God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 41997 Views Religion Forum |
Ultimately, essentaly only One thing exists, or rather, only One, because it's not a thing. You can call it God, your soul, your true self, ultimate reality whatever. We are all parts of one soul... |
PoetryOnce gone Two return
13 Posts • 6936 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
sometimes i forget why we all float along
i start sinking from thinking for too long
find bubbles of air that push me back up
click, bang; i am at the suface, i am still here but i am still what?... |
Random QuestionsOnline Masters Degree
8 Posts • 9776 Views Talk Talk |
As I said, I do not wish to share my field publicly.
I have been doing some research and wanted to determine if online degrees are respected, as per Timeless1's recommendation.
Along with f... |
Female Hotties and their Family
0 Posts • 1286 Views Talk Talk |
some of these girls do have "issues" and that gives their teen fans somethign to connect to. a lot of celebs try to fit the pictue of perfection. aris hilton for ex. but i mean theres s many... |
PoetryMy attempt at poetry.
16 Posts • 5311 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Let me know what you think :P Mine probably aren't as good as some of the others but oh well, if you like this one I might put up some more...
Empty Eyes and a Broken Heart
I feel no pain... |
I wish he was here
10 Posts • 2529 Views Talk Talk |
me and my bf have known eachother for a year and been going out for 9 months I Love Him So Much its unbelievable... my mum and freinds and his mum and family think were stupid and immature and the onl... |
Intimacyoral sex
60 Posts • 84763 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I was wondering how many guys have tasted there own? Maybe the ladies should surprise there mate with a fake swallow and a snowball! I think it also erotic to witness the ejaculation If my partner swa... |
televangelist-faith "healer"- Peter Popoff....liar and fake
5 Posts • 5746 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
A famous (or perhaps we should say "infamous" ) preacher you may have heard of is Peter Popoff. In the early 1980's he was pulling in over 4 million dollars a year deceiving thousands.... |
BooksDa Vinci Code
26 Posts • 11977 Views Talk Talk |
actually it is based on historical fact. no, there was no person named langdon or girl named sophie that endured a wild adventure through history. that was the entertainment part. the author is a prof... |
PoetrySecret poems
21 Posts • 14509 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
thanks guys.
This a poem which I would very much like to read aloud to my school, but can't., for obvious reasons.
Han ds half raised in worship
Words barely uttered, proclaim... |
Gender PsychologyChicks and Fake Phone numbers
64 Posts • 45429 Views Psychology Forum |
You guys are missing the point. I'm not speaking for all women, I'm just speaking for a lot of them. I like to go out with the people I'm going out with. Just because you're attrac... |
ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24427 Views Religion Forum |
Jesus was God, but also human. Trust me, I've tried the whole "Pain is just neurons firing and doesn't matter" thing myself, but just because you know it doesn't matter doesn&... |
14 Posts • 3837 Views Talk Talk |
I'm pretty uninterested in everything around me, and I realize that's not a good thing. I've been like this for at least the past four years, and it's getting to the point where I... |
Cesspool of our youth
14 Posts • 4666 Views Philosophy Forum |
hmm so what was the point? youth are stupid. we all just ride along and whatever happens happens eh? i have always wondered why kids have that "i am invincible" mentality, i never experience... |
DepressionI hate people and feel better alone
33 Posts • 141031 Views Psychology Forum |
Sometimes I feel like I just hate everyone and much prefer being by myself than around other people.
I feel like people always act fake in person – like they're always talking about meaningless t... |
About You / IntroductionsThe most embarrasing moment
3 Posts • 3162 Views Talk Talk |
hmmm my most embarassing moment!
i was around 11 and this boy in my classroom used to make fun of my haircut. I kind of liked him just because he was humiliating me. N.B. it was my mom who gaved me t... |
Disturbing mirrors
28 Posts • 7491 Views Philosophy Forum |
Never taken acid but i used to eat shrooms a lot, and it is a great time looking in the mirror. Be warned though, you'll see yourself how you deeply "see" yourself. Not to be this way,... |
Emotions & FeelingsRelease
4 Posts • 2799 Views Psychology Forum |
I"m not sure wyote, i don't think its guilt err i wake up every morning and feel sad because i feel at home with that feeling. I've felt like this for a couple years like when i'm... |
DepressionI hate people and feel better alone
33 Posts • 141031 Views Psychology Forum |
HI, I must admit i haven't read every comment, but i have read most, but from what i gather there are a lot of people in a similar situation to you.
I used to be the outgoing sort, to the point... |
Gender PsychologyChicks and Fake Phone numbers
64 Posts • 45429 Views Psychology Forum |
Starlette, if you don't want to give a guy your number and want to lie, tell him you have a boyfriend. Believe me, it's a lot easier on him. If he's nice, you did him a favor. If he... |
SocietyWhy Would Any Democrat Support Alito
5 Posts • 3045 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Why would Democrat support Alito? Because D.O.J. has their agents among them.
379. A crime in the name of a noble cause (1/27/06)
Bush stole breads from the grocery store. When the store owner... |
Gender PsychologyWhy I hate women
32 Posts • 82902 Views Psychology Forum |
First and foremost The first reason I hate women is because they dress slutty. If you're going to look like a whore and act like a whore then expect to be treated like one you dumb blond. Second... |
War & TerrorismPlease Watch This
12 Posts • 3544 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This is a propaganda War, a war for your mind, to subdue and divide us, I cannot stress the importance of our need of truthful information. We are being lied to, this should not make you happy, nor sh... |
GovernmentSEIU staged "Occupy" protests
1 Posts • 2264 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Wow the occupy "movement" is as fake as everyone feared.
People are being paid and bussed in by seiu. OF COURSE!
Every time something like this happens the right blames SEIU....I guess... |
1 Posts • 2625 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
By Robert Davidson.
You passed me by
Didn't speak, didn't smile
Going off with an angry head toss
You left me 'neath the cold moon light
Your heart like a w... |