 68yrs • M
Nothing is free in life. |
141 Posts • 31172 Views Talk Talk |
I'm cynical of Alpha Females.
They constantly cycle between Logic (fairness) and Misandry.
And, unlike males, they aren't subject to conscription (WAR).
* misandry – hatred or contempt of... |
philosophy of friendship
31 Posts • 17941 Views Philosophy Forum |
I actually believe it is possible to just be friends with a member of the opposite sex, just not for very long as that friendship often develops/evolves quite briskly...then again I'm something o... |
What's Masculine and Feminine
19 Posts • 8554 Views Philosophy Forum |
Males in nature who look beautiful are merely competing. That's a basic male trait, for most mammals anyway, some compete in terms of beauty, others in terms of strength/ability.
In humans its... |
Females Inferior?
31 Posts • 13312 Views Philosophy Forum |
I am a 16 year old male and women being inferior is bullshit! Males and females are supposed to be equally balanced. Of course there are genetic differences: men being originally stronger and an insti... |
More guys than girls on these forums...why?
39 Posts • 11271 Views Talk Talk |
Durring my time in middle school we, the honors students, had the same math teacher for all three years. We grew together in the group of 20ish students in the class and most of us stay in contact. No... |
BooksThoughts on Fifty Shades of Grey?
5 Posts • 9759 Views Talk Talk |
I have read the whole series. I think this book somehow gives readers an insight to how women are treated, and that males still are the dominant species. it was a good book, a bit too heavy at some po... |
SocietyWhat went wrong with America
9 Posts • 3616 Views Philosophy Forum |
I have decided to join the philosophy these forums, of being totally offense and inconsiderate, on the belief that this somehow makes people better human beings.
For reasons I do not fully know, th... |
23 y/o teacher and 14 y/o boy
15 Posts • 6069 Views Talk Talk |
As far as the female adult with the female minor I feel that the punishment should be the same if it were an adult male/female with a minor male/female. I also feel that adult males who molest minor m... |
Gender PsychologyWhat Is Wrong With Being A Slut
37 Posts • 15041 Views Psychology Forum |
Digital_Kitten, to comment on your first question, maybe it's because males can actually cause more offspring a day than a female. Maybe the stud is doing what all males are supposed to do, purel... |
AnimalsBioluminescent Creatures
4 Posts • 8161 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Fireflies aren't actually flies - they're winged beetles that use the bioluminescence created in their abdomen to attract mates or lure prey.
Some facts:
- "All fireflies... |
Gender Psychologywhy are men treated so badly
23 Posts • 13924 Views Psychology Forum |
taken form that board (a guy called Waterman231):
Thats because there is class system of mating
---------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
100% of woman are... |
Child & Family PsychologyFacing my reality of being unloved
6 Posts • 7593 Views Psychology Forum |
generalizing, on the subject of being lonely - i know how you must feel. it isn't easy being in your early 20's and having so much in front of you to choose from that you can't make the... |
Hotties evolution
49 Posts • 84321 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
One of my favorite males is Jean Claude Van Dam. *drool* |
More guys than girls on these forums...why?
39 Posts • 11271 Views Talk Talk |
Women are less involved in the Internet in general. It is we males who have the most opinions. |
141 Posts • 31172 Views Talk Talk |
I am cynical of illegal sex.
A woman sells – a man buys; same in a marriage. *grin*
Wimpy males and prudish women outlaw commodity sex. |
Gender PsychologyWhat kind of guys do chicks like?
55 Posts • 22925 Views Psychology Forum |
I like (and have ^_^) tall males with black/brown hair and green eyes. But to me, the appearance plays a minor role in attraction. It's the mind and heart that are vital to me. |
God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50281 Views Religion Forum |
you are correct eliasan. Ancient written history was always written by men. What we know of the past has been from a males perspective, unfortunately. |
Gender Psychologygirls who dont know how it feels...
7 Posts • 5101 Views Psychology Forum |
Why are males "meant to be" the sex to make the first move? It's some assumption people have and no one questions it. |
Gender Psychologywhy are men treated so badly
23 Posts • 13924 Views Psychology Forum |
Strangler, I agree, for the most part, with your post, but am not sure why you point me out as one who accepts or supports feminism. I find my third post to have many parallels to yours. I hate femini... |
Gender Psychologygirls who dont know how it feels...
7 Posts • 5101 Views Psychology Forum |
Thanks thoughtmanifest! Now I know to modify my statements when using that point. Still, I think we can basically agree that males are meant to be the sexual "predators" in the human race, a... |
Gender PsychologySome insights into men and women
9 Posts • 5866 Views Psychology Forum |
i see a lot of this attitude toward women on this forum, and i find it very curious indeed. sure there are women who are assholes and selfish etc. but there are also countles women who are not.
i ha... |
More guys than girls on these forums...why?
39 Posts • 11271 Views Talk Talk |
I have very few female friends. There is a reason for this. I do not get along with most of them well. Why? Because the majority of them come off as shallow and unintelligent, lacking the ability to q... |
Habits & BehaviorHead games
33 Posts • 11366 Views Psychology Forum |
I read alot of female bashing in this thread (though when I started this bashing of the males or females was not my intention) but us women can say all the same things about men. We can't underst... |
23 y/o teacher and 14 y/o boy
15 Posts • 6069 Views Talk Talk |
in Florida, age of consent for males is 16 and for females it is 18.
age of consent is generally 16-18 in the US.
http://www.ageofconsent.co m/ageofconsent.htm |