PoetryYoung Authors
4 Posts • 3064 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
thats pretty damn good for a second grader--the poetry too. id say you should definitely encourage the kid to cultivate his talents.
both of those sounded like junior high or even high school quality... |
Discovering True Happines
9 Posts • 9898 Views Philosophy Forum |
become aware of what? what exactly do you think is being hidden here?philosophical revolution is all well and good on an unexamened level. but even if a different philosophical scheme could be impleme... |
2 Posts • 2995 Views Talk Talk |
I was dumped after 13years and I feel really betrayed We haven't spoken for about 2 months. I've decided to move away to another state. Is this a good move? Or should I wait to see if there... |
Gender PsychologyLadies what do women want in a man?
25 Posts • 11662 Views Psychology Forum |
ok take your situation you presented with the girl and such. What happens if after you've spent all this time with her you don't like her anymore. You gotta be the bad guy and break it off o... |
The ideology of God is bullshit
6 Posts • 2219 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
lol this is good.
This should be shown to kids at school and not this religion god loves us all bullshit. We have to get rid of those old made up stories and accept that superstition is simply abs... |
Sexual PsychologyA submissive woman
3 Posts • 4611 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Thank you Decius, I like that "taking calculated risks", I will try, it has to start changing the concepts I have in my mind with more realistic things. I hope you do good witht this too. |
War & TerrorismShared Sacrifice
7 Posts • 3139 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Here's another good link, just put in your zip code and it will tell you where to meet. Their not calling it a protest, they're calling it a vigil. Same thing. It will be outdoors and it wil... |
Poetry that sticks
3 Posts • 2982 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
"shall i compare thee to a midsummer's day"
brilliant. i love it.
umm.. let me try and pull a sonnet out of my ass real quick
...nope. not happening*roll* good job though |
War & TerrorismA Conservative Reviews "Fahrenheit 9/11"
30 Posts • 8570 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
It is a perfectly good means when the peace costs more then the war.
I'm sure I don't need to throw some statistics at you on the number of dead little children in Iraq each day due to th... |
Arming & Aiding Nutjobs & Dictators
11 Posts • 6307 Views Talk Talk |
Hmmm, come to think of it, maybe this is a good thing, did you know how many Dictators and their armies have graduation certificates for the school of the americas, which I think may have changed its... |
American footballers are pansies
42 Posts • 12475 Views Talk Talk |
La Crosse is a good sport. I find it better then some of the more popular sports. Only, it isn't that physical anymore. You can't check anyone anymore unless you are watching some other made... |
Science vs ReligionIntellagentdesign
82 Posts • 19569 Views Religion Forum |
I assume those of you who are athiest here realize that the teachings in school are similar to religious teachings in the since that they are not the perfect truth and they are used to control and mol... |
BooksNarnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
14 Posts • 3895 Views Talk Talk |
i agree. it was really good. i thought the movie did the book justice and that rarely happens. also, the battle scene was exactly as i imagined it to be, and i was pleased about that. all in all it wa... |
DreamsSelf Creationism
18 Posts • 7491 Views Psychology Forum |
how can such a theory be true because if we were in control of our life how come we are not the best at what we do, or rich, and have nothing but good stuff happen to us. ill give you a theory we are... |
30 Posts • 10011 Views Philosophy Forum |
I was wondering the same thing Decius, thanks for clarifying, I think everyone, whether they chose to admit it or not have a regret or two...
Lynnie-thats a good way to phrase it "...believing i... |
Dave Barry's Philosophy
7 Posts • 4516 Views Jokes & Games |
Man that is too funny- Words to live by indeed- another couple I have learned-
Never trust a man with a pony tail they are up to no good.
If your know a woman is pregnant your second question should... |
ChristianityMITHRA! (pt. 2)
31 Posts • 9038 Views Religion Forum |
the easy answer to that is "death is with us all", good song by the way. atheists believe that you just die, and thats it. its nothing to ponder. you live. then you die.
not much to it. b... |
ChristianityA question for a devoted Christian.
235 Posts • 43054 Views Religion Forum |
critcsing his methods becuase they arent very good. make it impossible for them to succed. and if they dont, which they wont, they go to hell. unless they ask me for forgivness because of my dumbass i... |
Relationships & LoveRelationship Problems
9 Posts • 2669 Views Psychology Forum |
I know what you are going through. I am going through a similar situation. The best thing you can do is stop all contact with her. Let her begin to miss you and wonder what you are up too. Through doi... |
SocietyRacist attacks, hate-speech growing against Afrikaners
2 Posts • 4349 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Some good links to the situation in South Africa.
http://www.zasucks. com/
http://www.farmmurders .com/
Please be warned - these sites contain some VERY graphic pictures of violence that can be... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42426 Views Religion Forum |
Yep, I think that's where part of my problem lies.
I have trouble thinking an all good God would decide it was right to make us suffer for our ancestor's mistakes.
Making us suffer in the... |
SocietyRanking U.S. Presidents, 1-42....best to worst
9 Posts • 10196 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
History will regard George Bush 43 as one of our great presidents.
Only to those who eat up self serving propaganda like good little sheep.
The man was beaten up by a pretzel for god's sake... |
Riddle you this
64 Posts • 15956 Views Talk Talk |
good job wytoe... lol you scored
i am still very in love with this girl. I constantly think of her. I wish i could see her more, she lives so far away... we talk, send letters, send pictures and w... |
Alternative BeliefsPagan Religion??? or devilry
34 Posts • 11716 Views Religion Forum |
but that is not what the christians see, and that is what is important. whether or not it is a 'good' religion does not matter. just that it is considered devilry.
whi is this conversatio... |
16 Posts • 6948 Views Talk Talk |
I know how you feel firebird. It has been 15 years and counting for family members. Friends are a different story for me I suppose. There are not many good ones, but the ones worth having are worth tr... |