 36yrs • F • 
A CTL of 1 means that Evol is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
It's been years and still... I loved you so much... Go fu** yourself |
Masks and makup to cover up your lies and flaws. Plastic skin and fake hair to catch the glips of strangers to try to make yourself feel more important. Abusing of words to get your way. You with a smirk as I lay. In pain in In memories of what we've gone through together. Of all you've done to me. The salty black tears streamed down my face. Why would you lie? Why would you pretend? Stop! I'm touchered the flashbacks the questions the sight of you. The texts the memories the lies. Don't you touch me! Don't you talk to me It hurts so... I loved you...... so much... To think, all that time you wore that mask and lied using those words... I'm so sick Touchered Not just by you But everything Without him, By you, By another By life. I'm not happy, i'm not well..... But i'll pretend for those around me and myself. I'm done with ruining everything I have for you....