Letting go
1 Posts • 2124 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Letting go
was hard for us I know
I didnt want to let u go
You didnt want to bring me back home
scared that ull never see me anymore
It felt like we were falling apart
That a peace was missing... |
9 Posts • 4152 Views Philosophy Forum |
I have talked about this in other post. lets see if anyone is listening here.
For some reason, nobody is responding to my post.
Pay attention and try to follow me here. It's hard to talk... |
Big Bang or A Stretch of His Imagination
4 Posts • 2446 Views Talk Talk |
The teacher
I have talked about this in other post. lets see if anyone is listening here.
For some reason, nobody is responding to my post.
Pay attention and try to follow me here. It... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132018 Views Philosophy Forum |
Voluntary human extinction: One brick shy of a full solution?
Sounds like paradise, doesn't it? Gaia completely cured of pox humanus. Without us meddlesome humans, all other species would get... |
6 Posts • 3531 Views Science & Technology Forum |
"this really isn't intended to be a real big debate about evolution, but more along the lines of wouldn't it be sweet if sometime in the near future (on the bigger scale of time) if hum... |
Free Will
60 Posts • 15139 Views Philosophy Forum |
Now we are discussing whether the mind exists? Ok.
Well, the brain is built on computing things, right? The conscious thoughts are not computed things. The brain is able to function the body and mo... |
Movie ReviewUp
3 Posts • 4095 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
The Disney Pixar production about a man on a quest to finish the dream that he and his wife had shared as children - to visit Paradise Falls.
So, that's the movie I'm talking about.
I... |
God in ReligionGod, Heaven, and Good People
7 Posts • 3152 Views Religion Forum |
thats a very good point, why does god give us the view of heaven? i think it is probably, because we can see everything tha may tempt us from being good, knowing about heaven would be to even things o... |
258 Posts • 67428 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I Am Smart And Extremely Forgiving
I am smart and extremely forgiving.
I wonder why false faith is ignored and labled religion.
I hear myself solving the problems of the world.
I see the aru... |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58962 Views Religion Forum |
Strongclad - Ok, I'm done - I've read all of your post and answered what I could.
Let me just reiterate - You are not wrong and I am not right. If a bird falls from its nest, pick it up a... |
ChristianityThe fraud of Christianity
102 Posts • 24284 Views Religion Forum |
what is this conversation going to get you? I'm just curious what your goal is
Why do you ask?
And Leftwood, you are right about feelings, even the bible warns us about feelings. How many u... |
PoetryYOUR poems
4 Posts • 3605 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
by: Emily Brontë (1818-1848)
oN a sunny brae alone I lay
One summer afternoon;
It was the marriage-time of May,
With her young lover, June.
From her mother's heart seemed loath to par... |
The pain of Love
1 Posts • 2276 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Blackened tears stream from a broken heart,
Stained by sorrowed love,
Vultures picking at molded flesh,
That once was a lovers dove,
Promises and future plans,
Lay scattered on the floor,
Like t... |
DreamsRecurring dreams
7 Posts • 10289 Views Psychology Forum |
I think that dreams are an expression of the subconscious mind and if the dreams are reaccuring perhaps that is due to reaccuring issues in the waking world that are not being dealt with. I will tell... |
God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12218 Views Religion Forum |
The Lord is with you
The Lord is with you when you are mighty in word and deed,
The Lord is with you when all listen and everyone takes heed,
The Lord is with you when you are confident and what... |
PoetryI am
3 Posts • 2563 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I am a crazy girl who loves everyone
I wonder why people hate and discriminate
I hear the laughter of children playing
I see people of all kinds lovingand caring for one another
I want everyone to... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49755 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I was once asleep.
My eyes open, alive for all the world to see.
The darkness was clear as day.
Numb to my surroundings, I didn't realize I was falling.
The current of blazing wind rushed through... |
Science vs ReligionEvolution of God
43 Posts • 12268 Views Religion Forum |
You might be interested in Hopi tradition. They speak of a people they call the ant people. The ant people warned them of a pending flood and sealed them up in a log until the flood was over. The ant... |
ArtworkThe Daydream Adventure Club
31 Posts • 12638 Views Art Forum |
I like to day dream that i am Wolverine.
I somehow get caught in a wormhole and vaulted back into 200BC and for days i am dazed and confused... believing i am dreaming.I am carted off to an arena as... |
Child & Family PsychologyChildhood Outlets
7 Posts • 3200 Views Psychology Forum |
I too daydreamed alot in first grade. I can remember sitting there and realizing that the teacher and class were waiting on me to answer a question and how gnawed my pencil would be. Simple things tha... |
I'm Stuck In a Rut, and I Can't Move On...
23 Posts • 8236 Views Talk Talk |
Hello One-Legged-Dog I understand how you feel. A few months ago I felt the same. I now have friends that I know will never backstab me, and are very good friends. The way I made a few friends in a fe... |
Alternative BeliefsWhy do we exist?
20 Posts • 8622 Views Religion Forum |
Don't know where you got all this information forgiveness, but I agree with it.
It wasn't until I was 30 years old that I learned to love myself and when I did I fell in love with others.... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49755 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or ra... |
God in ReligionThe omniscient God a question?
8 Posts • 3641 Views Religion Forum |
Yes - you are right - this question does keep coming up. I don't know what omniscient means. I could look it up in the dictionary, but still, it might mean something different to you.
So I mu... |
Emotions & FeelingsEmotions Journal
7 Posts • 2988 Views Psychology Forum |
Day 3 29/1/2010
Dreamt about H again. Ran a lot in the dream, but in a good way- it was a race and I was the fastest? Listened to In The Aeroplane Over The Sea and missed H terribly. Cried, and wan... |