HUNDREDS & THOUSANDS & MILLIONS OF MONOLOGUES AVALANCHING OUT OF EVERYONE & EVERYTHING!' Everyone & everything? Does that include the sky? Where's the sky going? Is it going to Europe? Europe drips all over Africa while Antarctica melts into the stars and the stars are dripping anguished architecture all over the earth while the walls SCREAM 'SHE'S TATOOING THE MONOLOGUE ALL OVER HER BODY! SHE'S CARVING THE MONOLOGUE INTO TOMBSTONES & WALLS & MOUNTAINSIDES! SHE'S BECOMING THE MONOLOGUE IN EVERY MOVEMENT & THOUGHT & BREATH IN HER BODY!' Your floor is singing 'We sprinkle verbs all over the paintings! We bash & hammer dazzling luxurious nouns into the poems! And the poems SCREAM sculptures at the audience and the audience becomes notes in a symphony! The symphony is flowing into the streets and across history and the symphony begins creating the world outside!' It's a dizzy vision of humongous Penises by the thousands growing out of an itchy molecule. Then, the villagers all descend from the mountains and SCREAM 'SCIZOPHRENIA! METEORS!' And the dogs run out of the sun and eat all the worry. You are now part of the unconscious. All the children run away into monologues and all the people on the sun & moon & all the planets SCREAM 'MUSICAL NOTES! MUSICAL NOTES!' And then you hand everyone gifts of insanity as they whisper 'Verbs are roaring at you a million miles an hour while the nouns are all bashing into you from the millions of skies that are surrounding you...' And the semi-trucks SMA!SH through the walls into the opera house and the cities all jump up and swirl around you while the buildings all SCREAM 'SOLITUDE! SOLITUDE!' and now the winds begin whispering 'Cancer? AIDS? Nuclear War?' while the gunshots play with the walls and the corpses that have been laying in the street for days all sing, 'Her breasts are the sweetest whisper!' and then one corpse begins reciting a poem to the other corpse and all the corpses jump up and begin dancing to the poem while all the gunshots are all laughing and laaauuughing. Copyright 2007 by Wolf Larsen