It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. - Albert Einstein
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Tagged > Children
THREAD Learning
9 Posts • 3214 Views
Philosophy Forum
No matter how much the nuerons, no matter how big or powerful the brain... It's the will of the learner and the level of self comprehension that will boost his/her knowledge. To understand the en...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionThat Logic is the path to Emotion
0 Posts • 905 Views
Philosophy Forum
Hum, how do you define emotion? What area of the brain is reacting when we experience emotion? Is there a relationship between emotion and survival? Is there a survival reason for emotion to sometimes...
THREAD StoriesA Fly
11 Posts • 4347 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
A Fly I, Radenko Fanuka, was born in 1939 and lived through the unforgettable, unbearable days of WWII. During my early childhood years, I remember, I was often bitten by flies. They woke me up an...
THREAD PerceptionInsecurity
15 Posts • 4698 Views
Psychology Forum
Thank you, Decius. You know something? I am really goddamn proud of myself right now. I feel that I like mysef more. I did something that I didn't want to do, that I found intimidating. Th...
THREAD God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42137 Views
Religion Forum
What do you think life would be if they hadn't done this. Do you ever stop to think of what this life of Adam and Eve consists of? I don't have a clear memory of what exactly was stated to d...
THREAD ChristianityGay Bishop = Gay Jesus?
48 Posts • 15288 Views
Religion Forum
So, if I understand you correctly, you're telling me that homosexuals choose to be the way they are, but you can't give me even a single reason why. Give me a break. If you're going to...
THREAD Relationships & LoveIn love with two Men
10 Posts • 28013 Views
Psychology Forum
Hey Guys! Stop it. I understand where both of you are coming from. Even though, Ironwood's words might be a tad bit acerbic - I believe his intentions are only to try and get you to look at the o...
THREAD Religion & HumanityWhy can we do wrong
23 Posts • 6519 Views
Religion Forum
You see to me, it shouldn't be a question of if you want to go to heaven you will do right and if you don't believe in heaven its ok to do wrong because you don't believe you are going...
THREAD Love, love,love
2 Posts • 2061 Views
Talk Talk
I've debated sharing this but..enjoy 4/24/08 On love. All the challenges I'm facing, all the pain I've felt, all the sadness that has consumed my heart, shall be wiped away by you, my...
THREAD Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40713 Views
Psychology Forum
Homosexual activity destroys the concept of marriage which is the building block of society. Without it children become neglected or abused because they lack a stable enviroment in which to grow. Si...
THREAD ChristianityBlessed Are The Peace Makers
48 Posts • 12718 Views
Religion Forum
I believe by the droves of young and old alike, and disabled citizens getting out and celebrating democracy, prooves this is what they want. The Sunni's however must not be citizens, becaus...
THREAD Religion & HumanityWhat is religion?
40 Posts • 10569 Views
Religion Forum
religion, for me, is a resource, like science is, to help guide. It should be treated, like science, with caution and be comapred to other (historical) sources and ones own feelings and intuition. It...
THREAD Famous PsychologistsFreudian psychology... Ha!
9 Posts • 3721 Views
Psychology Forum
I may have gotten a little carried away with my opening post but let me try to get to the essence of the idea. We don't experience the future or the past, but such categories (which comprise w...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainEmotions vs Logic
30 Posts • 15114 Views
Psychology Forum
Hedgehog, this is for you whenever you may get around to discussing this with me. Apparently we can have intent without emotion. When I asked the person who proposed this, to explain this logica...
THREAD ElectionsA very good read.
8 Posts • 3585 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Dammit. lost my post This is speculative and biased tripe. Sounds like the terrorists are in control of our election and democracy now, don't vote against bush because the terrorists will t...
THREAD DepressionFed Up
13 Posts • 10477 Views
Psychology Forum
And seeing as I am one of the oldest here, I shall venture to comment: I personally get fed up when I lose faith in myself and my ability to be ALIVE and creative. What most of you guys seem to be ta...
THREAD "It's not all relative"
12 Posts • 3648 Views
Philosophy Forum
My understanding is that the bone structure and musculature of the women is almost identical to the mans except her pelvis and pelvic floor differs to accommodate child birth. Beyond that physically t...
THREAD SocietyWrite To Your Senators and Congressman
3 Posts • 2609 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
If you go to the following address: sues/alert/?alertid=9233036&am p;type=CO You can compose a letter to your Congressmen and Senators about how you feel about the curren...
THREAD ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17381 Views
Religion Forum
St James 2; 14-26 What will it profit, my brethren, if a man says he has faith, but does not have works? Can the faith save him? And if a brother or a sister be naked and in want of daily food, and...
THREAD Internet Safety- Exaggerated or Underrated?
10 Posts • 7144 Views
Philosophy Forum
At the moment it is left up to parents and as we can see they arent doing a very good job because they dont take the internet safety risk seriously. The internet risk isn't as much of an issue...
THREAD Life & DeathLife, Death, Choice
19 Posts • 7111 Views
Philosophy Forum
We cant change human nature. We evolve to adapt to our enviroment, maybe not physically, but mentally we evolve to meet the needs of our society. Genetic engineering isnt going to help our problems, i...
THREAD DepressionMy Life
5 Posts • 3067 Views
Psychology Forum
Martyson, hi, I read your post and parts of it were a little confusing but I think I got most of it - enough to empathise with your dilemma. Its hard to have your heart broken over and over....
THREAD Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32919 Views
Philosophy Forum
"I said nothing of right and wrong, that concept is completely subjective. " Is that a subjective statement on your part or objective? "God told me to strike at al Qaida and I str...
THREAD Relationships & LovePhilosophy Robbed My Love
6 Posts • 2669 Views
Psychology Forum
Thanks Jimbobby. I went drinking last night with friends with a camera to interview everyone at a party about their thoughts on several issues that interest me. Somehow I think interviewing several...
THREAD Feral Children
6 Posts • 9074 Views
Talk Talk
Excerp: A review of 'wild children' was recently on a 60minutes program. Heres the transcript:wild child August 6, 2006 It's an extraordinary story. A little girl, neglected, rej...
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