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Tagged > Long term memory
62 Posts • 22010 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"1. Saddam's capture being used as positive re-inforcement for the post-war cynics is predictable; without finding any WMDs this is all the Bush administration has to hold onto and anyone wi...
THREAD Are we all 'dittoheads' to some ideology?
3 Posts • 2730 Views
Philosophy Forum
Are we all 'dittoheads' to some ideology? Wikipedia informs me that 'dittoheads' are 'faithful listeners to The Rush Limbaugh Show. Limbaugh explains that these adoring fans are not necessarily tho...
THREAD Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34670 Views
Psychology Forum
You are your own problem, no one else can give you happiness. They are their own problem, for the same rule applies. Your expectations of them, and yourself, will cause dissappointment for both...
THREAD Conscious and Sub-ConsciousTrip Report
1 Posts • 2819 Views
Psychology Forum
Trip report. Ive recently been medicating with the substance "DMT" through the means off Dmt infused herbs called "Changa" I'm interested in any trips you have experienc...
THREAD SpiritualityThe Logical VS The Faithful
0 Posts • 10410 Views
Religion Forum
"'look at the birds of the air, they toil not yet God has provided for them. They gather the seed yet they do not sow?" They still have to work by gathering food, or yes, they starve...
THREAD The Ski Date
32 Posts • 12151 Views
Jokes & Games
Knowledge Learned From Your Kids 1. A king size waterbed holds enough water to fill a 2000 sq. ft. house 4 inches deep. 2. If you spray hair spray on dust bunnies and run over them with roller bl...
THREAD GovernmentBush and God's will...
28 Posts • 7959 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"Of course it is not nonsense. Of course terrorists, being human, fear retaliation. And of course terrorists who are being retaliated against have fewer resources and time to plan attacks. It is...
THREAD Virtual Reality Technology
1 Posts • 2786 Views
Talk Talk
I was wondering if you guys were curious or had any good info on VR technology I've been doing some thinking again about this, before it was just an annoyance, now I'm down right curious....
THREAD SpiritualityI'm think I'm losing faith in God.
48 Posts • 17260 Views
Religion Forum
I absolutely wholeheartedly agree with Mugen here. I am very much like you in that I am constantly confused about whether I believe in God or not. Most of the time I say absolutely, there is no doubt...
THREAD Plain stuipid or worthwile?HELP!
4 Posts • 3618 Views
Philosophy Forum
i like your ideas... i have read about many of them so i will share what i've seen. so that means that a thousand years might be a really small period compared to a Him, something like 0.0001...
THREAD Can we compare physics and psychology?
3 Posts • 2335 Views
Philosophy Forum
The purpose of my post was to illuminate how my past experiences provide the background for comprehending my new experiences. I have for many months been studying the new theories of cognitive scie...
THREAD Follow the Lonely Heart's Trail
1 Posts • 3224 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Follow the Lonely Heart's Trail It is the autumn, leaves falling down to the ground Previously warm air, turning cold Some days, the rain falls out of the sky Delighting the children like warm a...
THREAD Law & GovernmentWhat about stewardship?
4 Posts • 3324 Views
Philosophy Forum
I totally agree with you about the concept of stewardship. The hardest part, as you know, would be to convince a world of greedy humans who can't see past their own short lifespan that it is in th...
THREAD two questions
21 Posts • 8245 Views
Philosophy Forum
wesdawgy, I think you missed my point, but fear not! I have had serious trouble finding the words to describe this IN PERSON, let alone on a message board, so it's probably just me. I appologize...
THREAD Lord of the Flies movie
1 Posts • 6126 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
***SPOILERS**** Human nature at its worst. What happens when a group of boys are marooned on an island? Same thing that would happen to anyone. First, they work together. They assign a leader,...
THREAD GovernmentInterventionism: Suicide for the American Republic
5 Posts • 3687 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
It never was more than mere example. In fact this village was (and is) Europe. Nothing of what I have said must be changed for your brief note. Obviously you are interested much more in your foreign p...
THREAD Random QuestionsObservations Thread
48 Posts • 10993 Views
Talk Talk
I guess it made me realise that even though they may be 30, 40 years older than me they aren't a new species. I forget that they were young and many still are, at heart, You young whipper sna...
THREAD so where's the girl stuff?
66 Posts • 12770 Views
Talk Talk
visa ve your last post but one. I still point out that's terribly sexiest. Sure most men don't do elaborate things with their hair, most girls don't to engineering. Taking most and t...
THREAD Obama a thread about Hope and Change.
9 Posts • 2704 Views
Talk Talk
The only reason I allowed myself to push for Ron Paul to the degree I did based on my sense of trust, is because I had decades of information available on Paul's track record in which to compare...
THREAD Religion & HumanityThe Meaning of Living
103 Posts • 25132 Views
Religion Forum
• Earth Age. Since evolution demands millions of years, determining the true age of our planet is also essential. Our investigation should also confirm that the earth is extremely old, on the order...
THREAD War & TerrorismThe War You Don't See
3 Posts • 2592 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
It will stop, if even by the death of us all. What do I think war is? Retardation. And the point of the movie is not some left wing pity party to shock people about the horrors of war. The po...
THREAD Life & DeathMy Theory on Life
8 Posts • 3643 Views
Philosophy Forum
before you read, their is more that I did not put in here. A lot more. If I didn't explain some parts clearly, its mainly the wording. Play with the theories in your own mind. it r...
THREAD People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31810 Views
Talk Talk
Dear Awakeningmystic, "The only power a woman has to turn the act of rape into an act of "love making" would be her consent." CLANG!! Nail on the head! That's correct, h...
THREAD GovernmentBush Presidency a Budding Criminal Dictatorship?
25 Posts • 7076 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
An interesting note as I browsed the Gainesville Sun newspaper in the Commentaries Section, page11A . Paul Krugman article called "Tax farmers & mercenaries" gives a perception of the pa...
THREAD Can't we just hold it?
6 Posts • 2601 Views
Philosophy Forum
Our educational system is designed around the basic premise that the students will accept what is told to them and that this acceptance is very important for their future welfare and for the welfare o...
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