The possible truth behind the novel Norton hears a who by the author and genius doctor Suess.
2 Posts • 2202 Views Talk Talk |
The possible truth behind the novel Norton hears a who by the author and genius doctor Suess.
A life is a life no matter how small. This is the main theme behind Norton hears a who. For those o... |
SocietyThe Whole World Will Be Watching
1 Posts • 3045 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
* * * PDA MEDIA ALERT * * *
Important Speakers Added to Line-Up at Rally
Citizens urge... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62760 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Who is Robert Steele?
http://en.wikipedia.o rg/wiki/Robert_David_Steele
Amazon's #1 Non-fiction Reviewer: Tarpley's 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA is "strongest of the 770+ books... |
Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16877 Views Psychology Forum |
What do you based your model of a matriarchial society on? What kind of differences do you expect and give reasons for the differences.
I don't believe in some of this information, ye... |
EconomyGold will go $1,500 to $2,000/ounce this year
11 Posts • 3810 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
623. Embedded program (1/31/2010)
Decade ago, I have read a news said that there was a secret team which design special program embedded in electronic chips so in emergency, Pentagon could activate... |
Writing on the subject of your Authentic Self.
14 Posts • 3852 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
The Curtains opened onstage, lights shining on a actor in a black jacket and fedora pulled low over his eyes. A fake cigarette in one hand, a glass of apple juice in the other, substitute for a much s... |
IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17048 Views Religion Forum |
"But these regimes are universally considered despotic, at least today. When you say "Christian" it is almost universally understood to include Catholics and Orthodox. When you challeng... |
SocietyKhat, your thourghts?
22 Posts • 6197 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
MugenNoKarayami - Jeet Kune Do...? Amazing... I'm impressed... I hope you've had a chance to read Master Bruce's writings...
One comes to mind... "...This and that... and the di... |
The Matrix Online
8 Posts • 4359 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
id be happy to join up with you firebird, or anyone else on here for that matter. looks like the largest faction so far is the Illuminati. kinda weird that there are already groups and ship names and... |
A bit of common sense
13 Posts • 3621 Views Talk Talk |
Lets just stand back a minute. Assuming people are hierachial by nature, which, by nature we are (take a look of school kids) then whats the problem with having a hierachy in democracy. Democracy does... |
30 Posts • 16475 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
345. Hurricane, a tool to distract (9/27/05)
I allege the recent hurricanes were practice of climate war. It was part of framed case plotted by D.O.J..
1. Motive: As I have said, the September... |
27 Posts • 17668 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
To the original poster of this thread:
From my cultural perspective, what has given me closure and a true sense of a peace of mind... is the way "they" deal with molestation in Jamaica, w... |
God in ReligionCan someone disprove this logic?
101 Posts • 19643 Views Religion Forum |
You are over generalizing, not all acts of self preservation are selfish.
SELF preservation, you are incorrect.
As for offspring, they are a part of self, you'll figure this out when you be... |
ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21784 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"I think I explained why pretty well. However, we are also loved to a greater degree and by greater numbers than any other nation on the globe. You think so? Who loves you? The jealous Europeans?... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62760 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Stanley Hilton, a government insider, Bob Dole's former chief of staff, political scientist, lawyer, represents 400 plus plaintiffs - most of them victims of 9/11 He had an interview with Alex Jo... |
1 Posts • 2750 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
May 27, 2005
Dear Friend:
As many of you are aware, a classified memo was recently disclosed in Great Britain that I believe has serious ramifications for the integrity of the United States Gove... |
Movie ReviewMusings on a 'Zelda OOT' Movie
1 Posts • 3313 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Whenever I talk to people about Zelda, I bring up the notion of what a Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time movie would be like. Every Zelda fan I talk to about it, disagrees with me that it could be adap... |
God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50311 Views Religion Forum |
1. Sect vs. denomination
A large group of religious congregations united under a common faith and name and organized under a single administrative and legal hierarchy.
A... |
ChristianityTwo more Popes shall reign and the End is come
33 Posts • 14295 Views Religion Forum |
The Benedictines are also knows as the olivetans and their symbol is the olive branch. That the pope chose the name Benedict is amazingly chilling as is the fact that Ratzinger was born on the day tha... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAetheists Are Illogical
70 Posts • 24975 Views Religion Forum |
Regardless of what people label themselves as (atheist, Christian, agnostic, other) I cant see the logic in anyone who believes with all certainty that god exists or doesn't exist.
You can THI... |
Emotions & FeelingsAnger
10 Posts • 3154 Views Psychology Forum |
where's the need for negativity to exist ?
It's a probability based on the fact that it does and always has, as indeed an integral and cohesive structural component of the reality we per... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55476 Views Philosophy Forum |
By the way, i stumbled across a cause for choice.
Making my past theory .."choice has no cause" invalid.
The reason we make choices, is because we use logic and reasoning. But becaus... |
GovernmentThe meaning of democracy
65 Posts • 34215 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
In America, everyone has come to be convinced that Democracy is a new smart phone and 240 channels.
I guess an easy way to look at this is that democracy is to politics what communism is to money. Ev... |
EconomyStock market and social security
23 Posts • 8177 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Stock market and social security
1. Winner's gain is from loser's.
A farmer planted a seed. He sold the fruit The famer created a wealth.
A worker produced a car. He sold the car. He... |
DepressionI hate people and feel better alone
33 Posts • 141034 Views Psychology Forum |
I feel all those things too. I used to control it, cover it up easily and without even asking myself why, I guess I just knew I'd not survive long if I showed what I really thought. Now I still t... |