Movie ReviewThe Da Vinci Code
11 Posts • 3484 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
they stuck to the storyline,which acctually made it a good movie.but i wish they would have somehow fit the explanation of Phi in there or the halarious prison scene explaning the Mona Lisa'a nam... |
My Life SUCKS.......
15 Posts • 8722 Views Talk Talk |
not the wiset thing to say, rammstien...what has got you so... tied up in bunches? I've seen posts from you around...so angry...the darkside is not the proper path...the lightside will always con... |
Life & DeathTheories on Death
41 Posts • 51573 Views Philosophy Forum |
Just as an afterthought, I do not want people to subscribe to this theory because it may well be that I have got it completely wrong, all I am saying is simply that if you do the right thing, you auto... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43985 Views Religion Forum |
"Sure it is - there is no practical difference - both the secularist and atheist live their lives in a state of abject rejection of a higher divine will. Both are amoral systems that promote the... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43985 Views Religion Forum |
"What the denominations of our Founders followed is moot,"
----------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------
this is an interesting comment. Is it only moot becau... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40594 Views Religion Forum |
Conway, I live my life because it is what I am programmed to do. I accept all things good and bad about life and go along with it fine. Sure I couldn blow my brains out. Or I could do whatever. Just b... |
Relationship: What is going on?
9 Posts • 3625 Views Talk Talk |
one thing is certain, she is a cheater. and my philosophy is - once a cheater, always a cheater. and she sounds very insensitive to me too. forget her, she is just fucking with you. you may be able to... |
Free Speech
0 Posts • 8800 Views Philosophy Forum |
Its one of those things you can't police. It is policed by those who gather. Sometimes that don't work out to good. People say some ugly hurtful things. Just one of those things you have to... |
Why be polite?
39 Posts • 27340 Views Philosophy Forum |
i am being rude. he is not.
cleared it up?
nothing i have said is hypothetical. i have done that. and i know how to live. dont judge me. its very rude.
i also find unconstituted politeness rud... |
ChristianityI've searched everywhere for the true church,
23 Posts • 8512 Views Religion Forum |
Well good for that pope he got people to join his religion by threatening death. There is no better way. Except maybe by offering money then making them pay double the price that the money costs for m... |
Society & SociologyNot all Muslims are terrorists,so end your hatred!
68 Posts • 35952 Views Psychology Forum |
Okay how about we get this straight.
Muslim people are great people. I'm not only saying this because im muslim, im saying this because it's the honest truth that most americans are affraid... |
God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50297 Views Religion Forum |
To help answer you question Petesmith:
Athiest ethics usually boils down to 'Me first, always!' ideology. Atheists may have exactly the same views about what counts as good and bad, and may... |
BooksBook dissection
20 Posts • 13066 Views Talk Talk |
thank you i'll check it out.
here is something from Nietzsche in "Gay Science"
"Our ultimate gratitude to art."- If we had not welcomed the arts and invented this kind o... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32941 Views Philosophy Forum |
Most soldiers are in Iraq, and you don't know what they believe. I believe I know a little more about what they believe then you, because I know what it means and I know what it is.
Xris - you... |
2 Posts • 4107 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
i hate when previews for movies try to say that a movie is "as good as ____" or "more exciting than ____" .... if you pay attention to these types of adds, STOP!... |
DreamsThe Mind Portal...An Un-Researched New Discovery
37 Posts • 21295 Views Psychology Forum |
"say you had the most basic code ( symbol for good and bad ) for your calendar days, do you know if you could more easily recognize a kind of algorithm about your existence?"
This is the... |
I'm french ! ! !
3 Posts • 2998 Views Talk Talk |
hello I am French and new on this forum. does y have T-it of another French person??? If not I am a very large fan of David charvet. does somebody know?
Good bye :) |
Religion & HumanityWhat Is A Fundamentalist
5 Posts • 3479 Views Religion Forum |
What is a fundamentalist? Every religion and church has them. And yes, there are even Athiest fundamentalist.
What are the characteristics? Why are they? and are they of any good to society? |
SpiritualityWhat do we have the right to want?
15 Posts • 3809 Views Religion Forum |
...what do we have the right to want?
My intial answer to this is that we have the right to want anything we desire. Even murderers who want to kill, have the right to want to do so. We can dream... |
About You / IntroductionsWhat's In Your Name?
92 Posts • 27094 Views Talk Talk |
I decided on this name because no matter what I usually feel as though I stand out in a crowd. I feel as though I'm in a different dimension but somehow I have been forced to live in this one, an... |
Religion & HumanityReligious beliefs
48 Posts • 15611 Views Religion Forum |
The demons believe in God, but the athiests don't, they don't even believe in demons. Now I believe in God but I'm not sure about demons. As far as what Christians believe. First you ha... |
myspace peoples
19 Posts • 7585 Views Talk Talk |
I decided to put up a MySpace profile
after reading about it here.
I find that MySpace is a fairly accurate representation of the general populace - the good, the ba... |
6 Posts • 2758 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Thats all fine and good.....but i only saw the word jews being used and not jewish fundamentalists in JOEBIALEK post. And what fundamentalist group doesnt believe that they are the chosen ones...i.e C... |
The Environment Reserve...
3 Posts • 1982 Views Talk Talk |
That's definitely a better idea than fighting over in the middle east and having our oil prices soar because of it. Unfortunately, the idea will never get near congress because it's a smart... |
5 Posts • 15298 Views Talk Talk |
I think people who express happiness in relationships are either realists, understand the balance of the good and bad that comes with them, flat out lying, or one of the lucky few that find a relation... |