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Tagged > Protests around the world
THREAD Natural Cures & Alternative MedicineCancer - The Forbidden Cures
2 Posts • 3790 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Misdirection 1 No one knows how many used to die of cancer in 1900, as the diseases of cancer for which there are very many were unrecognised as such, and deaths by cancer would simply go unnoticed...
THREAD ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62731 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Excerpt: Sheen Movie To Portray Rodriguez 9/11 Heroism PHILIP RECCHIA / New York Post | August 21 2006 The next 9/11 tale to hit the silver screen could be that of a World Trade Center janitor w...
THREAD Pride for a Day
2 Posts • 2902 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Sitting in an empty apartment contemplating life's everything, Cherishing realization and awareness and all the joy they bring, But now sidetracked by the fact I'm looking from biased eyes...
THREAD Life & DeathLife: Is it now? Is it then? Is it to come?
7 Posts • 3799 Views
Philosophy Forum
*dead* I started reading this and was fairly impressed. Very sophisticated thoughts I thought for someone so young. And then I started to get bored because there was just so much of it!! First of all...
THREAD Penn&Teller Bullshit!
8 Posts • 2836 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Here is some of the other points I didn't bother to take the time to post before in regards to the 9/11 show. They mention how conspiracy theories instantly started arising, well, our governme...
THREAD Society & SociologyNumber of People Murdered Every Day?
2 Posts • 5617 Views
Psychology Forum
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastat s/homicide.htm if you check other years, its about 20k people murdered in the USA every year. The cities who are the most criminally active are detroit, baltimore and...
THREAD ChristianityRevelation, are we in it?
12 Posts • 4108 Views
Religion Forum
Tootsie, I am not a theologian but I have studied eschatology for many years and I can honestly tell you that the modern idea of the rapture is extra-biblical and even contradicts the teachings of...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligion has history
55 Posts • 13577 Views
Religion Forum
The lie is in the thinking we have today, under the GUISE of free thinking. I think we arre talking about different things . . . 1) if they had truly taught the way as life to live rather than His b...
THREAD God in ReligionProve the existence of god
52 Posts • 12979 Views
Religion Forum
Alot of religious people may find this post upsetting. It isn't anti religious. Nor does it propose one religion over another. But it challenges their deep-seated beliefs, not by looking for contradic...
THREAD Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55433 Views
Philosophy Forum
Everything builds up to be a definite. All of the knowledge you obtain. Developed into conclusions made by yourself. They develop into a basis for you to work from. And move forward on. This is why so...
THREAD DrugsAcid as a Catalyst
11 Posts • 3485 Views
Psychology Forum
Quote "What part do you not understand that drugs are an abuse that no good will ever come of it" If you choose to believe that because you take a drug you are an addict or are abusing...
THREAD BiologyWhat About Eugenics?
23 Posts • 10889 Views
Science & Technology Forum
First off, did I not say that most natural diseases have been contained or controlled? Yes I did. The point you missed that I was making was that it's not necessarily a good thing that natural populat...
THREAD EconomyWhat Economic Governmental Sytem Works Best and How?
24 Posts • 12450 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
There are two things I notice in this discussion, first one is how everyone seems to think that humans are naturally conniving and out to get everyone else. The other is that no one seems to address &...
THREAD Can we compare physics and psychology?
3 Posts • 2332 Views
Philosophy Forum
Can we compare physics and psychology? Libido is an energy source-Heat is an energy source-there is potential and kinetic energy Emotion aka instinct is an energy source- Narcissism is a forc...
THREAD Religion & HumanityAll Religions are paths to god
99 Posts • 21550 Views
Religion Forum
History shows that since even the Didache which was written during the time of the Apostles that the belief of the Cross, death and resurrection are IMPORTANT beliefs in the whole reason for the Bible...
THREAD ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62731 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
What I do know is that Saddam Hussein caused HIS OWN people to be unhappy. What you know is what the media tells you. Saddam has had help with every terrible thing he has done. Including taking p...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityEthical Question Relating to Stem Cells From A Baby
5 Posts • 4290 Views
Philosophy Forum
So the idea about abortion was just a sidenote but I can see there are discussions here too. I find it rather silly really. America is the only civilized country who hasn't figured out and st...
THREAD ChristianityA Dedication To pat robertson
9 Posts • 3931 Views
Religion Forum
.the poem talks about works alot. So did Jesus The Sheep and the Goats Matthew 25: 31"When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne...
THREAD Relativity:The miracle of movement
24 Posts • 6209 Views
Philosophy Forum
Both philosophy and science do have benefits. philosophy is to understand our spiritual existence, it's an exercice of the mind, the more we think of all questions that we could not answer , t...
THREAD Patriot Acts Across the Globe
10 Posts • 4012 Views
Talk Talk
There is one key point to be made about these "Patriot Act" or terrorism fighting bills, at least in my country, I haven't read much of all your death threats, but that it actually chan...
THREAD FuturologyIf Humans Don't Embrace Each Other Why..
1 Posts • 2221 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Human being do not embrace one another - in particular when it comes to different races, humans have not in their past nor now, holistically as a united species, reached a point where they feel connec...
THREAD God in ReligionDid God really make us in his image?
10 Posts • 7003 Views
Religion Forum
TheHollowMen275, If I did, I (and you) would still need faith in the instantaneous creation of a life. In Genesis 1:26-28 you will find it reads: "26 And God said, Let us make man in our i...
THREAD PoetryGot Any Spare Change?
1 Posts • 2311 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
'Hey, You Got Some Spare Change Mr. President?' A Neo-SocialRealist poem by Wolf Larsen It's like the white liberals & the black nationalists & the rest of the new-'left'-overs kiss...
THREAD Government'Presidential Secrets'
2 Posts • 2274 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Former CIA Operative Chip Tatum Speaks This video presents one of the most provocative interviews ever conducted by Ted Gunderson, a retired FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge; it is with Gene &quo...
THREAD People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31799 Views
Talk Talk
To Xgemstone67: Next time you get a "hard time" from someone with opposing views, debate them in the hope that you might learn something new from them. Sadly, in all the years I have embr...
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