Tagged > Long term memory |
Fight In Cheryl Monroe's Backyard
1 Posts • 1994 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
It was a long time ago--around the time of the first moon landing. It may have been the night the Apollo 11 astronauts set foot on the moon. I am not sure. I was trying to quit drinking. It seemed lik... |
ChristianityA New Church
30 Posts • 8825 Views Religion Forum |
This is what I found on the Bahai religion.
However, Baha'u'llah, the founder of the Baha'i religion, the successor of the Bab, and the most recent manifestation, is the one who shou... |
27 Posts • 17668 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
She was 12 - you telling me a 12 year old would rather be fucking an older guy than playing with her friends? And she wasn't manipulated?
What about the fact that it was an arranged marriage,... |
81 Posts • 21664 Views Religion Forum |
okcitykid said:Just the christian scholars, and not all of them agree. Strongclad - I don't care what they think - what is it that you think? or can you, do you have an opinion or do you follow t... |
42 Posts • 10551 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
i have thought long and hard. i have family whos mothers dated many men. all were cruel and unloving, they would touch and fondle. but the mother would not believe. all of them but one. yet she didnt... |
StoriesPatriotic Duty
1 Posts • 3009 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Patriotic Duty
A short story by Wolf Larsen
The fancy sports car pulled up to the curb. An older man in hip clothes and a younger woman in a sexy dress get out of the car. She is his "girlfri... |
GovernmentHumans must unite.
46 Posts • 15510 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Pickup Said:"
hobbes: so your saying for humans to unite they have to stop being humans
aaahh yess brilliant hobes this is a great point to make, your absolutely right overpopulation is a huge... |
GovernmentObama is a Communist - should we really vote for him?
23 Posts • 5471 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Good lord, where to start.
First and foremost, education, clearing up theories over facts. Exposing people to "alternative" ideas, reality, history and what have you without subjection to... |
Star Wars Politics
2 Posts • 3648 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
http://www.foxnews.com/printer _friendly_story/0,3566,156585, 00.html
http://www.comcast. net/entertainment/index.jsp?ca t=ENTERTAINMENT&fn=/2005/0 5/15/133093.html
Interestin g article and brief... |
GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39619 Views Philosophy Forum |
Do not place your limitations on my words.
Relationships grow and change, there are many dynamics at play. And the biggest are fear based caused by insecurities of not meeting your own expectations... |
IslamConfessions of the West
2 Posts • 2223 Views Religion Forum |
Again, western countries are calling to separate boys and girls in schools, let us read ...
Boys need to be taught separately from girls from the age of five to prevent them being damaged by the ed... |
GovernmentDoes the goverment have rights to penalis those it
67 Posts • 17368 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"nazi facism if u will recall had a bursting economy, the reason they could afford to spend so much on an almost brand new military and invasion projects of all the countrys it took."
The G... |
StoriesChronicles from the Gutter.
22 Posts • 8625 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Till my heart stops beating, I'll sing a closure song to each and single bum.
You are caught in a wave taking you into a voracious hurricane deep within the blue.
You never pay attention to what th... |
InventionA Few Black Gold Inventions...
2 Posts • 2427 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Not sure how original these are... but anyway...
The Adjustable-Flow Shower Head
Basically, you've probably heard of low-flow shower-heads. They save water, but still pretty much do the sam... |
Habits & BehaviorPerfectionism
17 Posts • 14070 Views Psychology Forum |
I can't hold this in any longer. Everyone should read this.
Perfectionists like me are very, very hard on themselves. There have been times when I abused myself psychologically because I didn&... |
Society & SociologyNarcissism & Schizophrenia
1 Posts • 3493 Views Psychology Forum |
Narcissism and schizophrenia are psychological byproducts of modern western lifestyles.
Being kept in a cocooned environment, where all error in judgment is excused and even promoted, the mind begi... |
War & TerrorismIraq buildings NOT burning.
42 Posts • 12132 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
CT, this is NOT nam. Sorry it messed with you, but again, THIS IS NOT NAM!
We cannot sit holding hands and singing Kumbaya with terrorists. They hate us...and until you realise that this is a defen... |
33 Posts • 10061 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ah, now I am beginning to see more clearly where you are coming from, its what I was thinking to a degree but now I'm more certain.
I understand your skepticism, I shared it.
But then I started... |
so where's the girl stuff?
66 Posts • 12770 Views Talk Talk |
I suppose there is some truth to the statement that a girl who is more of a tomboy does tend to have a more athletic physique, my gf for example has more solidly built legs than most of the other girl... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42430 Views Religion Forum |
1.God is always exists, before satan, b4 angels, b4 man, before the universe and even time itself.
2.God has no beginning because He is the source - God has no end, because He is the creator of every... |
IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17048 Views Religion Forum |
" In fact I am sure you understood this point. The USSR and Saddam's Iraq claimed to be democratic Republics - but were they? Uh huh!"
But these regimes are universally considered desp... |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40752 Views Psychology Forum |
This implies that you have to accept everyone, regardless of what they do
This would mean that we must accept evil. God will not accept evil and neither can we. We can detach a person's action... |
FuturologyMaximum Capacity for Earth?
7 Posts • 7220 Views Science & Technology Forum |
We have already reached it, but it is only with our tech that we have. The maximum capacity should be defined by saying that the planets maximum capacity is when all the people get what they need to s... |
ChristianityA New Church
30 Posts • 8825 Views Religion Forum |
Trish, everyone has different views of the Devine. If someone's belief doesn't agree with yours, and it upsets you, then I am sorry to say that's just plain tough. You will just have to learn to get o... |
64 Posts • 19308 Views Philosophy Forum |
The psychological impact of her association with her religon and its practices has been reported all over the world to produce physiological changes. But this cannot be measured by modern science, and... |