oh yes, and about things being relative.
especially concerning science... also in relation to the bible, in that
WE-the interpreters
take the template of our earth and all its fullness (as well as space and what we can observe of it)
take the template of the bible and all its fullness.
science explains -through interpretation of observations-
everything to do within those observations pertaining to the "earth"
religion explains -through reading text and somehow comparing it to their lives- everything to do with anything, including science
science is and has been constantly changing -since being recorded- on its
beliefs and as we know, there are more religious beliefs
than you can throw a stick at
so if we are going to BELIEVE that science can explain everything
(even though its stance has been changed dramatically on different levels throughout the ages)
How is that different in believing in a book that on many levels speaks of science proven knowledge? Those points on which it disagrees or contradicts itself are SELF EVIDENT in that it is written in black and white for you to clearly see... and point out.
The bible isn't being rewritten (so to speak) throughout the ages.
granted the translation between languages misconstrued the initial message to a degree.
Likewise however... the earth, gravity, orbit around the sun, electricity, magnetism, etc. etc. have been there all along...
science rewrites
its book through a series of advancing viewpoints.
religions rethink their viewpoints through a series of advancing interpretations as well as observations, but they have no way to rewrite the book.
in both cases fallacies arise.
most often when recognised in the scientific community that old viewpoint is discarded as well as anything that was supported by its claim.
not so much in the religious community...
About science that contradicts current or even non-traditional stances on the bible-
I made the point that science is ever changing... one step forward, two steps back,- sometimes vice versa.... so to say that because you are
complete in the knowledge that reveals certain claims to be lies, well, many of you have made points about the danger in "knowing you know".