The origins of words are quite complex; for the woman there's an interesting post here where alternatives to woman are considered such as womyn and wom. The word woman, is like the word womb, the word woman being seperate from 'man' by the word 'wo' relating to womb, a place of origin, development and growth. In similarity mother nature is called mother due to the association with a caring, nurtring place hence the womb of creation.
Sex is not about conquering the most women or being the stud. These are a consequence of actions that other men admire and look up to. It's the other way around; it is to have sex becuase its a good thing; not to have sex just because the stereotype makes one's ego bigger. Its an unfortunate situation. Sex is not just shoving your penis inside a woman so to feel powerful. 'Sex' is really a whole raft of stages that triggers not only the body but the mind also.
You say that I assume man is the giver and woman is the acceptor. Well this is half true. Because sex is not, altogether, about the sexual organs; this we forget. In fact some would argue the biggest sexual organ is the mind. The proper act of sex is a natural one; it requires both mind and body and for them to be working together. Women experience things from feelings; men from logic. Whilst this is true I must point out that men for some reason barrier of their natural ways to 'logically' reason the situation and think what is best; they don't do what instinct says. In a 'natural' situation, the man see's what he wants and acts on it. And if his advances are rejected he moves onwards. If courtship is accepted the woman 'gives' love and the man 'receives' this love; whilst returning with sexual (I mean romantic; not 'I must prove I'm a man' type sex) advances and she recieves them and gives out love. And so it coninues.
Its unfortunate that there are also few ladies. And this is in part because of their repression. Girls are at a cross-roads between having lots of sex and remaining the sweet innocent. Girls react to feelings first and the logic nomally tags along with the feelings; how many times do you get yourself say things like 'I can't I'm busy tommorrow, maybe next week' knowing that you won't but you say things like this because you think at least it will make them feel better?
Now ask the alternative; how many times can you say, when someone asks you 'would you like to come to the cinema with me tomorrow' this sudden urge to make whatever plans you've made drop and say 'I might be busy, but I'll make myself available'? If this is lots then congratulations. Many girls don't feel this desrire, but compromise, in the back of their heads they ask 'where have the men gone?' You say feminists are against because of domestic rape and abuse.
I say domestic rape and abuse is not manly. Ask the man and deep down he knows this. To be manly means to accept a situation and take charge of it. Rape or domestic abuse, is in fact a man's inability to face a problem elsewhere and to take anger or frustration out on a female. Its often a very sad state of affairs, which could be liberated if only they could have more hope.
You ask if I would label a woman who was not a base of love as abnormal. Well actually I would say she was normal in this day and age. Its also a good thing to mention some girls aren't comfortable with sex either. Many girls have found it hard to relax at the idea of sex. I've found that making the whole think relaxed and comforting in these situations often relieves the anxiety and the cultural blockages associated with 'sex' break down and the whle process becomes an exciting pleasurable one.
The problem is really deep-rooted. There are few men, in truth, but loads of confused children in adults bodies; mixed between what women want, what their careers are, etc. And these men end up living routine lives, working for someone, doing the 9-5 and they become, well, boring. And this lack of excitement is the reason for so many divorces. The women who stay in these relationships often become feminists, simply because they aren't being natural. And feminists harm girls by seeking to destroy more 'men'. If you need to know what a man is, ask your instincts. Its a sad state of affairs.
Now, to answer the original question Awakened asked, is it wrong to be a slut. Yes, its wrong because of the word 'slut'. The word slut is the word used by society to class people who shag all the time. The male 'slut' is a derogatory form in my view. I think someone said eralier that there are followers of society. This is a good point. men who try to earn slut status will be crowned by other men around, simply because, they are brave and corageous and can flaunt their manhood. But this isn't 'it'. Its not about building and fighting and going on and charging. Its about being ambiyious, imaginative, craettive, constructive, driven. There is a 'world' of differnce.
Boys try to earn 'slut' status. Men don't want to earn 'slut' status, its what they are labelled by society. Men have ambition and seek to find. You may ask how to have ideals in a society of ideals and non-ideals. Well firstly its not wise to not know the society in which you live, to not know the laws. Secondly, its better to know it so well you can create things within or outside or marging on the laws to create a better place tomorrow.