i can't just sit back and watch everything i stand for, fall. - Extreame Angel
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Tagged > Fake feminists
THREAD About You / IntroductionsHow's it going?
5 Posts • 4415 Views
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Hey tVCrime. Good to see you here. I'm sort of new too, but yeah, lots of topics to just run your brain against so I like it. Twitter/Facebook and a lot of other stuff is getting more and more...
THREAD What value do we place on a child's time?
3 Posts • 2281 Views
Philosophy Forum
Nobody has any foresight to be able to see the value in a child's time. Most people don't even have the foresight to realize that their big houses and new cars and every single material thin...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWhat Is Wrong With Being A Slut
37 Posts • 15044 Views
Psychology Forum
Awakened: The origins of words are quite complex; for the woman there's an interesting post here where alternatives to woman are considered such as womyn and wom. http://www.academinist.o...
17 Posts • 6777 Views
Talk Talk
haha teh way i found out all the kids were discussing what "santa" was going to bring them she got frusterated adn yelled out " santa is a fake your parentss give you the presents and e...
THREAD Being Normal
5 Posts • 6090 Views
Talk Talk
Do people fall in love with each others' facades? YES! wow you hit it right on. almost every relationship i see includes this factor. and the most terrible thing is that when you point it out...
THREAD ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24426 Views
Religion Forum
I dont know about relative truth but I believe nothing can be certain. Anything is possible kind fellow. Everyone believes in something. If atheist choose to take this reality we are in precedent ov...
THREAD BooksNarnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
14 Posts • 3895 Views
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i thought it was a great flick. im a huge fan of mythological creatures, so just seeing minotuars, centuars, cyclops, mermaids, giants ect. all in one movie was a big enough treat for me. the books we...
THREAD What's the point?
1 Posts • 2104 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
What's the point of wasting words in vain? What's the point of slitting your wrists, when you no longer feel the pain? When all you do is make mistakes, and every day life seems more fake....
THREAD Question!
5 Posts • 3318 Views
Talk Talk
Yea, they tend to fake it, if there really scream loud, but first they start of with a small moan, then when your getting in deeper and shes getting close to orgasm, she starts to breath faster and mo...
51 Posts • 20005 Views
Philosophy Forum
Loner, I know what you mean. Thats what we call Convenient Thinking. Just because they think they are sincere, doesn't mean it's true. There's truth, then there's belief. They take...
THREAD My kind of smilies
1 Posts • 4525 Views
Jokes & Games
(o)(o) perfect breasts ( + )( + ) fake silicone breasts (*)(*) high nipple breasts (@)(@) big nipple breasts o o a cups { O }{ O } d cups (oYo) wonder bra breasts ( ^ )( ^ ) cold breasts...
THREAD God in ReligionWake up and discover that God never existed
48 Posts • 13384 Views
Religion Forum
I am sure this has happened to many as it did to me. What if one day you woke up and discovered that your 'God' doesn't exist? Once you woke up you discovered that your belief syste...
THREAD Viral VideosDolphin Pod Video: Real or Fake?
2 Posts • 3020 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
So this is a recent viral video that has received over 1 million views from when it was released 8 days ago. But is this real? Or is it an advertising stunt produced by a company that makes sports...
THREAD Why be polite?
39 Posts • 27338 Views
Philosophy Forum
People that make bad jokes are usually looking more for attention and acceptance than to make you smile. When someone's sincere about trying to make you smile it shows itself in some way. When so...
THREAD Society & SociologyDeath Penalty?
16 Posts • 7900 Views
Psychology Forum
I think it should be done by a firing squad. Have 20 shooters there all un-identified, randomly pick a bullet out of a jar, 19 will be fake and one will be real. Bang, no ones knows if they did it...
THREAD Paranormal & PseudoscienceDeja Vu-Theories
74 Posts • 39734 Views
Science & Technology Forum
"but then how can other things be explained like psychic reading and other stuff ... i know that a lot of it is fake but some things are predicted by people and they do come true .. why am i even...
THREAD War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23900 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"This war has been brought to you by terrorists." In a sense yes, Bush could never have gone through with this war without 9/11 and the fake Al Quaeda/Saddam link. Is that Gospell (Truth)...
THREAD War & TerrorismAmerican Soldiers getting Owned
0 Posts • 397 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
What is it with you and all these "experiments"? Haven't you ever read the story, "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"? You should read that. If it's this rigorous to have THE HIG...
THREAD Poetry'Untitled'
51 Posts • 13376 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I have sat in this chair day after day just wasting away. It is theses walls made of brick and sorrow. That traps my soul and steals the inner child. This time sent here is only borrowed; I have waste...
124 Posts • 33715 Views
Talk Talk
I am so sick of announcers on the TV and radio trying to talk in fake American accents. Its like anything they want to sound cool or "the biggest" has to be spoken about in an American accen...
THREAD Being Normal
5 Posts • 6090 Views
Talk Talk
People refer normal to how most people are like, or how the majority of people are. I think that when we first meet someone, we try to decipher them and their interests, and then pretend to be interes...
THREAD Weird ThingsSanteria love spells?
2 Posts • 4054 Views
Talk Talk
I've read a little bit about santeria but I'm not really sure what it's about. I think its probably fake because most of the websites I checked out want you to pay before they tell you...
THREAD Society & Sociologyvoyeurism
25 Posts • 8038 Views
Psychology Forum
People want to see shit happen to other people. Most would probably even prefer to see wrecks and such things more often. This world is cruel, not just the human world either, animals eat their own ba...
THREAD Relationships & LoveEvaluative Discussion: Awakend & Hedgehog
19 Posts • 5138 Views
Psychology Forum
While listening to fake plastic trees at the climax, while i was reading this i looked to magen and said, this is what ive been talking about. i love it when people do this. i love it when they out...
THREAD egoism
5 Posts • 3248 Views
Philosophy Forum
Most people who say they are the best are insecure about themselves. Where as those who just know they are the best don't need to express it. I think that defines the line between confidence and...
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