23 Posts • 26628 Views Philosophy Forum |
Altruism ends up being a desirable state of mind because irrespective of it being selfish, it is inherently good for the whole. It is therefore in society's programming to look positively at peop... |
This sounds like a debate for... Super Hero Mania
161 Posts • 41110 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
The Submariner, definatley :D
He was amazing.
I also think that Gambit would be incredible in the movies, but from what i've heard, the most probable actor for him will be Orlando Bloom, wh... |
Justice or Avoidance?
0 Posts • 1291 Views Philosophy Forum |
many things in life should be shrugged off. as you were saying, the likelyhood of him seeing any sort of real punishment for what he did is highly unlikely. a broken window, busted face, or anything m... |
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
8 Posts • 2524 Views Talk Talk |
It's got to be anti-climatic and different from all the other books since it has to end. It was really weird because they were never in school, unbelievably depressing, and lacked a good conclusi... |
The light bulb is on finally
5 Posts • 2568 Views Talk Talk |
How will American react to the current depression and total collapse of the middle class. 9 trillion dollar debt, bankrupt, and tried of following the same outdated model, America is finally changing... |
23 Posts • 26628 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well, I hear ya there, Eye. But I suspect the notion of altruism is really just idealism. The reality is that you'll never take the "I" (self-interest) out of it. If it's your choi... |
9 Posts • 3860 Views Philosophy Forum |
paranoid eh? god, I used to be so paranoid when I was 17 (my first year in college or segup whatever its suposed to be called, quebec's fucked up), and also that was the time when I did my time w... |
General HealthWhy Games Are Good For You
7 Posts • 7309 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Training properly to have a fit body needs a bit of science too.
For instance, a basic workout in order to get good in shape can consist of 2 basic things.
Running 5-7 times a week and doing 2-... |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58969 Views Religion Forum |
Strongclad Believes: "God saves according to His will. The Bible states clearly What throughout the whole Old (through prophecy) and New Testament (fulfillment of that prophecy) that it was God... |
God in ReligionProve the existence of god
52 Posts • 12983 Views Religion Forum |
The Catholic Religon is NOT SATANIC, to be ignorant is not necessarily to be insultive.
The Pope wears a hat once a year that bears 666 on it, TRUE.
Each Pope also visits a Monostary I won'... |
BiologyBreed Humans?
26 Posts • 15222 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Already - by accident. They have discovered that if one smart person marries another smart person, they're child might have a good chance of having autism. I've heard that we could cure the... |
Blue October- Hate Me
1 Posts • 2389 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
This hits home.
They have some of the best lyrics.
And after a little while, you get used to his voice and actually appreciate it.
The anime is Full Metal Alchemist
Blue October- Hate Me... |
Alex Collier Interview: Warnings and Hope
1 Posts • 2138 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
This is a 1994 private interview of Andromedan Contactee Alex Collier, where he reveals very IMPORTANT stuff that we should aware of by now he predicts 9/11, talks about various ET races, the truth no... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42426 Views Religion Forum |
DT said something earlier that I feel is a basis of a great point, is belief a choice?
Think about it.
Belief is often described as believing something in the face of lacking evidence, I don... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThinking It Through
9 Posts • 2946 Views Philosophy Forum |
If you could build a machine that preset all available knowledge to you (perhaps near birth) so that you did not have to do all the work yourself, would you consider this a bad thing, or a good thing?... |
ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24734 Views Religion Forum |
There not boring their comical and some what interesting "lol" but you do make good points, *roll*
but to nick, man really just give it up, walk up stairs and ask your mom to take you to th... |
Why ask?
2 Posts • 2950 Views Talk Talk |
I find that most people(none on here that I can think of) ask questions because they expect answers that would further prove themselves and would make them look good, but when they get the wrong respo... |
Relationships & LoveWhats wrong with me?
8 Posts • 3983 Views Psychology Forum |
you shouldnt be doing anything sexual with anyone unless you are completely comfortable with them. aside from things feeling a lot better, you also work through things much better if you are on very g... |
Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107406 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Marijuana has a more direct effect, plus its not something we've been doing since the middle ages, like beer.
But there is no good reason, private smoking should be fine, its far far less dang... |
Your Opinions Please
10 Posts • 3603 Views Talk Talk |
Good point, mystic.
http://www.actwin.c om/eatonohio/gay/consent.htm
List of all ages for each state, seems like the webmaster is homosexual so he makes notes about it. But, nevertheless, ages do... |
Sexual PsychologyMasturbation
22 Posts • 12555 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Wanking is like another mealtime for me...And I was very hungry at about 18 and stiil am. Its not quite clockwork but if I didnt I'd go mad. Nothing beats good sex though.
One thing I've... |
Napoleon Dynamite !!!!!! POW!
8 Posts • 6891 Views Talk Talk |
I loved the parts with Kips new girlfriend- she was so cute! the scene when she steps off the bus was great as we did not know what to expect. As well napoleons dance scene was just incredible as well... |
Free Speech
0 Posts • 8800 Views Philosophy Forum |
Thats a very good point MIA, not letting someone talk will not rid the world of their ignorant being. People don't realize that they have to rely on their own intelect most of the time...and not... |
Religion & HumanityAn Essay On Same Sex Marriage
4 Posts • 18345 Views Religion Forum |
This is really good. I agree with 100 percent of it.
"Christians are free to believe that gay and lesbian couples should not marry, but their freedom to believe should not tip the scales of eq... |
Life & DeathLife Accomplishments
18 Posts • 5450 Views Philosophy Forum |
To keep my family happy and to die without regrets.
That is truly a good accomplishment.
If I may add to that is to be true and honest with everyone in my life. To be open-minded and self-aware... |