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American warmongers - Page 5

User Thread
 73yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that cturtle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
"This war has been brought to you by terrorists."
In a sense yes, Bush could never have gone through with this war without 9/11 and the fake Al Quaeda/Saddam link.
Is that Gospell (Truth) or just justification?
Whether they are sporting weapons of mass destruction or not is of smaller scale importance. Yes an excuse to attack, but so is the Al Queada infestation that torments the world.
Ah, I see only capitalism has that right to do so because our god is the righteous god mammon. Therefore we have the right and obilgation to free other societies so their citizens may worship what ever god they may choose?

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"Terrorist or tyrant, few may come to the Truth that both are poor choice."
 58yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Dreamer is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
cturtle, it is NOT about religious freedom.
Terrorists bombed Spain, killing a few hundred.
They bombed Indonesia killing a few hundred, and these are since 911.

Saddam is the leader of Iraq. Iraq houses training camps for Al Queada. So, although, DT, you see no link, where you see nothing, I see something.
Perhaps why so many divisions exist in our world.
The truth, although we can comfortable make our assumptions as we debate in a forum, will never be ours.

We all know, government TOP SECRET will never be open for public discussion.
What did we know at the time Bush set his sights on war?
What did intelligence peruse the situation to Bush before he acted?

Unless we have CRITICAL key evidence of what the CIA, FBI, or whatever agency is used for this type of situation, we cannot ever base an absolute truth to it.

Which, makes for an uneasy feeling.

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"Even though is difficult, I can still dream."
 65yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that okcitykid is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I have said this on the forum and I will say it here. Our boys and girls take an oath to protect us from enemies of the U.S. constitution foriegn and domestic. I don't see how Iraq was ever a threat to our constitution here in America. Even it was a slight threat, it did not require war. Korea is a greater threat then Iraq ever was. Just like Vietnam, this is another illigal war. Wo are we who have not learned from Vietnam.

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"A fool says I know and a wise man says I wonder."
 65yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that okcitykid is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
We are not free, but slaves of capitalism. That same capitalism seeks to enslave the world. It is a slavery that binds with an invisible rope. You cannot see what you cannot have and therefore do not know your own slavery.

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"A fool says I know and a wise man says I wonder."
 73yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that cturtle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
In truth OkCity, they do not see because they do not want to see, they do not hear because they do not want to hear so they were in the days of Jesus so they are now.
They put the Lie before Christ because they do not want to live the truth. They want to be God as it is written from the beginning thus it is till their end.

What are these people like?
When I was young, I went fishing with my father. Next to the stream was a resivior. Drought had lowered it's level to a pool of water, standing along the tracks we looked down into the pool. In the pool was a number of alligator garfish, they had devoured all other species & now lay along the bottom in the heat of the day. they varied in size but each rested with waryness of the others, least they be caught unaware & be devoured. Such is the way that has been fostered upon the (people) nations by those who plant the seeds of self-destruction in heart (minds). Least they should come to peace with each other, someone has to be Lord over the others.
So accept that the government can't (won't) speak the truth but must goad you into sending off your children to war.
It is all in a good cause, just ask them they will tell you it is so!

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"Terrorist or tyrant, few may come to the Truth that both are poor choice."
[  Edited by cturtle at   ]
 58yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Dreamer is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Perhaps we are looking thru very different windows. My window shows a group (AL QUEADA) of terrorists who would just as much love to see you blown to smithereens, as they would anyone from a free country.

I see a group of fanatical killers, who will not be stopped. But they are being slowed.

I see a group of murderers making war on innocent lives. And we are the ones wrong? I see them as NO HOLDS BAR when it comes to making sneaky attacks . You see them as innocent?
I cannot see how you justify their actions, but demean ours.

WAR; 1. A contest between nations or states, carried on by force, whether for defence, for revenging insults and redressing wrongs, for the extension of commerce, for the acquisition of territory, for obtaining and establishing the superiority and dominion of one over the other, or for any other purpose; armed conflict of sovereign powers; declared and open hostilities.Note: As war is the contest of nations or states, it always implies that such contest is authorized by the monarch or the sovereign power of the nation. A war begun by attacking another nation, is called an offensive war, and such attack is aggressive. War undertaken to repel invasion, or the attacks of an enemy, is called defensive.

War in the bible; Lev 26; 24, Duet 28; 36,49, Judges 2; 13; 3, 1. 8; 4, 1; 6, 1; 10, 6; 13, 1; Isa 5, 25; Jer 5; 15

Because I understand the necessity for WAR doesn't mean I like it, and these quotes show God uses war to abolish sins. It also shows, the Lord doesn't like it either. But necessitates it's use.

