Yes - you are right - this question does keep coming up. I don't know what omniscient means. I could look it up in the dictionary, but still, it might mean something different to you.
So I must first introduce you to the God I believe in, and that's very difficult. In my younger years I thought I had it all figured out. Now that I've gotten older, I've realized how foolish I have been and realized I don't have a clue (things have happened, and a dream that have led me to this conclusion) My explination is limited.
God is the creator. I believe God personaly, initially created the earth, however, I don't believe God personaly, initially created us. Another entity God created, created us personally. Other scriptures refer to this God as the false god. However - the true God is personally recreating us.
God is a loving God, God is a hating God, God is everything. I think Angel of Death explained in very well God does not make people do evil things, but God does allow it, and though it may be ugly, what springs forth from this ugliness is more beautiful. Why it is that way - only God knows.
I'm sure others will expound upon your question further, if not, I'll come back to it.