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Can we compare physics and psychology?

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 90yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that coberst is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Can we compare physics and psychology?
Can we compare physics and psychology?

Libido is an energy source-Heat is an energy source-there is potential and kinetic energy

Emotion aka instinct is an energy source-

Narcissism is a force-gravity is a force-electromagnetism is a force-within the atom there are the strong and weak forces-there are four physical forces within nature. Narcissism is a force that displays itself in--self-absorption-self-love-sense of immortality-self-esteem-cosmic significance-self-importance-feeds on symbols, on abstract ideas of my own worth

Guilt is a feeling caused by outside resistance

Feeling-the mental experience of an emotion after the body has reacted to the emotion

Neurosis is the control of anxiety by restricting experience-the humanization process is neurosis in action

Anxiety is a feeling, the penalty for becoming human, i.e. for becoming self-conscious; it is not based on instinct but is based upon individual sense of helplessness.

Ego controls responses by delaying action

Hero-the world is a stage for heroism-our main task on this earth-man's natural yearning for organismic activity, the pleasure of incorporation and expansion, fed limitlessly in the domain of symbols-we compare one another symbolically-we are ignorant of what we want and need, we disguise it in consumption as our badges-desire to be hero is natural and to admit it is healthy-need to make me, man, nation, etc, meaningful-our need for freedom is our need to be a hero-it becomes a blind-drivenness that burns us up-we must feel that what we do is heroic-crises is when youth does not feel heroic, we have a crisis of heroism-religion is no longer a stage for heroism-heroics is a central theme of human action

Culture is a symbolic action system for heroism-to give death its due is perhaps a step back that will permit a step forward-death is reality, when we repress it what happens?-

This is how our brain works. We think with the aid of past experiences. We use linguistic metaphors to give others a direction for understanding. Our brain uses conceptual metaphors this same way; automatically using conceptual metaphors. LIFE IS A JOURNEY. Automatically our brain 'copies' what we already know about journeys that help us to better comprehend the task of living.

Abstract ideas are largely metaphorical.

An infant is born and when embraced for the first time by its mother the infant experiences the sensation of warmth. In succeeding experiences the warmth is felt along with other sensations.

Empirical data verifies that there often happens a conflation of this sensation experience together with the development of a subjective (abstract) concept we can call affection. With each similar experience the infant fortifies both the sensation experience and the affection experience and a little later this conflation aspect ends and the child has these two concepts in different mental spaces.

This conflation leads us to readily recognize the metaphor 'affection is warmth'.

Cognitive science uses metaphor in the standard usage as we are all accustomed to but it also uses a new concept that you are unfamiliar with unless you have been reading this book. This new concept is called 'conceptual metaphor'. Conceptual metaphor is the heart of this new cognitive science and represents what will be in my opinion the new paradigm of cognitive science.

In my example I speak of two separate mental spaces; one being the experience of being held and the other is the subjective experience of affection. The theory behind the 'conceptual metaphor' is that the structure of the sense experience can and is often automatically without conscious intention mapped into a new mental space.

The experience structure can be mapped into a new mental space and thereby becomes part of the structure of that new mental space. In this fashion these conceptual metaphors can act somewhat like atoms that join together to make a molecule.

SGCS (Second Generation Cognitive Science) has developed new and revolutionary theories regarding how cognition works. One way that it works is through metaphor, not just linguistic but also through conceptual metaphor. You ought to give it a study. You might be surprised how many things will become clearer.

I am a retired engineer; that is why I think using physics as an aid in comprehending the world I live in.

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 42yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that pupa ria is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Very intresting information. I think that we can compare anything to everything cause in my own belief and many others all the things in the universe work under the same principle ( atomism). It is one of my wishes for humanity; science finding an impartial explenation to everything. It will give a unified vision of life and brings us closer to being and feeling one.

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"I'm the mirror that will make you invisible"
 90yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that coberst is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
The purpose of my post was to illuminate how my past experiences provide the background for comprehending my new experiences.

I have for many months been studying the new theories of cognitive science detailed in the book 'Philosophy in the Flesh' by Lakoff and Johnson. I am convinced that these theories will change dramatically our comprehension of how human cognition functions.

We have in our Western philosophy a traditional theory of faculty psychology wherein our reasoning is a faculty completely separate from the body. 'Reason is seen as independent of perception and bodily movement.' It is this capacity of autonomous reason that makes us different in kind from all other animals. I suspect that many fundamental aspects of philosophy and psychology are focused upon declaring, whenever possible, the separateness of our species from all other animals.

This tradition of an autonomous reason began long before evolutionary theory and has held strongly since then without consideration, it seems to me, of the theories of Darwin and of biological science. Cognitive science has in the last three decades developed considerable empirical evidence supporting Darwin and not supporting the traditional theories of philosophy and psychology regarding the autonomy of reason. Cognitive science has focused a great deal of empirical science toward discovering the nature of the embodied mind.

The three major findings of cognitive science are:
The mind is inherently embodied.
Thought is mostly unconscious.
Abstract concepts are largely metaphorical.

'These findings of cognitive science are profoundly disquieting [for traditional thinking] in two respects. First, they tell us that human reason is a form of animal reason, a reason inextricably tied to our bodies and the peculiarities of our brains. Second, these results tell us that our bodies, brains, and interactions with our environment provide the mostly unconscious basis for our everyday metaphysics, that is, our sense of what is real.'

All living creatures categorize. All creatures, as a minimum, separate eat from no eat and friend from foe. As neural creatures tadpole and wo/man categorize. There are trillions of synaptic connections taking place in the least sophisticated of creatures and this multiple synapses must be organized in some way to facilitate passage through a small number of interconnections and thus categorization takes place. Great numbers of different synapses take place in an experience and these are subsumed in some fashion to provide the category eat or foe perhaps.

Our categories are what we consider to be real in the world: tree, rock, animal...Our concepts are what we use to structure our reasoning about these categories. Concepts are neural structures that are the fundamental means by which we reason about categories.

Quotes from 'Philosophy in the Flesh'.

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Can we compare physics and psychology?
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