God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42145 Views Religion Forum |
Hey i'm new to this forum so heres some stuff that was on my mind. I know i posted alot of this same one on a philosophies page but i added a bit more to it here.
I wanted to comment on some tho... |
SocietyThoughts on the School Shooting in CT
11 Posts • 4846 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I had some thoughts today on the horrifying shooting in CT and on how these shootings keep increasing everyday. I came to a very scary conclusion about my generation and was wondering if anyone else h... |
GovernmentWe Americans have no name
5 Posts • 4057 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This seems to be one of those things that some people get and some people don't. It's like when I explain what a googolplex is, some people just can't wrap their minds around it.
An... |
Art AppreciationSo called "art"
13 Posts • 6119 Views Art Forum |
After further reading your post, I find it extraordinarily scandalous.
"For several days, the 'artist' and the visitors of the exhibition have watched emotionless the shameful '... |
Emotions & FeelingsExercises In Vulnerability
4 Posts • 2689 Views Psychology Forum |
This is hard to explain.
I do this thing. I remember all the pain I have ever felt and I take as much in as possible. As it all starts to come I can feel it in my chest, but I do the things most pe... |
Child & Family PsychologyChildhood Outlets
7 Posts • 3200 Views Psychology Forum |
When I was a kid I used to day dream a lot. Day dreaming is basically playing something out in your head.
Its like this. I'd be sitting in first grade and I would just look like I was stareing... |
PoetryJust a poem i thought up last night
20 Posts • 7101 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
the rest i just finished writing now
All these thoughts are yet to be said
"Why am I up? I hould be in bed"
But I sit and think about myself
Staring only at a vacant shelf
So empty,... |
ChristianityChristianity is dead, now what ?
23 Posts • 7412 Views Religion Forum |
Decius! Sorry I've been gone so long. I didn't forget about you. I hope you don't mind, but I carried our conversation over to another forum. Maybe you can join us there? If not I'... |
Relationships & LoveLove for 1, 2 or none? - Sincere, FRANK advice needed - Pls reply - TY
4 Posts • 2485 Views Psychology Forum |
I'm in desperate need of sincere, frank and constructive criticism. I find myself lost and going in circles. I have a friend I met online at 16, we have kept in touch for 10+ years now, and are v... |
Gender PsychologyIncursions in to girl space
22 Posts • 6579 Views Psychology Forum |
Recently a friend of a friend announced that for her birthday party it was her intention to have an all girl aromatherapy party. I asked my friend why and her answer was the usual unsatisfactory, ... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43982 Views Religion Forum |
America is a Christian nation and it was founded on Christian principles. This is the Big Lie that is constantly being uttered from fundamentalist pulpits. This untruth has been repeated so often, tha... |
War & TerrorismThe Zarqawi Invitation
4 Posts • 2812 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
413. Bombs do strange things. Zarqawi hoax (2) (6/15/06)
1. If US Army had the trace of Al Zarqawi, the most important thing was to capture him alive. Zarqawi is said the head of Al Qaida in Iraq.... |
Gender Psychologywhy do guys lie???
21 Posts • 10686 Views Psychology Forum |
My perspective on lying is a little different from what I have read in this thread so far. Take it how you wish, but this is my view on lying or "spewing bullshit".
I am a brutally honest... |
GovernmentTrotskyism versus Stalinism
1 Posts • 2862 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Trotskyism versus Stalinism
by Wolf Larsen
The socialist/communist world is divided into two camps: Trotskyism versus Stalinism. Trotsky and Stalin were enemies, they both had completely different... |
124 Posts • 33715 Views Talk Talk |
It has yet to cease to amaze me just how ridiculously incapable of normal human cohabitation some people my age can be. I am steps short of counting the days until the end of this year of university s... |
Habits & BehaviorEvaluate me
5 Posts • 2798 Views Psychology Forum |
This is a journal entry of mine from a couple of days ago.
March 27,
I feel shitty and lost and confused right now. What the hell am I going to do? I'm a little drunk right now. I felt my f... |
Writing on the subject of your Authentic Self.
14 Posts • 3851 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
The Curtains opened onstage, lights shining on a actor in a black jacket and fedora pulled low over his eyes. A fake cigarette in one hand, a glass of apple juice in the other, substitute for a much s... |
Female Hotties and their Family
0 Posts • 1286 Views Talk Talk |
Here are a couple of articles I came across the other day which might add another peice to the puzzle..
Britney, who has just been released from a psychiatric ward after being committed for the sec... |
11 Posts • 5529 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm not positive this is the right forum for this thread but I think any philosopher or pshycologist needs to change his/her reality to truly understand what reality even is. I don't know if... |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
This is what pretty much sums me up:
My interests include: Watching ants crawl on the ground. Sitting aimlessly for hours. Taking photos of unsuspecting inanimate objects or people. No, I'm not... |
ChristianityGay Bishop = Gay Jesus?
48 Posts • 15289 Views Religion Forum |
First point, Please get YOUR facts straight. "If the Bible didnt say it it wasnt so! And If God wanted us to know things like that he would show us, not based on the believes of crazy scientists... |
War & TerrorismBin Laden Killed In Pakistan
8 Posts • 2897 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Bin laden was terminally ill and died approximately 9 years ago. Right after being treated by the CIA in a hospital in Dubail according to multiple internal sources.
This is a farce.
I just list... |
SocietyWhy Would Any Democrat Support Alito
5 Posts • 3045 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Excerpt from: http://www.ctrl.org/silence/me mo.html
More to be added later
They went on about five state region. One of the states they were in was Colorado and they did in fact find some of the... |
SocietyWhy Do They Hate Us
53 Posts • 13192 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Someone on e-thepeople said they already saw it on the news:
That day when they showed this stuff on the news. I quess it was only being hidden from you?
If you saw the Michael Moor movie, you... |
GovernmentGovernment Child Sex Trade
25 Posts • 10431 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ok, I'm just finding out some more on this and there have been convictions, if you dared to bother to watch the film the Larry King fellow did go to prison, he apparently got out too.
But this... |