Tagged > Long term memory |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57915 Views Religion Forum |
I would like to just make a quick post asking a few questions and stating a little bit about myself. I don't know if this has already been done or not, since I haven't read all of the posts... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57915 Views Religion Forum |
I made a nice long reply and lost it. I'm a bit annoyed so I'll be briefer. *angry*
" But the blanket statement that scientists are telling the truth and Priests are not is ludacrou... |
Atheism & AgnosticismWhat is the root cause of atheist's disbelief and are they qualified to debate theism?
54 Posts • 15267 Views Religion Forum |
The idea of hell is not the same as cancer. Cancer is a possibility at some point in the future that may never happen. Hence, it does not trigger the survival instinct, and hence, fear.
Damnation is... |
HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27268 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
To break the "social contract" requires on to reject the morality expressed by the social order. A society's moral code organizes individual relationship to the community.
As a fully... |
PoetryFour favourit poems
1 Posts • 3539 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I have scribbled a bit with poetry myself off and on, but don't worry I won't inflict that stuff upon you ;) Instead here are four very beautiful, and famous, poems I've always loved.... |
Rehab & AddictionDrugs
23 Posts • 14384 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
O WHATS CRACKIN! well im CURRENTLY, mostly always fucked up on methamfedamine, i dunno even how to spell the god damn drug, but.... i dont give a fuck either. but yeh thats mostly what meth does to yo... |
Tragedy and Comedy
1 Posts • 3088 Views Philosophy Forum |
I was at a comedy club last night, having consecutive pints of Guinness and watching an adequately amusing comedian. He was actually pretty good until he started into impressions *puke*. Anyway, he ha... |
The ballad of Reading Goal
1 Posts • 2433 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I really love this one....
Pure genius.
The Ballad of Reading Gaol
Oscar Wilde
He did not wear his scarlet coat,
For blood and wine are red,
And blood and wine were on his... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64077 Views Religion Forum |
"I would just like to ask a question. Why do evolutionists think that just because there are similarities between the human species and animal species, that we must be decended in some way?"... |
StoriesA short story
9 Posts • 2585 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
It's nowhere near done, and it needs a title. Anysuggestions would be good, I'm gonne keep posting it on here as i write it.
Stupid Echoes, thought Joey. Why do... |
Basic Friend, What are the Fundamental Trusts?
2 Posts • 2930 Views Philosophy Forum |
What does a friend expect of himself? And you? Between two people, expressed and implied 'contracts' structure cooperative, supportive relationships where goods, services and intangibles, ( like emoti... |
DreamsThe Mind Portal...An Un-Researched New Discovery
37 Posts • 21300 Views Psychology Forum |
Portal? The human mind IS a portal, but there are no "public" portals available in ordinary human experience. Ordinary human thought will never comprehend anything beyond ordinary human thou... |
The Tangent Universe
14 Posts • 4636 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Dark. Darker. Darko. Life is one long insane trip. Some people just have better directions. What would you do if you knew the future?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Donnie: First of all, Papa... |
God in ReligionDivided in belief, but united in Love
5 Posts • 3546 Views Religion Forum |
What if those of you who believe or believed in God, at a very young age, that our God was a God of only Love? Would the world be in the shape its in? If you were taught of such a God (of "only&q... |
30 Posts • 16475 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
319. Sobbing dog (6/12/05)
A decade ago, I was charged by a dog several times. The dog rushed to me, looked like intending to bite my hand. I had to raise the hand high to avoid to be bit.
Late... |
Society & SociologySolution to the Bushit. Well. Social bushit I enco
8 Posts • 3600 Views Psychology Forum |
So I'm sick and tired of these people around me that like free love and think sex is more of a physical relief than what I think of it to be, something quite emotional.
I present to you, being... |
Video Games
76 Posts • 25222 Views Talk Talk |
Ok, here is a twisted classic that not everyone is familiar with, I actually questioned my sanity and my internal evil side while playing it.
The original Tecmo's Deception
Its a game where... |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40752 Views Psychology Forum |
As far as I was aware, the laws of Christianity were laid out in the Ten Commandments. At least that's the official version. Jesus himself overruled the entirety of the rules laid out in the old testa... |
Physics & CosmologyWhat does it mean there are Four Dimensions?
57 Posts • 27194 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Inertial Comedy
Years ago when I was young, I worked a construction job in a distant town, right on the river. My nephew & I were staying together in a cabin so it wasn't long till we had ar... |
Life & DeathFinally a "THEORY" -any thoughts?
3 Posts • 2627 Views Philosophy Forum |
I have an evolving theory, whose growth has demanded I extrovert, an uncomfortable and often a humbling process.....
"...carpe '..."
O.k.... here's the kind of thoughts I wa... |
Report: Saudis sent death-row inmates to fight Syria
4 Posts • 3565 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
It proves what I alleged that US has "liberated" prisoners for a terrorist war.
785. Manipulating Al Qaida (8/18/2013)
The preparation for August US embassies closing – it indi... |
Life & DeathIs Life Worth the Strife?
23 Posts • 7576 Views Philosophy Forum |
Is life worth living? A stupid question, an impudent question - because it is impossible to answer? No. Quite the contrary: because everybody knows the answer. We can be be assured that not one person... |
GovernmentWhat's Happening
2 Posts • 3296 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Despite mounting public concern about climate change driven by the burning of fossil fuels, we the taxpayers are still subsidizing the fossil-fuel industry to the tune... |
SocietyIs America playing with fire ?
141 Posts • 33955 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Forget Iran, Americans Should be Hysterical About This: Nuking the Economy
http://prisonplanet.com/ar ticles/february2006/130206nuki ng_economy.htm
Last week the Bureau of Labor Statistics re-ben... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62761 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Excerpt: Lauro Chavez Clarifies Points For His Critics
Prisonplanet | September 26 2006
Lauro Chavez sent us an email today clarifying some issues that have been raised since he appeared on the... |