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Free Will
60 Posts • 15135 Views Philosophy Forum |
does it exist?
i personally think its an illusion--our brain causes us to be conscious and have a mind, and our brain acts according to its own wiring when a choice is made, and chemicals or whatever... |
Writing AdviceCan you guys please write me a song about being...
60 Posts • 26348 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
thought id write u a song using one of ur titles FAKE
damm i love you so much gave you my heart
and in change i get a broken heart with no strenght to lift me up
damm i cant belie... |
Random Questionsquestion in need of an answer
17 Posts • 5107 Views Talk Talk |
'I define a true criminal act as simply something that we guilt over.'
Thank you for addressing the point of guilt. My original purpose of this thread was to redirect thoughts to a past thread I fo... |
Religion & HumanityThe Disease of Religious Fundamentalism
19 Posts • 6742 Views Religion Forum |
Different cultures lend themselves to different trains of thought. All these multiple religions can serve to confuse people, create miscommunication between cultures who do not understand each other.... |
Gay kiss on Greek TV,whaddya think?
2 Posts • 5508 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Here's the article:
http://story.news.ya hoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u= /ap/20031112/ap_on_re_eu/greec e_gay_kiss_1
First of all, this made me pretty mad when I read it. I know it's not my... |
SocietyBody scanners
56 Posts • 33458 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"It violates civil liberties in the name of preventing political violence."
Jacker, I don't think you know what America is about. American spirit anyway.
America, above all other... |
1 Posts • 2614 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Andrew Johnson
To What Extent Does the Concept of Umma Tally with that of Globalization?
This question calls forth a whole cluster of assumptions which, I think it is fair to say, cannot be justi... |
Do you know the difference between a liberal and a conservative?
9 Posts • 3135 Views Talk Talk |
I couldn't just leave this be. So here is my effort to educate, every time i see such ignorant remarks from one side to another my head hurts. But I know it's probably not your fault, just the fault o... |
Famous PsychologistsFreudian psychology... Ha!
9 Posts • 3721 Views Psychology Forum |
the present is gone almost as soon as it happens
did i imply that? :(
if i forget about theorizing and interpret according to my intuition, i would say that we are in the constant presence to our... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousSubconscious
43 Posts • 10956 Views Psychology Forum |
Can the subconscious mind be substantiated in the same manner?
i don't know where it is documented. was given the information in psychology class...
a man was taking a placebo in affect fo... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainA Few Mental Concepts…
1 Posts • 1745 Views Psychology Forum |
I have grouped these ideas together to save time, as they are relatively brief anyway…
Remembering Something Noticed…
It is difficult to remember something unless you truly took noti... |
The OJ Simpson Case
47 Posts • 31320 Views Talk Talk |
Hi Decius,
"Jebusville.co m" is not my Website. It is Run by a Gentleman who uses Sabbath as a user Name. Sabbath has DONE ME RIGHT. You need to register on that website like you need to r... |
GovernmentDoes the goverment have rights to penalis those it
67 Posts • 17358 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"the rate of growth and consumption is rapidly depleting the supply which is the death nails for our type of society.Our greatest threat is our own gluttony, a byproduct of our economic system.&q... |
Child & Family PsychologyHow To Get Over My Mother
3 Posts • 2915 Views Psychology Forum |
Up until about 7 years ago I thought my mother was an angel, that she was like my dearest friend, that she more than anyone else in the world cared about me and that we shared a special bond.
Sinc... |
SocietyA New Discovery
27 Posts • 10055 Views Philosophy Forum |
"Knowing in advance that you will never be blamed for what you are about to do (ex. killing for inheritance) prevents your desire to do it."
It might lower the satisfaction in some cases, b... |
Things that are stupid
3 Posts • 1777 Views Talk Talk |
Hi I'm Jim Bob.
I'm going to start by saying things that pee me right off. Feel free to argue with me - but I'm right.
1. Health and safety. Its okay if you have a job re-wiring e... |
LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51781 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
There is no valid argument against prostitution here, explaining why it is ok for anyone to tell another person that they cannot exercise their own free will by engaging in a consentual commercial sex... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32919 Views Philosophy Forum |
Xris, another thing needed to be kept in mind is that an election doesn't always equate to a free election.
Another point is that in the case of the Sandinistas, actually a former Sandinistan... |
Free Speech
0 Posts • 8800 Views Philosophy Forum |
J.S. Mill's on liberty uses constructive dilema to afford free speech it right. Either the current paradigmn is right and the objections raised only strengthen it. It is wrong and the objections... |
DrugsAcid as a Catalyst
11 Posts • 3484 Views Psychology Forum |
I did acid for the first time roughly a month and a half ago and then again last week. I had many trips on shrooms before trying acid but none of them were as revealing to me as my two experiences wit... |
Society & SociologyIs Jail a mild form of torture
35 Posts • 11423 Views Psychology Forum |
Who are these people you are thinking of? You? Me?
Murderes and sex-offenders are likely the two you are thinking of; in the most extensive stufy of recindivism rates in the US ever: these two grou... |
All About Psychology
1 Posts • 3445 Views Promotional |
http://www.all-about-psycholog y.com/
All About Psychology is a comprehensive guide to the world of psychology. Great for students or anyone interested in discovering psychology. Learn information... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceWhy do you think people can have psychic abilities?
17 Posts • 11223 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Iron. I have taken note of all your dreaming exercises and will do, all sounding like an effective way to put them (my dreams) to good use.
As per your suggestions you said,
This is free therap... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85856 Views Science & Technology Forum |
9 December 2012
The Astronaut Who Captured a Satellite
Image Credit: STS-51A, NASA
In 1984, high above the Earth's surface, an astronaut captured a satellite. It was the second satellite ca... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132003 Views Philosophy Forum |
"Human existance is hard, then you die." I agree to an extent.
Human existance is hard, only because we make it hard. The human race are so power-hungry, egoistic, big headed liars that w... |