In the chills of brutal cold winter, I realised that within me lay an invincible summer - rudra_tatvamasi
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Tagged > Intelligent design
THREAD People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31779 Views
Talk Talk
"ok ive read enough... " Then why go on? "metal giant i see what youve been saying and its intersting the way you think. " I'm glad you find this intersting. I find t...
THREAD Life & DeathLife, Already Planned?
62 Posts • 24168 Views
Philosophy Forum
One man ban....I didnt quite get you when you said' not created by God?', as generaly most people belive in God (Really now, your post will divert the theme a little) It is indeed a sc...
THREAD Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 131920 Views
Philosophy Forum
I have nothing to hide, Wooly. Here's the email you sent to me, with my response: TO: NicOfTime SUBJECT: Negotiation for Resolution of May 20, 2009 Posts PROLOGUE: I am the 'Spoke...
THREAD FuturologyThe next stage of Evolution?
36 Posts • 13273 Views
Philosophy Forum
Not religious??? Then why is bible in your name and on a previous thread you stated you follow scripture... Perhaps I jumped to conclusions. Please do elaberate as to what it is you beleive. As you mu...
THREAD Human's Inevitable Downfall
89 Posts • 23561 Views
Philosophy Forum
So called "humans" are unlucky creatures endowed with a brain that is superior in many ways, yet the ability, skills and intelligence, is inseperable from its instinctual animal ethos, so sa...
THREAD Society & SociologyExcerp: Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment
34 Posts • 12821 Views
Psychology Forum
Dear Group Members, This article is about the link between Mind and Social / Environmental-Issues. The fast-paced lifestyle of Industrial Society is causing exponential rise in psychological probl...
THREAD Religion & HumanityThe Disease of Religious Fundamentalism
19 Posts • 6734 Views
Religion Forum
I know that I should quote, but sometimes I don't, I figure the person I'm talking to knows who they are, Anyways. Regardless you claimed theories and statements were made that I have not...
THREAD Do you know the difference between a liberal and a conservative?
9 Posts • 3129 Views
Talk Talk
I say both sides have their pro's and con's. Even I sound a bit one sided most of the time. If someone owns guns and they aren't necessary, their a practicing conservative If someone own...
THREAD War & TerrorismOfficial Captain Cynic WTC 9/11 Thread
0 Posts • 6685 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The republicans picked John Fucking mccain for their nominee obviously they wanted to lose or they wouldn't have picked the most disliked republican. If we want a third party to come through...
THREAD SpiritualityWe didn't exist before we got here
48 Posts • 13755 Views
Religion Forum
at least the essence of what you were, are and will be, exists throughout time Xanadoool: Well that all depends on what one defines 'existence' as. It seems that you are attempting to d...
THREAD Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 131920 Views
Philosophy Forum
TO: KGB Hey, wait a minute, where's my discourse about punctuation? :) 'KGB' you're a man of Honor (you didn't edit your information of April 23, 2009) and you have a sense of humor. Kudos....
THREAD EconomyGold will go $1,500 to $2,000/ounce this year
11 Posts • 3806 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
623. Embedded program (1/31/2010) Decade ago, I have read a news said that there was a secret team which design special program embedded in electronic chips so in emergency, Pentagon could activate...
THREAD War & TerrorismExcerp: Rape-Slaying in Iraq by US Soldiers
0 Posts • 1892 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I remember in an English class the teacher saying how stupid and foolish the German's were to let Hitler do what he did. To carry on knowing that deep down what they did was wrong. But; there...
THREAD HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27223 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
For every action there is some product or effect. Homosexual activity produces no off-spring but engages the reproductive organs. What are the effects? This is against the Natural Order, which norm...
THREAD Having An Affair
2 Posts • 2565 Views
Philosophy Forum
firstly - you're not a dumb kid... adult behavior gets an adult response... not an excuse... my thoughts... keep doing it... it'll end no matter what - A woman in America tends...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107378 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
I want to make it clear I dont care what drugs people take, as it's their own body. I favor no drug over another. They all have their pros and cons. But I have to disagree on a couple of points Mu...
THREAD God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42370 Views
Religion Forum
"And . . . when we remove God from human activity we end up not with human activity but animal activity, or animal behavior." What is animal behaviour? Animal behaviour is when you are a pe...
THREAD SpiritualityI'm think I'm losing faith in God.
48 Posts • 17233 Views
Religion Forum
I must warn you,this is very long.... Let me start by introducing myself.My name is Quenton.I'm new to this site an my main purpose of coming here is to find some sort of guidance or inspirati...
THREAD Scorpion
15 Posts • 4684 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
USERS Sea Base Alpha-Bravo SSBN Da Vinci 2:30 A.M. The lights were blazing orange when Harris entered the command centers of the Da Vinci. After a quick nap, his hangover had diminished to a sli...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainTransitional Documentation.
2 Posts • 2333 Views
Psychology Forum
Thursday June 11th, 2:30 AM Why collect something that you can't remember collecting? I don't see much of a reason to do that. I guess I should do something about not remembering. I'...
THREAD People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31779 Views
Talk Talk
"ok Metal Giant, here are some attempts at answering the genuine questions you have raised" Well thank you Wyote. At last, someone with spunk. "bullshit ranting and attention gra...
THREAD Just For FunSarcastic Horoscopes
20 Posts • 49627 Views
Talk Talk
CAPRICORN (December 22 -January 20) You are conservative and afraid of taking risks. You are basically chicken shit. There has never been a Capricorn of any importance. You should kill yourself....
THREAD BiologyPreliminaries to Social Advancement and Intelligence?
12 Posts • 3247 Views
Science & Technology Forum
The social advancement and intelligence in homeo sapiens is a result of our succesful ability to adapt to our environmental context over time (so far). Intelligence is not totally genetic, it also dev...
THREAD HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27223 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Dear Leftwood: Love is no more a product of homosexuality than it is of heterosexuality. I could never deny that deep sincere Loving relationships exist on both sides of the equation. Of course...
THREAD Gender PsychologyFat girl, tight clothes.
66 Posts • 70923 Views
Psychology Forum
My intentions we not to bash 'fat' people, but if thats the way you intrepret it, then so be it. Well, there is no reason to give up already! If I have a different opinion than you, the...
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