From personal experience with hallucinogenic drugs, I've noticed that salvia is not comparable to any other. It feels like a completely different trip. Under the right conditions, in my opinion, can be more potent (not in a bad way) than any other drug.
~ oh, and, be nice to the pretty lady (hehe)
Having to rediscover yourself is a very interesting process.
this sounds freakishly similar to the path that I've been through as well. Earlier years all my thoughts were cynical and pessimistic.. I wanted nothing to do with the world unless it was in peril. But somewhere along the line I discovered "life" I guess you could say through hallucinogenics. I saw the monster I became and it scared the life out of me (almost literally) I began to see and feel how good being able to love and be kind felt inside of me. It seems I've become addicted to this feeling.
Also, if you can find a reliable source of LSD. If you wish to truly spend an eternity evaluating yourself and make a lifetime resolution to know what it is to love and kind hearted, there's no better way than that. I'm surprised I haven't convinced myself of the mindset of a monk or saint because of that night.
Indulge yourself in nothing but happiness - every single day. Indulge yourself in nothing but positive thoughts - every single day. Sooner than you think you'll notice the transition.