Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21992 Views Religion Forum |
Quantom zero effect disproves everything we know about physics. We can't explain black holes or how a sun flare 100 miles away from the sun burns over 1000% hotter than the surface of the sun, we... |
FuturologyChance Theory of Evolution
8 Posts • 3073 Views Philosophy Forum |
I don't agree with the term, adapted, to the environment. Evolution appears to not be the striving for a species to reproduce offspring and some how dictate them to be more efficient or superior. But... |
God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12225 Views Religion Forum |
man is this dissapointing.
I say one thing and it starts all of this. Or just brings it to light.
I dont believe in and kind of god because i dont like the idea of trusting everything to some high b... |
Who needs friends when you can write bad poetry?
17 Posts • 9076 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I won first place in a poetry contest at my school with this. Hope you like it. (and yes, the title is based on my own mishearing of the song "Wave of Multilation" by the Pixies)
Wave of... |
ChristianityScientific Proof of the Bible vs Theories
44 Posts • 21069 Views Religion Forum |
Conclusion: I noted the apparent bend in straw was always toward the surface of the container & independent of location of source. At first I had assumed that the surface discussed in the theory o... |
Remembering The Moon
27 Posts • 7019 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I had floated like this on my back for such a long time that I could not remember when my journey had started. It seemed as if I had always been out here alone, drifting, floating, swimming through a... |
About You / IntroductionsThe most embarrasing moment
3 Posts • 3164 Views Talk Talk |
My name is Patricia and at that time I was 28 years old and had just married two month before. I had gone to my parents' while they were on vacations to look for some stuff.
It was pretty hot... |
Wyote: Blitzer's Bargain
5 Posts • 2621 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Ace choked for a moment. Blitzer threw his head Back in laughter.
"Idiot," he spoke seriously.
Ace paused for an instant, then began convulsing violently while dropping to the ground. Blit... |
GovernmentWhat has the US become?
47 Posts • 15229 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Here we are in a new world a new world order where we must choose who we are as a american, thats right a american,or, for- fathers have fought for our freedoms thats right freedoms the right to go on... |
Haunted by History
2 Posts • 2784 Views Talk Talk |
You have no idea just how dark my young friend.
Look, you have every right to compare, and for good reason. People will be sensitive to it but there are important lessons and information that canno... |
PoetryGot Any Spare Change?
1 Posts • 2314 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
'Hey, You Got Some Spare Change Mr. President?'
A Neo-SocialRealist poem by Wolf Larsen
It's like the white liberals & the black nationalists & the rest of the new-'left'-overs kiss... |
War & Terrorism"Terrorism": Does Anyone Really Understa
22 Posts • 7560 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Terrorism –The Unexamined Moral Issue
by Bradley Smith
Let's define what we're talking about. "Terrorism" is the intentional killing of innocent, unarmed civilians to gain a politica... |
A Short History of Medicine
13 Posts • 2854 Views Jokes & Games |
29 Pondering-worthy questions.
1. If all those damn psycics know everything about the past and the future, and they know the winning lottery numbers, why are they still working?
2. Why do they ste... |
Relationships & Lovejust thoughts. don't reply.
1 Posts • 2135 Views Psychology Forum |
This isn't going to work, you and I. At least not here, and at least not now. Maybe that will change; we'll just wait and see where gravity takes us. See, I tried. I really did. But something was miss... |
Flogging Molly- Drunken Lullabies
3 Posts • 2277 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
What's left of the flag...an odd break-up song, but it's what I've got.
His eyes they closed and his last breath spoke
He had seen all to be seen
A life once full, now an empty v... |
Biracial Racisim at Work
1 Posts • 4166 Views Psychology Forum |
***No I do not know you and you do not know me I am sending this mass email in an attempt to protect my sons integrity from a multimillion dollar company who stands by a white employee calling my son... |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40752 Views Psychology Forum |
I agree Navin that humanity is currently digging its own hole deeper with successive generatoins. I also agree that humans, in our wisdom or folly, have created these handy explanations for how the wo... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55473 Views Philosophy Forum |
Sigh'. Just because i agreed with your P.O.V. doesnt mean you should act like a messiah...
You'll be back, but if you arent..its surely better to leave on a strong note.
I think the... |
IslamThe headscarf controversy is stupid and so is the government of Turkey
2 Posts • 4062 Views Religion Forum |
I lived in Turkey for 3 years and half of my family is Turkish, and my grandpa is a very devoted Muslim. So I have seen a lot of different aspects of Islam - in Istanbul you sometimes see a woman with... |
SpiritualityWhat if.....
36 Posts • 10462 Views Religion Forum |
oh yes, and about things being relative.
especially concerning science... also in relation to the bible, in that
WE-the interpreters
take the template of our earth and all its fullness (as w... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42429 Views Religion Forum |
Please do not call God what you did-for me and you.
I love God and I would feel way bad if I did not express that I wish people did not swear about him. I love the guy, and he even loves those who sw... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30357 Views Religion Forum |
Was Nostradamus really specific enough in his description of this antichrist for us to know that Osama bin Laden is meant? YES, he was. I won't claim that he was mentioned by name, although some... |
Long one act
5 Posts • 2769 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Here it is... the fifth and final piece... let me know what you guys think of it.
Scene 5
(One week later. JUDY is, yet again, on the phone with Cheryl. This time, however, she sits in her c... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Conscious and Unconscious Duality
13 Posts • 3616 Views Psychology Forum |
Perhaps try this...
The wake-initiated lucid dream "occurs when the sleeper enters REM sleep with unbroken self-awareness directly from the waking state". The key to this technique is rec... |
War & TerrorismThis Nation is behind its leaders!
10 Posts • 2966 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Yeah. Now you see Chained Wings if I showed this video clip to my Dad, he would go ape. He already thinks most Americans are stupid, but man! these are grown ups and they don't know shit about anythin... |