LawSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized Worldwide!
59 Posts • 22160 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Special laws? Getting married is a special law now? Or is the special law the one that specifies that ONLY people of opposite sexes should get married?
Sounds to me like the latter holds true. Bec... |
Random Questionswhat makes someone a douche bag?
16 Posts • 11601 Views Talk Talk |
Thats the crime.
When shallow ppl get together based purely on physical attraction, and have no concept of what a solid relationship entails, like you say, their relationships are doom... |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
Some personality traits....
Argumentative, Earthy, Eccentric, High Maintenance, Intellectual, Musical, Sensitive, Silly, Spiritual, Stubborn, Unconventional, Witty, Artistic, Easygoing, High Energy... |
Child & Family PsychologyFacing my reality of being unloved
6 Posts • 7593 Views Psychology Forum |
After reading the advise others have given, I am editing to add how important it is to have a support group. There are many different kinds of support groups. Churches are the most obvious places to f... |
Gender PsychologyMen Intimidated By Strong Women
3 Posts • 16486 Views Psychology Forum |
I'm a 35 year old woman and I have worked myself up in my career to where I am now a senior staff member of the company I work for. Without going into detail about my company and what I do, what... |
War & TerrorismOfficial Captain Cynic WTC 9/11 Thread
0 Posts • 6685 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The republicans picked John Fucking mccain for their nominee obviously they wanted to lose or they wouldn't have picked the most disliked republican.
If we want a third party to come through... |
Child & Family PsychologyInescapable Human Emotion
27 Posts • 6698 Views Psychology Forum |
I want to start this by saying that I have no father figure in my life. My father and I have no relationship because I have had to seperate myself from him because he is incredibly destructive to hims... |
Having An Affair
2 Posts • 2569 Views Philosophy Forum |
firstly - you're not a dumb kid...
adult behavior gets an adult response... not an excuse...
my thoughts... keep doing it...
it'll end no matter what -
A woman in America tends... |
BiologyWhat About Eugenics?
23 Posts • 10890 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I found this recent article. Quite interesting to think about it once you read it.
23 Apr 2006. Zack Smith
Tyranny of the breeders
"Tyranny of the breeders" is the concept I have coin... |
124 Posts • 33711 Views Talk Talk |
So it's been sunny outside for a week now, and I'm starting to get used to the idea of half-naked women with spray-on tans parading outside my windows chatting on their four-hundred dollar c... |
Ethics & MoralityMale Racism and its Parallels to Male Homosexuality
10 Posts • 3714 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm not completely finished with this thought so I thought I'd post it here and watch it be refined by "the proess"...
A guy that pays attention to other guys mostly...
One g... |
17 Posts • 7574 Views Talk Talk |
Porn = Proof of Repressed Nature,
How many different faces do you see when you search porn? millions upon millions, all want money, or fame, or both or neither. Female sexual freedom amplified.... |
GovernmentSecular Gov't Opinions
18 Posts • 7963 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The Pledge of Allegiance...
[quote "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
This is the original P... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64042 Views Religion Forum |
"For your own research for answers, let's look at the bang theory.
Here you have a huge bang, without a catalyst, because even a catalyst has to have an origin, so let's assume, logica... |
ChristianityA few questions for Christians.
13 Posts • 3231 Views Religion Forum |
No worries, I don't mind telling how I came to be such. I was raised mostly by my mother, who was Baptist and took me to church every Sunday. I believed and followed, as I was raised. Around the... |
Religion & HumanityRant
20 Posts • 7038 Views Religion Forum |
I have a tendency to dislike many religions I believe in complete open mindedness. Need i point out the contradiction? if you dislike religions, at all, you are not open minded. no one is open minded.... |
0 Posts • 5643 Views Philosophy Forum |
a voice of reason,
poor decius.... if a statement is false even once, it cannot be considered "true"
Concerning African-American Decendants of Slaves
4 Posts • 4288 Views Philosophy Forum |
I truly welcome all views and hope to add the uniqueness in each point to my repetoir yet remaining detached and objective.
Physical bondage was not the only handicap imposed on the African in Amer... |
SocietyPositive Discrimination and the plight of the White Male Majority (Needlessly Long First Post)
1 Posts • 8894 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ok, so, the British Parliament is currently voting on the new "Equality Bill". This bill concentrates the sweet juicy essence of all sorts of odd bits of anti-discrimination legislation, and... |
Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34714 Views Talk Talk |
"What I am wondering is why so many believe that a girl that acts promiscuous in a video is reason for calling her a slut or whore."
Regardless of whether they actually are or not, people... |
Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34659 Views Psychology Forum |
I'm a little shocked that your observations are so off base in respect to my posistion.
Just as I was with your take on the woman hater. At least with him your main theme was very valid, but s... |
SocietyFacts vs Bush-Bashing
13 Posts • 4418 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
It's funny, you keep laying accusations against me. But when I look back I see that it is you that is guilty of them.
So first I'm going to get back to basics, then I might ramble.
Som... |
ChristianityHomosexuality and the Bible
3 Posts • 3649 Views Religion Forum |
Some people say that against homosexuality generally has presented two places, whom are assumed condemning homosexuality as a sin. 1 Cor 6:9 and 1 Tim 1:10 is Greek word arsenokoites, and according to... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57888 Views Religion Forum |
Strongclad -
"I ask this because too many people assume that the contents contained in the Bible are untrue. The key word here is ASSUME. An assumption is not enough to prove something wrong OR... |
Ailments & DiseaseBeautyBum
3 Posts • 6357 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
A few months ago I went down to the gym in my building and I was surprised to see this really really hot person there with her friend (both females). The hottie was wearing a very tiny and shiny bikin... |