Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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Tagged > Improving life
THREAD God in ReligionProve the existence of god
52 Posts • 12975 Views
Religion Forum
Well being a very devout catholic i know where you're coming from when you say that all religions say everyone else is wrong. Although devout I don't believe that. I believe that bits and pi...
THREAD Understanding
4 Posts • 2875 Views
Philosophy Forum
I have came to a point in my life where I have question and understood more thats not always seen in this world that is simple seen to me. As the simple ones will find things that most of us will thin...
THREAD analyze my dream please
4 Posts • 2063 Views
Talk Talk
ive been going through a hard time in my life with friends and family and such and then i had my dream so yeah.. i had a dream that my younger sister and cousin died because of a bomb that was in a...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionMarijuana,weed,pot,mary-jane...etc
35 Posts • 20584 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
I'm a functional pot head. I always have a couple of 'cookies' after work. I don't smoke the stuff any more, hacked up most of my lungs already. :D I enjoy being stoned, especia...
3 Posts • 3366 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Tell me what you think of this piece, it's supposed to be written as a song. Stretched out my mind and snapped it like a twig Couldn't feel anything except my will dying Why can't you see my...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionPartners In Life
27 Posts • 7974 Views
Philosophy Forum
There is an African tribe that says feelings change and we should not base our decisions on our feelings. But mostly, I am thinking of ancient Roman's focus on duty to family and country that we...
THREAD Life & DeathIf your a clone do you have a soul?
41 Posts • 19331 Views
Philosophy Forum
Yeah, ofcourse we are made up of different organisms.Thats how life evovled in the first place. Simple organisms like these joined to gather to form more complicated organisms and so on. But they are...
THREAD The "Void"
66 Posts • 18752 Views
Philosophy Forum
I would agree with Wyote, I was rather shocked by the aggresive attitudes of some of these comments. *roll* My point Deep, is that the void need not be defined by only one person....just as Wyote sai...
THREAD Relationships & Loveboyfriends that lie
17 Posts • 5958 Views
Psychology Forum
I wouldnt cheat on my girlfriend for a few reasons. One being that it is too much of a risk in that she might leave me. Another is that I am really REALLY happy with our sex life. We do it a lot and i...
THREAD Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25393 Views
Psychology Forum
Actually, suicide does come easy. It is the easy way out of a situation. Instead of trying to work through it, you just give that. I don't call that brave, actually I find that cowardly. Under...
THREAD uplifting adventures
10 Posts • 5125 Views
Talk Talk
I know this may be touchy to some, but I have been wondering... have you ever experimented with hallucinogenic drugs- and experienced something uplifting that seemed to of changed your way of life?...
THREAD Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25393 Views
Psychology Forum
people who ask you to sacrafice your life for your country.....i.e. political figures,and leaders of government...are selfish and self contradicting assholes.....thats why. these people would never sa...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWomen Hate Me
16 Posts • 21890 Views
Psychology Forum
it sounds funny, but its true. ive spent my life in the wake of other more "impressive" males. ive tried just about everything ...mostly ive just tried to be myself though. ive never tried t...
THREAD It's been years and still... I loved you so much... Go fu** yourself
2 Posts • 3888 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Masks and makup to cover up your lies and flaws. Plastic skin and fake hair to catch the glips of strangers to try to make yourself feel more important. Abusing of words to get your way. You with a...
THREAD Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Art of Self-Discovery
0 Posts • 3056 Views
Psychology Forum
Hello, I'm Buddy, the gnome that sits atop KGB's shoulder. I can tell you right now he is not completely sure why he wants to respond to this particular thread. He comes to the forums to eng...
THREAD Can you see the blinders?
2 Posts • 2201 Views
Philosophy Forum
Yeah, Coberst, it appears that we're all victims of a range of assumptions that seem rational or reasonable at first glance but which become questionable premises upon closer examination. Prob...
THREAD Natural Cures & Alternative MedicineHomemade Toothpaste
8 Posts • 9405 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Yeah, it's weird for me with brushing with only water - like I can feel my teeth are clean but I am so used to toothpaste that about once a week I end up using it almost as though I need the toot...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsWhat if we are all inanimate objects..
3 Posts • 3075 Views
Philosophy Forum
I live in a rural town outside of Boston, Massachusetts. There is a small mental hospital in my town with a patient living there with schizophrenia. He believes he is a glass of orange juice. I'v...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismWhat is the root cause of atheist's disbelief and are they qualified to debate theism?
54 Posts • 15257 Views
Religion Forum
The idea of hell is not the same as cancer. Cancer is a possibility at some point in the future that may never happen. Hence, it does not trigger the survival instinct, and hence, fear. Damnation is...
THREAD Religion & HumanityPoints on Religion
75 Posts • 15791 Views
Religion Forum
People may use God's name but that doesn't mean anything. I could kill people and tell them summit made me do it would that make you in anyway guilty? as lastresort said. when i hear...
THREAD Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Art of Self-Discovery
0 Posts • 3056 Views
Psychology Forum
Hi everyone! my name is tweak. I'm the gnome that sits on Mugen's shoulder and thought I would reply to this thread again, I'm a little more informed of what I should be saying about hi...
57 Posts • 10407 Views
Talk Talk
Xloobyloox, you already have the right idea about the diet thing by choosing healthy over radical. But there's another aspect that's far more insidious than eating chocolate cake, and it...
THREAD DepressionDepression
11 Posts • 9485 Views
Psychology Forum
so pretend its not there? yeah. tahts the way to go. pretend and just "forget the pain." thats fucking pathetic, and i hope thats not what you ment. hence the qeustion marks. im asking what...
THREAD BooksGreat book
5 Posts • 3179 Views
Talk Talk
It may well be true that we can find a part in the brain that is wired to reach out to a god of some sort. The Bible does say that "we have eternity set in our hearts". Does this book though...
THREAD Changing your ways
5 Posts • 2234 Views
Talk Talk
So, I've had quite an experience today, reading through some of a certain user's posts here on CC. This particular user was Metal Giant. I've been reading his posts on vegetarianis...
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