God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12116 Views Religion Forum |
Wrong, to the best of all of our knowledge we all live in exactly the same reality and universe, under the same structural laws and physics. Our perception or vision of them is irrelevant to its indep... |
UFOs Fact or fiction
9 Posts • 2416 Views Talk Talk |
Like God, UFOS come into the "Great Unknown Mysteries" category.
I have no idea if they are real or not. But find the subject interesting.
The Chariots of the Gods theory, that we were... |
Mental IllnessAre insane people really insane
23 Posts • 9898 Views Psychology Forum |
Everybody has illusions… It would appear the mentally ill have these illusions at more times or at more significant (or even important) moments in time…
Dreams are a source of illusionÃ... |
So today...
5 Posts • 2215 Views Talk Talk |
I got pulled over for having an expired tag on my plate after the secretary of state told me so... and realized I had forgotten my wallet in my coat pocket at home. I was about a block from my house a... |
SocietyKhat, your thourghts?
22 Posts • 6142 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Like most "bans" once the "C Lie A" gets a hold of it the truth will be lost in the minutia... so forget it until you try it for yourself if you ever get to ... and then if you get... |
God in ReligionUniverse : design or necessity?
63 Posts • 14564 Views Religion Forum |
I believe it makes more sense that all matter is made up of conciousness/energy that has always existed, the big bang was only the begining of one thought process inside the mind of the power/concious... |
83 Posts • 20395 Views Philosophy Forum |
Thanx for the compliment 730, but I have to admit that this idea of the subjectivity of space and time has been talked about for centuries, although only vaguely touched upon. Kant was closest when he... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 63625 Views Religion Forum |
Evolution, The Big Bang Theory, Survival of the Fittest. All these subjects are completely ridiculous. First of all, how can any logical thinking person believe we evolved from apes? And even if that... |
GovernmentOccupy Wall Street
33 Posts • 8493 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
NEWS FLASH !!!!!!!!!!!!!
All Americans <besides natives> came from europe and the rest of the world. All those Europeans CAME TO AMERICA FOR A REASON.
That reason is capitalism. Financial fr... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57528 Views Religion Forum |
"Somethings aren't meant to be complicated. The big bang isn't likely; it is possible. It's pretty ridiculous to believe something magically appeared out of nothing."
Discussion Etiquette and General Forum Rules
14 Posts • 173842 Views Captain Cynic Guides |
Captain Cynic is a positive space where individuals can delve into their interests. Being a discussion site, the dynamic nature of interaction cannot always be positively facilitated by rules. As such... |
PoetryThe poems that we read
17 Posts • 15178 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
this was the first poem that really got into me
I am not yet born; O hear me.
Let not the bloodsucking bat or the rat or the stoat or the club-footed ghoul... |
God in ReligionThe Problem with God
13 Posts • 3359 Views Religion Forum |
I recently debated with a religous friend of mine, who studies the Bible in college. Something she said, though, struck me as odd. She said "God is perfect.". I thought about it, and that is... |
Life & DeathSoul Mates
58 Posts • 17645 Views Philosophy Forum |
Soul mates. The first time I heard that word was in a science fiction book in seventh grade. Hoping to find my soul mate, I wrote the word soul mate in the name given in the science fiction book, atta... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42131 Views Religion Forum |
Strongclad you said: "This is a misunderstanding about the Christian God. You imply in your theory that God is bound by time and space. If God is the creator of time, wouldn't that give him... |
16 Posts • 15559 Views Religion Forum |
CTURTLE-- Please don't try and break down to me that the ONE God you speak of is being called by all the different religions. I know about the Tower of Babel.
Furthermore, praying to Mohammed... |
Why do boys fall in love with girls ?
15 Posts • 68156 Views Talk Talk |
Why do boys fall in love with girls ?
Dont break this forward
Here are a few reasons
why guys like girls:
They will always smell good
even if its just shampoo
The way their heads a... |
General Information On Promotions
1 Posts • 3641 Views Promotional |
Welcome to the Promotional section of Captain Cynic!
CC Promotions is a unique place where site visitors and members can find cool and interesting promotions about a variety of things. It's almost... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I Believe you are correct. That's when I went full force on my blog posting everything I could find on the election.
They had proof. They demononstrated how someone could go into a voter booth... |
ElectionsCain and Paul
24 Posts • 6488 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
As you you know I generally have the up most respect for your opinions. But on this one issue you have seemed to show a very closed and narrow mind. You are correct when you say we are not... |
33 Posts • 9992 Views Philosophy Forum |
Magic, I tend to agree with your cynicism regarding therapy and the following of spiritual gurus.
Also with your statement that in general neither meditation nor therapy are of any use. This is becau... |
Human's Inevitable Downfall
89 Posts • 23453 Views Philosophy Forum |
All these thoughts leads to an idea that it is the lust for power which drives how humans seem to be on a self-destructive course. The ultimate power is the all-consuming control to rule and dictate w... |
ChristianityThe fraud of Christianity
102 Posts • 24066 Views Religion Forum |
The bible was created by man and should therefore not be accepted as anything but a fairy tale.
The Bible was written by man but created by God. Ever here of someone dictating a work of writing? T... |
Gender PsychologyFat girl, tight clothes.
66 Posts • 70807 Views Psychology Forum |
The difference between people with bad body odor and those who are overweight is that one can change his problem while another can not. Some people naturally just don't smell as well as others, b... |
FuturologyThe next stage of Evolution?
36 Posts • 13212 Views Philosophy Forum |
Quote: "So your argument Against evolution is infact evidence for evolution, you clearly state it is possible for evolution to occure, what's 1 in a trillion during infinate time. You denoun... |