The Definition of Smart
17 Posts • 6595 Views Talk Talk |
i find that intelligence involves knowing things like advanced math c or somethin, smart i find is good on the street and real life, having the gift of the gab maybe |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
Thanks Wyote, I just hope that I won't sound stupid thats all. I was reading what all these people have posted, and it's some pretty good stuff here. Belly dancing is harder then people real... |
Creative MusingsContinuous story 2
5 Posts • 2569 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
This is just like Hedgehog's, just with a different scenario.
"Oh man, this is not good", Tim said.
Tim has recently been having bad luck. Right now, he has made enemies at school t... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62753 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Here's a site with a good list of some very reasonable questions.
http://www.whatr eallyhappened.com/9-11BasicQue stions.html
These questions aren't just being raised by fanatics or cons... |
PoetryYoung Authors
4 Posts • 3063 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
thats pretty damn good for a second grader--the poetry too. id say you should definitely encourage the kid to cultivate his talents.
both of those sounded like junior high or even high school quality... |
ElectionsHow kerry won
14 Posts • 3551 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ya, I haven't even bothered to acknowledge the rediculousness of Pat's particular Kerry bashing, she is proving herself to be quite the closed minded individual, which is good for starting d... |
Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77266 Views Psychology Forum |
Jennifer Wilbanks 'runaway bride' needs to hand over that 100,000.00 reward money to pay for city services and get some mental help... that would be good enough. maybe a month or 2 of jail t... |
BooksMein Kamph
6 Posts • 6730 Views Talk Talk |
Good point, Decius- never ceases to amaze me of how the masses can be absorbed into one specific ideology, be it nationalism, be it hatred. Mein Kemph is a book I've yet to read and probably will... |
why do we praise rational?
8 Posts • 3022 Views Philosophy Forum |
maybe it can be used in distinctively differnt ways (like when doing something.. then to philosophize of the way things are like what you wre doing i guess).. but i reasoned that we love reasoning for... |
Rehab & Addictionbeating addiction
13 Posts • 3648 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Well done for giving up the cannabis, just want to say take it one day at a time.And also you havnt done anything untill you have done it staraight.So all the thing you do while stoned or drunk are no... |
SocietyWhat one quality would make the world better?
51 Posts • 21147 Views Philosophy Forum |
that is true about gandhi, but remember the first post said that it would be a quality you would give to EVERYONE. if everyone was a pacifist, there would be no need to protect them from one another.... |
Advice-Going on a Trip
5 Posts • 3543 Views Talk Talk |
Everything that Wyote suggested it awesome. I would also take a good book to read, pillow and blanket as sleeping is a must on a long boring trip, munchies, Gameboy, portable DVD player with movies, a... |
Dog for sale in Las Vegas area
1 Posts • 5272 Views Jokes & Games |
I have a blue healer pup (3 months old). I need to find a good home for him. I live in an apt and he needs a yard. Im asking 50.00 for him, I paid 300.00 to cover the cost of the vet and shots. He has... |
Sexually Transmitted DiseasesThe AIDS Thread
0 Posts • 1251 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Not kidding, I've fucked about 1,000 different women including anal. Some were prostitutes and I didn't use a condom AND, in two cases, there was blood on my dick.
Got tested recently. No... |
All Things Hockey
39 Posts • 10100 Views Talk Talk |
That is a good question probably for the same reasons Tampa and Florida have a team....
This year is quite promissing for playoffs there are no clearly dominant teams- so many conders as well-
and... |
Weird ThingsFood. Weird Food
40 Posts • 13741 Views Talk Talk |
hmm the weirdest thing... i guess maybe snails and fish eggs (altho both are very yummy!) ive heard cow tongue is good... i might try that some time... and snake, thats always interested me. i dont th... |
Society & SociologySolution to the Bushit. Well. Social bushit I enco
8 Posts • 3600 Views Psychology Forum |
That's good, very....ummm....paralegal of you. LOL.
Who in there right mind would...okay, under the possibility of sexual relations, I could see any guy signing his life away without even read... |
JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62343 Views Jokes & Games |
:D No way Flirty, you're way too old, 1916 years, damn thats older than fire, he he he.
I like that one Mr. Humble, lol. Here's a good one liner that will boost my post count *smiling sar... |
SocietyWhat one quality would make the world better?
51 Posts • 21147 Views Philosophy Forum |
TXH .. You are making me nervous with talk like that. maybe I need to give you my phone number in case you getting a little close to the edge or something. You way to smart to be talking like that. Re... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32942 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well this is captain cynic.
What good is territory when its radioctive and poisoned. You need to reread your history books.
Will we own Iraq, did we obtain Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Germany?
Did... |
4 Posts • 2950 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Well, I'm basically talking about deconstruction on any level. Archetypes, symbols, underlying messages..it's funny you should mention Boondock Saints; I've seen a lot of merchandise fo... |
Relationships & LoveNothing to Lose
9 Posts • 3481 Views Psychology Forum |
Hi ChrisD Just wanted to say thanks for the reply. I do want to change and hope i do, had an idea this evening to apply for some volunteer work as i don't have a job at the mo, i think it would b... |
42 Posts • 10547 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
so sad the human race becomes
covered in light
yet ever dark
no hope
no peace
no way to live
but one path to freedom
take the plunging dive
amidst the swirling abyss
never to rise again
go... |
Conservative Today VS Liberal Today
31 Posts • 7823 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ok, heres a better way. Answer the follring questions in a reply then state if you are conservitive or liberal. Explain why you answered the qeustions the way you did.
Do you think universal health... |
All Things Hockey
39 Posts • 10100 Views Talk Talk |
An unbeleivable victory for the flames! This will be a good playoff year- I was wondering Wyote is CBC the canadian channel viewable in the US is it part of any cable or sattleite package?- Ever watch... |