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"Even though is difficult, I can still dream."
 73yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that cturtle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Perhaps we are looking thru very different windows. My window shows a group (CIA, special forces involved in covert operations, etc ) of terrorists who would just as much love to see you blown to smithereens, as they would anyone from a non-capitalist countries.

I see a group of fanatical killers, who will not be stopped. But they are being slowed.

I see a group of murderers making war on innocent lives to pervert or destablize any nation which does not accept capitalism. Because everyone has their price & they have the right to buy anyone or anything.

You are right, Iraq attacked us first so we are justified in retailitory strikes against there cities & government buildings (people).But isn't taking over their country a bit more than retalitory strikes?

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"Terrorist or tyrant, few may come to the Truth that both are poor choice."
 58yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Dreamer is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
You do know we are teaching and setting up Iraqi's as leaders. You know this, right? Tell me you know this.

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"Even though is difficult, I can still dream."
 73yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that cturtle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Oh, yes I just heard the other day, how we are going to replace the leader of the Iraqi mililia that is taking on the terrorist.
Seems the people objected to one of Saddam's henchmen being put in authority? Who did they say we were going to replace him with, another of Saddam's former henchmen?

Actually, I wanted to make sure that I was being understood in reference to capitalism vs democracy so this may be a little off subject of the thread.
Now I am not really into government, history & such so I may be mistaken.
In recent years a group had been formed (AARP). The group is basically fixed income retired persons, who have taken this action to fight for their well being & benefits.
We know they are fighting against whom? Corporations like medical 7 drug manufactures, hospital corporations & health related suppliers, etc to name a few. What are they going to do? Apply the democratic process, they are pooling their limited resourses to lobby for them because these corperations are investing in lobbying for their corporate interest. Right?

Let us see, American corporations go into other countries (like in SA) invest in the growth (productivity) of those nations.
Of course these countries are underdeveloped so their governing system comes to realize the finacial rewards of this developement.
Soon the people find they are not being given a fair share, the level of poverty is raised which means it cost more to live & their country is being stripped of it's natural resources. They tend to blame those American corporations, they destroy American property & even take American lives.

Now those dirty commie bastards move in to capitalize on the situation & the corporation goes to the lobbyist & America sends troops to protect American people & interest.
Right, isn't that how it works?
Democracy => your lobbyist dollars buys you equal voice in government. How much fairer can you get? Right.
Oh the American people send their children to fight & perhaps die for these American corporations to go into these countries & {seize control (buy) their government's rule} fight Comunism (not terrorist). Then we fought communism & now we fight terrorism

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"Terrorist or tyrant, few may come to the Truth that both are poor choice."
 65yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that okcitykid is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
You forgot something. The war cost a lot of money while the war machine makes a lot of money. The lobyist will do there best to convince whoever they need to convince that we need to go to war. Some people who don't know any better will give there life so that someone else becomes richer. Worse, the American people will convince these young men and women that they need to die for their country. God does not sanction this. My God doesn't.

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"A fool says I know and a wise man says I wonder."
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Angelfire is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
"Because I understand the necessity for WAR doesn't mean I like it, and these quotes show God uses war to abolish sins. It also shows, the Lord doesn't like it either. But necessitates it's use."
Well that's exactly the problem isn't it?
Saddam was no threat to the US, so why the intervention.
The Saddam-Quaeda link is non-existent and Saddam had no WMDs and we were already fairly certain he had no WMDs.

There was NO necessity, unless you can explain why there was a need.

Now, a war with North Korea is arguably necessary. They have a nuclear program and pretty much everyone in and out of the region agrees they are a problem (China, Russia, USA).
Had Bush gone the N.Korea, the war could have been called necessary.

"You do know we are teaching and setting up Iraqi's as leaders. You know this, right? Tell me you know this."
What you describe is turning them into an American puppet.
What you describe is far from democracy.

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"Durch Nacht und Blut das Licht"
 65yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that okcitykid is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
What you describe is turning them into an American puppet.
What you describe is far from democracy.

This I am afraid to say, but as soon as the oil runs out or we convert to non fossel fuels, the freedom of Iraq will nolonger be important to us. What is happening now will be used as an excusse to turn our back on them later. I would hope to think more highly of America. But I have no doubts about the motives of the current administration.

Concerning God, the bible and war, I have my doubts. I follow the teachings of Gnostics who believed this to be the teachings of the faslse god. If God is like a good father as Jesus teaches, surely he would not encourage his children to fight.

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"A fool says I know and a wise man says I wonder."
American warmongers - Page 5
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