3 Posts • 3318 Views Talk Talk |
i used to play this game a lot when i was supposed to be doing work in my programming class in high school. awesome game, had a lot of good times with it. i am a huge fan of worms now too. |
Random PicturesRandom picture thread.
1169 Posts • 301149 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
:)I've just sat for about two hours going through every single pocture on this thread. WOW!
Summit your pictures are fantastic, you really have my taste, I love all the fantasy ones they are bea... |
300ZX time!!!
37 Posts • 36165 Views Talk Talk |
When I 1st saw that pic, I was like wtf????
that looks so familiar, you see that that pic is the previous owner's place in Wisconsin. SO i never actually took that picture,
when I realiz... |
computer-illiterate parents
5 Posts • 4388 Views Talk Talk |
:) That's a good story, my mom taught me everything I know about computers, and now I have to teach her things she dosen't know.lol. But my Dad, he's a different ball game, can't e... |
Summer Movies
14 Posts • 4214 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
While were on the topic of movies did anyone read or hear what Mel Gibson said director of Passion of the Christ "There are good stories in that book its worth looking into them" |
3 Posts • 3318 Views Talk Talk |
worms is a great game, but no matter how good (or amusingly weird) the weapons get in worms, there will still be the fun memories of playing gorrillas and typing in the angles. lol. |
Im Getting Married!!!!!
6 Posts • 3293 Views Talk Talk |
:) conragts......
here's my advice.....enjoy your honeymoon.....make it last as long as possible......let the little things go....try not to fight over trivial things......appriciate the love... |
IslamDefending Muhammed
62 Posts • 16005 Views Religion Forum |
The Jews and the Christians have made friends, now they need to make friends with Islam. That would be a good time to discuss differences in beliefs.
Wouldn't that be nice. |
68 Posts • 15268 Views Religion Forum |
you are starting to get under my skin now..
Good. That is the only worthwhile recognition.
If i was starving i might steal to save myself or someone I love but that doesn't make my actions... |
Kansas: Dust in the Wind
1 Posts • 2361 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
The video is good for a laugh, but the song is timeless.
I actually got into this song from the Highlander series, one of the episodes where a girlfriend of his dies. |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29267 Views Religion Forum |
Some refreshing atheist posts for a change :D
I believe your reasoning is good and I've thought the same thing. Its one of the things which has made me dismiss the truth of religion, among othe... |
Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16874 Views Psychology Forum |
It's more fair to give everyone a chance. And who is to judge that you couldn't be a good math professor? You could suck at math but have a real passion. You may need a special tutor to help... |
game/program cracks
1 Posts • 2618 Views Talk Talk |
Anybody know where to find cracks (good ones that don't give you trojans and stuff)? Right now I'm looking for codes to:
Record Smart 1.0
Fiber Twig 2 |
Rules To Live By
29 Posts • 7271 Views Philosophy Forum |
"No law can be sacred to me but that of nature. Good and Bad are but names very readily transferable to that or this; the only right is what is after my constitution; the only wrong what is again... |
Thinking of Starting a Shirt Company
11 Posts • 14723 Views Talk Talk |
t-shirts with varied clever sayings is a good idea... and i'm sure tons of people would want a piece of that action too...
aren't there tons of internet companies doing that right now t... |
Society & SociologyPeople
46 Posts • 15157 Views Psychology Forum |
*lol* *lol* *lol* "This is getting good"
I hate people that have bad breath! Why! WTF?! Can't you just buy some damn scope or toothpaste, or even Altoids for all I care, JUST do someth... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40596 Views Religion Forum |
Very good explanation conway. I have thought about such similar things. AW likes to quote me when I say stuff like that.
"You are dead once you stop complaining." |
Firebird, and Decius
3 Posts • 3310 Views Talk Talk |
Patrich, Why are you leaving? I enjoyed talking with you. There are soo many interesting thigs in this fourum. I've even learned a few new things. Its a good time. And HEY, time flyes at work!!!!... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55462 Views Philosophy Forum |
I do believe I'm at fault.. My ego is really not that great, maybe i offended you when i said "congradulations" sorry i was in a hurry at school so i couldn't think of a good respo... |
9 Posts • 3390 Views Psychology Forum |
That makes sense. Its just horrible memories,, they make me feel so....depressed , and ive tried meds. in ways that arent good. I know its wrong, what i do , but im not dealing with these memories so... |
5 Posts • 2826 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I have a friend of mine who's obsessed over this group- I can see why. The "Pretty when you cry" video is a little intense, but the beats are good in both of them. The melodic 'eh&... |
Society & SociologySearch engine woes
0 Posts • 1625 Views Psychology Forum |
Good to know, now I will use Google everytime I search, instead of the others who do not support sites like yours. Its no wonder that sites charge so much money for anything they offer, and fill your... |
About You / IntroductionsThis site is great
9 Posts • 4163 Views Talk Talk |
So many great sites remain unvisited.
Another great example: http://awareness.kicks-ass.org /
People who have good intentions seem to not be very effective at coming and working together! |
BooksCatcher in the Rye
28 Posts • 15345 Views Talk Talk |
i think i'm gonna see if the library around here has it just so i can read it cuz this is the first time i've heard of it and its supposed to be good ....that is if i can find the library ..... |
Natural Cures & Alternative MedicineHomemade Toothpaste
8 Posts • 9408 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
I'm really glad that I stumbled upon this thread.
I brush my teeth twice a day (morning and night) and when i brush, I really like to brush and get them clean. This includes a good floss once... |