51 Posts • 20004 Views Philosophy Forum |
Love this topic too. Im gonna be a posting freak around here if this keeps up.
I have met some who appear to me to be very fake. So much so that I want to believe that they are doing it on purpose.... |
 63yrs • F
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"See Ya\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Bye means forever |
Gender PsychologyChicks and Fake Phone numbers
64 Posts • 45429 Views Psychology Forum |
I've gotten a few fake numbers in my time and i don't see what the big deal is. No one knows you got a fake # just her and her friends if she told them. But on the other hand don't tell... |
51 Posts • 20004 Views Philosophy Forum |
there are not much people in this world who are honest. most of the people acting fake in diffrent situations.and the reason that people being fake is eitherl for self-interest or probably for survivn... |
51 Posts • 20004 Views Philosophy Forum |
how is it possible to "fake" "yourself" im sorry but this topic is really ignorant.. whats fake?hows it posiible to be fake?? whats you? the personalkity you show.. well its all in... |
6 Posts • 2984 Views Talk Talk |
Some feminists take the "women are better than men" standpoint, which is basically reverse prejudice: feminists like that are doing to men the very thing they don't want done to them. T... |
Gender PsychologyYou Are Not A Feminist If...
20 Posts • 9478 Views Psychology Forum |
For a long time I have had an aversion to the term feminism. Even now, I take offence if someone were to call me a feminist. I think this aversion has been created in me over time from witnessing the... |
51 Posts • 20004 Views Philosophy Forum |
As I read I'm persuaded back and forth. I think that there are different ways to look at being fake and none of them are 100% correct.
In one aspect of it you could say there is no such thi... |
 50yrs • M
hi |
Weird ThingsCactus Cell Phone Towers
12 Posts • 12944 Views Talk Talk |
Apparently that's not a real cactus on fire. It turns out that in parts of the US, there are companies that create "Huge fake saguaros" as well as other shapes and things like fake (ver... |
Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77263 Views Psychology Forum |
forgery, like i said where are the full un edited headers for that fake post? it proves nothing and it sounds very contrived and too me it's much TOO fake to be real so without the headers (which... |
God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50289 Views Religion Forum |
fear can cause belief, or fake beleife,
There are no fake beliefs. You cannot fake a belief. You may lie and say you believe what you do not. But you cannot have a fake belief it just doesn't... |
 39yrs • M
Life is fake |
 45yrs • M
This is all fake, fuck yourselves |
 56yrs • F
Serenity will help you through the day and always Fake it Til you Make it!! |
 43yrs • F
"Women might be able to fake orgasms, but men |
51 Posts • 20004 Views Philosophy Forum |
i think thats all bullshit. if you arent yourself then you are wasting your time as well as others. it pisses me off to no end when i figure out how fake people are being. being fake and keeping your... |
51 Posts • 20004 Views Philosophy Forum |
fools gold is real, like anything that exists whihc you can call faek, to be real and fake is a contradiction... if your not being honest with "your" "true" intentions and express... |
RelationshipsSex, rate it! Do you fake it?
4 Posts • 3059 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I was wondering if anyone ever had to fake and orgasm? (That was meant for the ladies cuz we know when u guyz have ur orgasmz./ I have had to fake it, only so I could end it soon. The guy I was with (... |
Exsistential Angst
7 Posts • 3756 Views Talk Talk |
I think children are much more open minded and perhaps we think of children as ignorant because we don't remember what it was like to be a child. Or we see them as ignorant because they are doing... |
51 Posts • 20004 Views Philosophy Forum |
true.. theres the distinction.. but actually even tho you tried to ecplain it im not sure where that distinction may be (maybe by analyzing in myself sorta).. but saying that dressing a certain wasy c... |
 32yrs • F
i give u 12 black roses 11 r real 1 is fake i will love u until the last 1 dies |
51 Posts • 20004 Views Philosophy Forum |
Even if we can perceive the person correctly still doesn't mean they're fake.. only that we understand their true intentions.
there is no fake.. |
Weird ThingsValeria Lukyanova's Quest to be a Barbie Doll
4 Posts • 46662 Views Talk Talk |
She looks so fake...to fake to be pretty. or attractive of any sorts for that matter. Good luck with your quest becoming barbie though. |
51 Posts • 20004 Views Philosophy Forum |
word methuzula.. decius i dont think you understand that it is impossible to be fake.. ts a contradiciton you really have to back yoursleves up about what you mean by fake.. clearly.. |