Kill Bill
0 Posts • 4037 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I agree with Danipog
i loved the movie
and the violence, well it's the funny kind
because it's kinda like in old kung fu movies, seems very fake
so much blood - you gotta love it
awe... |
Reality & MetaphysicsWhat If Everything Is Fake And You Are The Only Thing That Is Real?
46 Posts • 44904 Views Philosophy Forum |
A couple of my friends have been discussing this theory that the whole world revolves around YOU and everything in it is only there becuase we believe that its there. What if everything that you do is... |
8 Posts • 2582 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
There's something wrong with the average state of parenting these days. To help perpetuate it we have fake experts like Dr. Phil instilling a victim complex in the parents of "bad kids."... |
Elections2004 Election
0 Posts • 6604 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Nic e point, dramatics indeed. All presented in a nice pro Bush package. Its the newest greatest thing, and everybody's buying it, not.
The fact of the matter also i... |
Things you hate.
11 Posts • 2638 Views Talk Talk |
i hate fake people or people who make fun of people who act different just for the sake of trying to be cool(popular), i hate people who cheat on their spouse. |
Government Cover-up
6 Posts • 3672 Views Talk Talk |
Yes we did land on the moon first or at least im sure we did. Kind of hard to fake stuff about space espilly affter having to spend all that money on it. Area 51 does exist but just everyone denies it... |
Random PicturesRandom picture thread.
1169 Posts • 301124 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I think the first moon illusion is fake, but the the others aren't. The website (for the 1st moon illusion) claims it is real however. Its said in June 2005, 'that the full moon this week ha... |
Tv Good or Bad
4 Posts • 8932 Views Talk Talk |
i dont see anything wrong with watching sinful acts on tv, the reality shows i dont agree with and have tried to always stay away from, but the other shows.... they are fake, they dont actually commit... |
Gender PsychologyChicks and Fake Phone numbers
64 Posts • 45429 Views Psychology Forum |
Hi all,
I'm a newbie.
Well, I've never given fake numbers to anyone, but I guess there are some reasons behind it and cruelty might not have anything to do with it.
Maybe the guy di... |
ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24426 Views Religion Forum |
So, what are we to make of his suffering? If Jesus was what he said he was, the suffering and death was faked, a massive guilt trip but nothing more. In what sense is the fake death of an immortal bei... |
Do You Change Your Idioms?
10 Posts • 3403 Views Psychology Forum |
if you arent changing your morals or belifes or trying to get people to like you i think it's ok to adapt around different people, in fact i think it's common, probably the norm...i find mys... |
GovernmentSo It's W - Not Jr.
14 Posts • 4016 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
W .'s Stiletto Democracy
WASHINGTON - It was remarkable to see President Bush lecture Vladimir Putin on the importance of checks and balances in a democratic societ... |
I don't actually dislike Bush
17 Posts • 5378 Views Talk Talk |
Many people seem to have this perception of Bush being a sort of silly laid back somewhat awkward fellow. If you examine his actions as a president as well as how his children have developed, it is qu... |
Gender PsychologyChicks and Fake Phone numbers
64 Posts • 45429 Views Psychology Forum |
I have never given out a fake number...
I guess I just give off that "bitch" aura...the eyes that just say...
"Don't waist your time here"...
BUT...on the f... |
God in ReligionProve the existence of god
52 Posts • 12982 Views Religion Forum |
Since many religions are so fond of bragging that their god is "the one true god" and every other religion's deity is fake, inferior, etc... I have the following question:
Is it possib... |
51 Posts • 20005 Views Philosophy Forum |
we do not understand how to accomplish our own intentions if we did wouldn't we be able to accomplish anything? if you avoid someone cause you actually like them, doesn't mean you are fake,... |
Lack of spiritual men
13 Posts • 7304 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well, etherealmeekle, that is debatable. I've read lots of accounts of people achieveing increased spiritual awareness through both mediums of drug-induced and sober meditation. What's your... |
51 Posts • 13376 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
A threat for a threat leaves the whole world terrified, all we need is to clarify, the righteous from the damned, abolish this war of uncles Sam's, stop the war, and stop trying to settle the score, o... |
Random QuestionsWhat is your current occupation versus....
16 Posts • 6848 Views Talk Talk |
wow ICU huh? i respect anyone whose worked in that place. ive been in there on the other end of things numorous times, and with all the insanity that goes on the doctors and nurses still somehow manag... |
Reality & MetaphysicsWhat If Everything Is Fake And You Are The Only Thing That Is Real?
46 Posts • 44904 Views Philosophy Forum |
Everything is fake and I am the only thing that's real.
Then I am the measure of all things,
and the main relationship to build in my life is with myself.
Therefore, though I cannot pro... |
ChristianityA New Church
30 Posts • 8821 Views Religion Forum |
i think you guys have blown this way outta proportion and turned a simple question like where can i find a church that will except that i am only human and not shove rules down my throat in to a humug... |
258 Posts • 67424 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
The Integrity Of Insecureity
Don 9;t act like you can take it.
You're filtering the hatred.
Your face is too same and
Don't act like you're courageous.
At all.... |
Reality & MetaphysicsWhat If Everything Is Fake And You Are The Only Thing That Is Real?
46 Posts • 44904 Views Philosophy Forum |
If everything is fake but you, then everything is real but you. You are real and you are not. What is described as thought or feeling cannot be real beyond the person who is thinking it or feeling it.... |
ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24426 Views Religion Forum |
You haven't yet credibly attempted to reason my questions:
So, what are we to make of his suffering? If Jesus was what he said he was, the suffering and death was faked, a massive guilt trip but... |
And The Story Goes On......
56 Posts • 12016 Views Talk Talk |
At the midget Inn -a rather large place in spite of it's name the pair sat down in the tavern before they started to talk fred excused himself "I have to see a man about a mule- I'll be... |